Hua Yueling couldn't find a place to sit. This was quite annoying. If he returned to the room, he was worried that Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong would be noisy.

"It's better to go back, it's still dangerous to leave them two."

After thinking about it, Hua Yueling felt that what she did was something wrong. When she came out, she didn’t let Lu Yuetong and the others close the door from the inside. Although they were very vigilant even if they fell asleep, she still They should be reminded.

When I returned to the room, everything was still quiet.The room was dark and there was nothing to see even in the moonlight.I found a place to sit down, it was an older chair.

There are still some things in the village chief’s house, but these things are also very old, it is difficult to see anything new.Perhaps it is because of its remote location, so even businessmen would not normally come here.

Taking out the game console, this is the most interesting way Hua Yueling can think of to pass the time.

Of course, reading is fine, but he feels that his mood is a little uncomfortable, and it is not particularly suitable for reading at this time.

"It would be nice if there were some food and drink. By the way, I should have left some of the snacks and drinks I brought to Lorna and Teres before, and they should be left with Sister Gelucci."

Hua Yueling herself didn't remember very well, so she still had to look for it in her inventory. Hua Yueling found that there were drinks and snacks inside.I don't know when it was put in.

However, looking at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong who were sleeping fast, he still gave up his plan to eat cooked food. If it made a sound, it might wake them up, which was not what he wanted to see.

I took out the drink and took two sips. It tasted good, and I immediately felt refreshed.Of course this is just an illusion, but it has to be said that it is quite useful. If there is no drink, he will almost fall asleep.

After taking a few sips of the drink, Hua Yueling felt that she had recovered a little bit, but she was still somewhat lack of energy. It would be better if she had some coffee.Hua Yueling usually doesn't drink coffee much, but he has always heard people say that coffee is refreshing, and I don't know if it works for him.

Hua Yueling has never drunk coffee very much, or not often, but only once in a while, it depends on her mood.He thinks the sugared coffee is pretty good.

"But I didn't bring coffee, and there is no hot water here, so forget it, don't think about it too much."

If this continues, he will not come here to complete the commission, but to enjoy life.Hua Yueling smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then looked at the night outside the window, it was still a long time.

One night later, what Hua Yueling they were worried about did not happen. When the morning light was shining, Hua Yueling turned his head and looked out the window, and some unexpected time would pass so quickly.Playing games in almost silent situations really made him uncomfortable. The surroundings were so quiet that there was no sound at all, but he was still immersed in it, forgetting the time, and unknowingly all three bottles of drinks. The drinker has bottomed out.

"I didn't expect that I drank so much in one night. But if you count it as a big bottle, it's not much, less than one bottle."

Hua Yueling packed the bottle and glanced at the two girls again. The girls are still asleep, and will not wake up in a short time.He could take advantage of this time to go out and have a look.

Hua Yueling stood up, the village was still quiet, and then she looked at the entrance that the people she saw late at night should have gone home to rest.Those who are watching now are all other people. They are all writing about ordinary people, so naturally they are good at it. It is impossible to say that those few people will stay on the night.

In the past, I could hear them talking about Tian'er, and they were still very energetic. It should be because it didn't take long to change shifts.Hua Yueling also went to chat with them, mainly to ask if there was anything wrong, but the answer was not unexpected, and it was very calm all night.

That guy didn't come again, Hua Yueling thought he would definitely come, but he wasn't sure when he would come.If you don't come today, you might come tomorrow. If you don't come tomorrow, it might be the day after tomorrow. Maybe the people who waited here are no longer so defensive, and maybe they wait until they leave here.

Hua Yueling and the others can protect this place for one day or two days, but it is impossible to protect this place forever, and it is impossible to stay here forever.So before leaving, you must find a way to help them solve the problem. If something happens in the future, it is not the scene they want to see.

I chatted with those people for a while, but I didn't learn anything from them, and I didn't hear any important information.After all, nothing happened in one night, so this is normal.

Hua Yueling didn't expect to learn anything from them, just asking casually.

"Let's see who will go back later. But Ningshuang can teleport, so it should be the best choice for her to go back."

After Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both woke up in the morning, Hua Yueling discussed with them.Mu Ningshuang said that he could go back by himself and let Lu Yuetong stay and help Hua Yueling.

Anyway, it didn't take much time. When I went back, I just talked about the situation here with Jelousy, and then I came back.What's more, the teleportation array is used, and there will be no unsafe places.

It didn't take long for Mu Ningshuang to send back and forth, and she returned after about half an hour.Only she came back by herself, and Je Lucy did not follow, perhaps because she thought the things here were not worth her action.

In fact, it is the same. If the things here are left to Zelucy, it can't be said to be overkill. It is a waste of power.Sister Zelussi doesn't have to worry about this or that, just take it straight away. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy will be futile in the end.

No matter how many tactics that guy has in mind, he will find that those tactics may be very good in front of absolute power, but when facing people like Zelucy, there is no way to show them.This is the fact, this is not alarmist.

"Master told me that she knows, but she won't help with this matter for the time being, and can only let us solve it by ourselves."

"This one……"

It is good to be able to help others, but they are not willing to stay here for too long.But since sister Zeluxi had asked them, they couldn't just give up like this. It seemed that there was no other way.

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