After the teleportation magic circle was built, Hua Yueling and the others had absolutely nothing to worry about.There is nothing to do next, they can go around according to their own hearts, don't worry about this and that.As long as there are any problems at that time, they will be able to know in time.

"Basically, we have done our best here. We don't have to worry so much, we can go back. Let's come back when there is a response."

Hua Yueling and the others basically don’t have to worry about the situation here, they have already done everything they need to do. If something happens again under such circumstances, force majeure, then it’s not their problem, nor they can manage. Of it.

After doing all this, Hua Yueling and the others went to say goodbye to the village chief. Although the village chief didn't want them to leave, he couldn't stop them, so he still thanked them routinely and then sent them away personally.

Although they knew that the magic circle made by Mu Ningshuang was used to protect them, they just didn't know the specific function of this magic circle, and Hua Yueling and the others didn't tell him.In fact, there is no need, even if you tell him it is useless.

Moreover, as long as the magic circle is attacked by then, they will definitely know it, and then they can send it over, so it doesn't really matter if you tell the people here.

Back to the tree house, but this time they didn't see Jay Lucy.According to Mu Ningshuang, the last time she came back, not long ago, she saw Master in the library.

Hua Yueling and the others went to the library, only to see Hua Yun who was reading, but no one else was there.

According to Mu Ningshuang, Jieluxi was here before, but not being here now means that she should have gone out with something, otherwise she should still be here.

It is not ruled out that she is going to get something, but Hua Yueling is more willing to believe that she has something.Most probably it has something to do with the matter handed over to them, which is probably the case.

Hua Yueling sat next to her sister and wanted to ask her where Jelousy had gone, but she didn't expect that she had sat down. My sister still didn't respond. She was completely immersed in the book and didn't realize she was here. .

Sister is too devoted, Hua Yueling couldn't help thinking like this. Although she didn't make any noise when she came over, neither she nor Ningshuang Yuetong deliberately concealed their footsteps.

Even so, Sister Yun still did not hear their footsteps, and read the book in her hand with extremely serious eyes.At this moment, Hua Yueling's actions to ask questions stopped, and there was no way to ask. Watching her sister read so carefully, how dare to disturb her, that would not be good.

Having to change their own thoughts, the three of Hua Yueling and the others looked at each other. It was just a look at each other, they already understood each other's thoughts.

The three of them sat quietly. It was not the first time such a wait. Hua Yueling felt that she was familiar with waiting. It was as if she had made friends with him, and she often encountered it.

Hua Yueling is also quite speechless about this, but this is also a normal thing, it's normal, wait, everyone has experienced it, it is better not to complain so much.

If others might give him some ideas, but this is waiting for his sister, then he can't think of anything, wait and see quietly.If you're lucky, maybe Sister Jelucy will be back soon.

However, Hua Yueling and the others couldn't realize their ideas, until Hua Yun put down the book in her hand, she didn't see the figure of Jelucci come back here.

"Xiao Ling, when did you come?"

Hua Yun stretched out after putting down the book, and she was surprised to ask when she saw Hua Yueling and the others sitting next to her.She really didn't notice at all, otherwise she wouldn't be so surprised.

"By the way, Jelucy said you have something to work on, how about it, are you finished?"

"Not yet, that matter is more troublesome, so it will take some time. We are only temporarily figuring out one thing, and the matter itself cannot be solved temporarily. We must wait for a while."

"That's it, then you will be fine for the time being. You have been busy one day, have you eaten breakfast?"

"This is not there yet, I forgot about it."

"If you haven't eaten yet, go to the dining room for a bite. There should be breakfast left over there. I guess there will be enough for you."

"Okay, then let's go have breakfast first, and come back when we finish."

"If you don't want to come, don't come here. I don't have much fun with my sister here, just reading. Do you have any rest? If you don't have much rest, go and rest. Sleep a while and don't get too tired."

Sister Yun still cared about them, and didn't ask them to come back, but to rest if they were tired.Hua Yueling and the others just nodded, but did not agree.

But after Hua Yueling and the others left, they didn't see Jieluxi, and they didn't know if Jieluxi was busy with something, and they never came back.Originally there was something I wanted to ask her, but now there is no chance. Either wait for her to come back, or wait for her to come back, the matter has been solved by them, there is no need to ask at all.

I went to the dining room and found that no one was there, but they still knew where the breakfast was, so they didn't have to ask others to help.The three people went to the inside. Because of the introduction of electricity, Jelousy is now using electrical equipment, and the leftovers are all used in the refrigerator.

I opened the refrigerator and took a look, only to find that there are really a lot of leftovers. Due to the large number of people, the amount of food usually cooked here is quite large, and it is commonplace to eat.

"This should be breakfast, shouldn't it be hot?"

Hua Yueling looked in the refrigerator and found that the top one should be left over from this morning.This can be easier. Breakfast and other meals are basically different.

Lunch is generally very rich, and dinner is actually not much, but generally speaking, it is actually more rich than breakfast, although it is not too strong.

However, it has been in it for a while, so the breakfast is basically cold. If you want to eat it, you can eat it cold. That will definitely not taste good.Otherwise they will get hot.

"It's better to warm it up before eating. We've been waiting for so long anyway, and we don't care about that much more time."

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