"Why don't you leave a person to watch the night? Although there are people in the village watching, but if there are really more powerful people coming, they will have no way to remind us."

"Yes, it is estimated that they were knocked out before they acted. This is indeed a problem."

Hua Yueling thought for a while and felt that what Lu Yuetong said was not wrong.That is indeed more dangerous, but if you don't rest all night... Hua Yueling still wants to get a good night's sleep, but from this point of view, there is no way to rest.

"Then I will watch the night, Yuetong, you and Ningshuang will go back to rest."

Hua Yueling said so and returned to the village with them.When the three came back, there were a lot fewer people in the village. Most of the people had already returned, and only a few villagers remained. They should be the ones in charge of the night watch.Although the number of people cannot be said to be small, as Lu Yuetong said, their strength is too weak. If the guy really comes back, these people will not be able to stop them. It is estimated that they will be knocked to the ground without any response.

Hua Yueling felt a little worried when he saw it this way. Although that guy had escaped, no one could say that he would not come back at night.If he does it again, if he does not respond in time, there may be casualties at that time.

"It seems we still have to watch the night, there is no way."

Hua Yueling sighed inwardly. This time things were really troublesome. He really didn't want to do it if he could. The night watch was very uncomfortable. He was very sleepy but couldn't sleep. It was very uncomfortable.

But there is no way, Hua Yueling's own choice caused such consequences, and the consequences can only be borne by him.

Whenever I think of this Hua Yueling, I regret it. If I think about what I should do earlier, I don't have to worry about it at all, but now that this is the case, I can only do what I should do.

Before taking a break, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang told Hua Yueling to get them up if anything happened, and don't forget to change shifts, just ask her to get up in the middle of the night.This is what Lu Yuetong said. According to what she said, Mu Ningshuang is a magician, so it is better for her to rest and rest, so don't disturb her.

Mu Ningshuang protested this, she felt that she was fine, but Lu Yuetong said that it was so decided.

It was also time to take a break, so they didn't say much, anyway it was so decided.Although Mu Ningshuang also said to Hua Yueling that he must call her up in the middle of the night, but Hua Yueling just nodded and agreed. As for what he thought in his heart, only he himself knew.

Hua Yueling naturally wanted to rest, but he also knew that the two girls also needed to rest.Moreover, this time the mistake was caused by my own decision, and this is my own mistake. Since it was caused by myself, I can only bear the consequences of this matter by myself.

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were really tired. Not only did they get up at night, but they had been busy for so long. It would be a lie to say they were not tired.After all, they have not only fought with those ogres, they have experienced fighting after separating from Hua Yueling.

Before going out, Huayueling looked at the two girls specially. They were already asleep in just a short time, and they could see that they slept very sweetly.Hua Yueling can also understand them, let alone them, even she is quite sleepy, now she is just holding on, if she sits for a while, she will probably fall asleep, so let's go outside.

"I haven't rested much for a day. It seems that I can't rest today."

They did a lot of things on this day, not to mention that they were busy throughout the day, even if they were not idle at night, it would be strange if they were not tired.

"Besides, I haven't talked to Jeruxie about the matter here. I hope she can give us some good suggestions."

Thinking about these things, Hua Yueling walked out of the village chief’s house lightly and came outside. The village was deserted, and there was no sound except the sound of the wind.Looking at the entrance of the village, we can see that the people sent out to guard the entrance of the village are scattered in several places, protecting the village from different directions.

These people also have some brains, knowing that these people are very weak, even if they are together, if it is really the enemy that Hua Yueling is facing, they will only give it for nothing.It's better to spread out like this, if someone is attacked, others still have time to call Hua Yueling them, otherwise they won't even have a chance.

Hua Yueling just stood in the distance and looked at them, then turned and left.He walked around the village, which was surrounded by wooden fences, but to be honest, these wooden fences seemed to be really useless to Hua Yueling.

Needless to say, there are any powerful monsters, even the most common slime goblins and other monsters really want to destroy Dehua very easily.These wooden fences are indeed deep into the ground, but they are of no use.

If those ogres really wanted to attack, and the big wooden sticks in their hands would smash down directly, they would be able to destroy the wooden fence here at once. It couldn't be easier.

But it would be even simpler if Hua Yueling came by herself, there was no need to destroy at all, and she could directly turn over from above.I have to say that this wooden fence is basically useless, and it may be useful for ordinary animals.

Hua Yueling felt that she was thinking too much, which actually had nothing to do with him.And the neighborhood should be very safe in general, otherwise these wooden fences will not be applied to the present, but in any case, unsafe is unsafe, and there may not be any problems in normal times, but it really waits until there is a problem. late.

Hua Yueling thinks it might be possible to talk to the village chief here, but it’s not necessarily useful. Can the adults here really do it? Rebuild the wooden fence and change it to a more defensive version. The possibility is still not great.

That is to say, I can think about it, and it is probably useless to really make an opinion, so I just forget it.

Circled around the village, Hua Yueling stood in the opposite direction of the entrance, staring into the distance. There was darkness in the distance and nothing could be found.

"There is still so much time left."

Sighing, Hua Yueling didn't know what to do.It feels like there is nothing to do, it's really boring.I looked around, and it was quite difficult to find a place to sit. I couldn't find a place to sit outside of every house.

"Is there no place to sit?"

Hua Yueling looked elsewhere, no matter it was a stool or a stone.

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