"Sister Jelousy didn't say anything else?"

Hua Yueling asked curiously.

"No, but after hearing what I said, Master was silent for a while. He should be thinking about this. Maybe Master has some ideas. But he didn't tell me."

"That's it. There's no way, we can only stay here for a few more days."

"In fact, there is no need to be here all the time, that will affect the action even more. We can send it back, or pretend to leave, and see what happens."

"Yuetong, do you think the other party won't show up if we are here?"

"It's possible. You can try it, but if you don't go too far, I guess he won't show up, if it's what I guess."

"It's useless to do that. It's still more reliable to find out how he came here. Ningshuang has a better say in this aspect. Ningshuang, do you have any ideas? Does he use a teleportation array?"

It was Hua Yueling who should be the clearest, but unfortunately, even if he stood in front of him and looked at it, he still didn't know much.All Hua Yueling can do now is to tell Mu Ningshuang all she knows, and then let her judge what is going on.

Mu Ningshuang also listened to his explanation before, and then went to think about this question. It is reasonable to say that the possibility of using the teleportation array is the greatest, but the teleportation array should not be that simple.

That method sounds a bit similar to the method used by Sister Aroline. You can teleport directly without building a teleportation magic circle, which is very simple.But in their impressions or thoughts, only Sister Aroline and Sister Livello have such abilities, others shouldn't.

If it is really what they think it is, then it is not easy to handle. In that case, it is easy for the other party to escape no matter what.

"It should not be."

Mu Ningshuang gently shook his head, and said.Although she still has some doubts and is not sure, she can see that she should have some ideas.

"I think it might have something to do with the fragments you found, Ling."

"That fragment?"

"It's that fragment, which should have a lot to do with that. It is inferred that he cannot be directly transmitted by himself, and the only possible method is the one I speculated."

"Sure enough, it was teleported away using some kind of teleportation props."

Hua Yueling probably understood what Ningshuang meant. She was saying that the person used the teleportation item to teleport away, but it seemed that this teleportation item was not always usable, but the number of times she could use it would decrease after every use.

That fragment may represent this possibility, but it is temporarily uncertain whether this is the case, this is just their speculation.

"If this is the case, then he should be able to send it over at any time. But that doesn't mean anything. We don't know if he is nearby or if he is watching us. These are not clear. Under the circumstances, it is difficult to make a judgment."

"It's not so sure for the time being, but I think he should not be nearby, otherwise he should not be able to act if we are sure we are here. But he still acts, indicating that he is very likely I don’t know if we are here, or if we don’t take us seriously, thinking we will ignore him."

"There is nothing wrong with this analysis. Knowledge is only possible and cannot be completely determined. We need to look at the situation again. No matter what, we can do not much now. We only have to wait to see how things will develop. "

Hua Yueling said helplessly, this seemed to be the only way.Without knowing where the other party is, they can't do anything but wait for the other party to act.Hua Yueling and the others didn't want this, but it was beyond their control, they still couldn't do anything at present.

It is much easier to know where the person is, but they don't know anything, there is no way.

Today is another quiet day, nothing happened.Hua Yueling and the others had nothing to do in this village, it was rather boring.

"We can't just stay here for one day, right?"

Lu Yuetong obviously didn't want to stay here all the time. That would be a little boring. Instead of going back to the study room, it would be interesting.

"But there is nothing else we can do. We must always pay attention to the situation here. If that guy appears here but we can't know the situation in time, it is very dangerous."

Hua Yueling actually didn't want to stay here forever, but they had to ensure the safety of the villagers here. This was the most important thing, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome.

In order to ensure the safety of the residents here, they shouldn't leave in a hurry. If that person comes with a monster after they leave, if they are not here then, wouldn't it be a big trouble.

But there is nothing to do now, which is more boring.They can't leave because of worry, at least they can't leave too far, which is quite troublesome.

"Oh, then we can't really just wait here, can we?"

It was still what Lu Yuetong said, but in fact, it was not just her, everyone thought that way, and no one wanted to spend a day like this.But is there any way. It would be better if Sister Jelucy was willing to help, but apparently Sister Jelucy had other ideas, and she was unwilling to help, that's why this situation occurred.

So all the problems at the moment need to be solved by themselves, relying on the knowledge they currently have.

"Ningshuang, how about setting up a defensive magic circle here? Is that feasible?"

The three people stood together and thought about what to do. This was the way Hua Yueling came up with.If Mu Ningshuang could arrange a magic circle here, it might also be effective.

The magic circle may not be able to last for too long, but as long as it can be delayed for a period of time and let them know what happened here is enough.He didn't know whether Mu Ningshuang could arrange such a magic circle.

"This kind of magic array is more complicated and needs a lot of things, but it's easy to arrange, and it doesn't cost much."

"If you can, you can arrange one for Ningshuang, which can almost cover this village. If you can't, you can reduce the scope. It's almost good."

Hua Yueling didn't want to force Mu Ningshuang, so he said it in a negotiable tone, but Mu Ningshuang didn't say anything.

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