The material Mu Ningshuang is available there, so there is no need to prepare it, and it can be used directly. Hua Yueling did not expect that she would still carry such materials with her.So I was a little surprised to see her take out all the materials.

However, Mu Ningshuang should carry more than these things. The space bag hanging on her body is probably full, if you speculate based on the materials that you have seen so far.Perhaps it is to be prepared, so that's why.

Not only them, but the villagers came together very curiously. They were all curious about what Huayueling and the others were going to do. Since the magic circle was placed here, naturally they had to tell the residents here that Huayueling had still I thought there would be some obstacles, but I didn't expect that the people here were quite reasonable. They didn't show any opinions, so they agreed easily.

This facilitated Hua Yueling's actions, so there was no need to worry about being opposed.However, they also made some mistakes and made some mistakes. They didn’t talk to the people in the village in advance, or told the village Zhang, and made their own decisions. Although it was for them, it was so when they didn’t agree. It's not right to do it.

Hua Yueling reflected on her behavior, and then explained it to the villagers and the village chief who had heard the news.Everyone was very considerate. They didn't say anything and agreed very friendly.

This is something that is good for them after all. Moreover, Hua Yueling and the others don’t look like bad guys. They helped them yesterday. Moreover, this magic circle will not affect their normal lives, so there is no need to refuse. .

These villagers lost interest after watching them for a while and left silently, but some interested people stayed.Although they are not particularly familiar with these, they are still quite interested.

Everyone has the dream of becoming an adventurer, but not everyone can become an adventurer. This also depends on talent, to some extent.Of course, if you work hard enough, there is no problem.

But in any case, these have nothing to do with them.

The process of Mu Ningshuang drawing the magic circle is relatively boring and boring, but it is also relatively proficient for Mu Ningshuang, not the first time to do it.Before that, she had already drawn it many times.

After about ten minutes, the magic circle was drawn, Mu Ningshuang placed the prepared materials directly on the magic circle, and then signaled other people to stand a little away, not too close, otherwise it might be possible when the magic circle is activated Will be affected a bit.

Hua Yueling and the others hurried back a bit, until everyone moved some distance away, Mu Ningshuang began to inject magic power into the magic array.

The magic circle gradually glowed with a soft light, which was not bright or dazzling, and it looked quite comfortable.Gradually, the magic circle turned into a phantom and spread in all directions until it almost enveloped the entire village.

Hua Yueling stood on the spot and learned about the situation through exploration skills, and found that only a small part, that is, the corner of the village was not covered.Almost all other places have been covered, and even if the part is not covered, there is actually nothing at all. There is only a small wooden fence. Whether it is covered or not is actually no problem.

Mu Ningshuang seemed to have confirmed the coverage, but it was not much different from what she had expected. She thought that was the case.This is almost the same, just give up a small part, and take care of other things that should be taken into account.

After the construction of the magic circle is completed, the situation here has temporarily stabilized, so you should not worry so much.But this is not enough. You must also think about how to notify them when the enemy comes.

"Ningshuang, can your magic circle notify you when it is attacked?"

"This is no problem. I also deliberately added a small trigger to it. As long as someone attacks it, I can immediately detect it. But the only flaw is that there is no way to directly transmit it."

"This is also a problem. Even if we know it, it will be troublesome if we can't send it back. How long Ningshuang, your magic circle can last, just take the ogre."

"This magic circle is only a simple protective function, it can't last too long. In the case of an ogre, it should not last a few times."

"So it is better to leave a magic circle for teleportation. But this is more troublesome, right?"

"I can't say it's troublesome, but I might need to go back. Some things I don't understand need to ask Master again."

"Alright, then I will trouble you Ningshuang again."

Mu Ningshuang shook her head. She didn't like Huayueling's words so politely, but Huayueling usually talked like this, and she knew it was not because of the relationship between the two people.So she didn't say anything.

It was very convenient to go back and forth through the teleportation array. After Mu Ningshuang returned, she came back not long after she was in the middle of the village.When the light flickered, after waiting for Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong in the village to look at them immediately, they saw Mu Ningshuang's figure emerge.

It only took about ten minutes to go back and forth. Seeing Mu Ningshuang's expression, she probably got the result she wanted, but she didn't know what she was asking.

After Mu Ningshuang came back, he immediately searched for a place, not to draw the magic circle in the middle of the village. According to her, it is better to find a safer place to draw the teleportation circle.Both the teleportation array and the magic array can be destroyed, as long as you master the method.

Therefore, in order to protect the teleportation array, she must be prepared to hide in a safe place, as long as it can be teleported back before the magic array is destroyed, this is the most important.

Mu Ningshuang quickly found a place, which was located on the edge of the village. It was relatively safe. As long as the other party knew it beforehand, there should be no need to worry.

This time, drawing the magic circle was obviously slower than before. It can be seen that the teleportation circle is a kind of magic circle that is more difficult than protecting the Xingde magic circle.

This time, because Huayueling and the others did a relatively secretive operation, the other villagers didn't know that it was something they did deliberately to prevent leakage.

Although I don’t think there are spies in the villagers here, and I don’t think there will be other things for investigation, it’s better to be careful anyway.Only by maintaining a cautious attitude can everything be done well.

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