The three moved at the same time, Hua Yueling rushed forward, while Lu Yuetong went to the other side, but neither of them left too far, they were still faintly protecting Mu Ningshuang behind them.This is necessary. Although Mu Ningshuang is also very strong, she is a magician after all, and it is impossible to say that she wields a staff to fight like a melee warrior.

Those monsters actually had wisdom, some of them came forward to delay Zhu Huayueling and Lu Yuetong, trying to entangle them so that they could not leave, and then others quickly surrounded Mu Ningshuang from both sides.

Although this kind of battle strategy is a bit simpler, but in many cases, the battle strategy does not mean that it can be summarized whether it is useful or not. In fact, even if it is a simple strategy, as long as it is useful enough, the others are not. So important.

I have to say that these monsters are still smart enough. This strategy is correct. There is no way to solve Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong in a short period of time, so it is a good idea to target Mu Ningshuang.Although Mu Ningshuang's strength is also very good, he is not a melee person after all, so in this case, it is best to target her who is weak in melee combat.

It's just that although they thought well, it wasn't that easy to defeat Mu Ningshuang.Mu Ningshuang can't do melee combat, but sometimes there is no need to engage in melee combat, as long as the enemy can be resolved in a long-range battle, why bother to engage in melee combat, there is no need at all.

Hua Yueling swept across with his two-handed sword, and forced the two approaching ogres back. Taking advantage of this effort, he glanced behind him to confirm whether there was a problem with Mu Ningshuang.

"With Ningshuang's strength, it should be enough to deal with them. I'd better beat the guy here as soon as possible."

Since they are going to let these monsters lead the way, naturally they can't be wiped out. In any case, it is necessary to keep some to let them escape.While Hua Yueling was concerned about Mu Ningshuang’s situation, some low-level monsters that followed the ogres approached from behind. Hua Yueling had no choice but to rush forward again, waving. The two-handed sword wiped out the monsters that approached.

These monsters are not very powerful, but they are still relatively large.It is impossible for Hua Yueling to kill none of them, anyway, as long as some are eliminated, and the rest can be escaped if they want to escape, there is no need to think so much.

Lu Yuetong was also surrounded by monsters. There was no way. Before, their attention was entirely on the ogres. They didn't think so much at all, but now they find that there are so many monsters here. , It's incredible.

Hua Yueling didn't forget to observe the situation when he was fighting, he didn't find anything unusual.

A large part of the monsters in front of him were wiped out, and only two ogres were still dangling in front of him, but the other weaker monsters were frightened by their fighting ability and fled.

This was the result they wanted. On the other side, Mu Ningshuang, who was surrounded by monsters, also solved the siege of the monsters. Although there were many monsters, the least fear of magic was the quantity.It can be said that in terms of the number of competitions, the use of magic combat and melee combat is not the same level.

In the face of a large number of monsters in battle, magic is better than melee.Just a magic spell, many rushing monsters didn't know how to dodge, and then they were directly solved by such a magic without pressure.

"about there."

Huayueling said softly, basically the weaker monsters have escaped, and the rest are just a few powerful ones. These powerful ones are more like generals than the little miscellaneous soldiers. They are still holding on, and they didn't. Signs to escape.

"These guys are a little troublesome."

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong got together at this time, and Mu Ningshuang also moved forward and came to them.The three people gathered together to discuss what to do next, if these ogres did not escape, they would not be able to track down the weaker monsters.

The ogres are holding big sticks that are roughly the same size as their arms. It would be uncomfortable to be hit, but their attacks basically never hit Huayueling, although being attacked like this puts them under a lot of pressure. Big, but fortunately, it is basically impossible for such an attack to hit them.

The ogre was still holding on, holding the big wooden stick with his right hand raised high, and constantly waving the big wooden stick in his hand, yelling something, anyway, Hua Yueling and the others did not understand it.

It sounds like you are chanting a spell, but you want to know how an ogre can spell, let alone spells, being able to communicate is already quite powerful.

"Whatever it is, you can't let them continue, stop them quickly!"

Although Hua Yueling couldn't understand what those guys were talking about, she knew that they had to be stopped, so she immediately said loudly to the two girls beside her.He was the first to act, slashing with his two-handed swords.However, the ogres guarding their companions on both sides wielded weapons to fight him.

"If you just crash into it like this, I won't be their opponent either. Their power is too strong and they have to hide."

You must know that the power of the ogre is almost the strongest among the monsters, but it is weaker than the dragon and the bigger monsters or cyclops.There are not many people who can withstand their attacks, and it is naturally very difficult to block with weapons. It is better if there is a shield.

It is very difficult to deal with one at a time, let alone two at a time, it is even more difficult.

"Hurry up!"

Hua Yueling reminded others that even if he didn't remind others, he knew exactly what to do, but he still had to remind them, otherwise it would be too dangerous.

The three quickly dispersed, and the big wooden rod hit the ground heavily, making a heavy noise, and even the ground was trembling, like an earthquake.Although it was only a small-scale earthquake, from this we can see how strong the ogre's power is. Hua Yueling didn't think that she could make such a big momentum with the opponent's weapon.

After evading, Mu Ningshuang aimed at the place where several ogres were and a fireball blasted past.Hua Yueling and the others did not attack the past, but kept it fierce.

The hot fireball gave the ogre a strong sense of oppression. One of them took a step forward, and the big wooden club swung over and collided with the big fireball.The fireball exploded instantly, and the heat wave swept the ogres.

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