Hua Yueling and the others warmed up their breakfast and ate around the table. There were only three of them, and no one else was there.It's strange to say that when they came back, Hua Yueling didn't see the two little guys Lorna and Teres, and they didn't know what they were doing now. Hua Yueling still cared about them.

After breakfast, Hua Yueling and the others were not in a hurry to go to the library. Just as Sister Yun said, there is no need to go there if they are not going to read books.It's no use staying with her there. It's a waste of time. They might as well take a good rest during that time and prepare for what might happen next.

Hua Yueling and the others took a rest last night no matter what, so they are not so tired and don't want to go back to rest.In that case, they decided to go around first to find where the two little guys are now.

Came to the entertainment room, but today there is no one here, and there is no one to open the door. It is fine to be deserted.The two little guys are not here, nor do they see anyone else.

And when I came up from below, I didn't see them. I don't know what they are up to now.

It's fine if you can't find them. I guess they have something to do. It should be that the tasks assigned to them by Jeruxi require them to work, so they can't be found here.

Hua Yueling and the others thought so, so they didn't keep looking.If you really want to search the entire tree house, I don't know how much energy it takes, but it can't be done in a short while.

It's better to find a place to sit for a while and rest.Although I had a rest last night, I still feel somewhat exhausted, especially Hua Yueling. After all, he was on vigil last night and never rested.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong also asked him to take a rest as soon as possible. Hua Yueling thought for a while, anyway, there is nothing else to do for the time being, and it's okay to take a rest by himself.

"If you have any news over there, don't forget to call me."

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you."

Hua Yueling went back to her room to rest. There were many empty rooms in the tree house, but Hua Yueling and the others lived in the same place they had lived in when they first came.The room is still relatively clean and tidy, there is nothing useless in it, basically it is the standard equipment of an ordinary room.

A bed, a bedside table, two chairs and a table, basically that's it, and then there is a carpet on the doorway.The overall color of the carpet is blue with some patterns in other colors. It doesn't look too gorgeous, and it's pretty good.

However, Hua Yueling remembers that the carpet here was still black when she lived before, and she didn't know when to change it.

After thinking about it casually, Hua Yueling didn't spend much time on it, thinking about what to do, he was really sleepy.I didn't feel anything before, but after eating breakfast, he was really sleepy. If he doesn't sleep anymore, he feels that he can fall asleep while standing anywhere.

Of course, this statement is just an exaggeration, but he is really sleepy. He fell asleep not long after lying in bed, and he slept soundly.

After Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong sent him back to the room, they went to the library.It's okay now anyway, it's better to help out than to play.

Now there is only Huayun in the library. Although it may not be very helpful, it is better to help if you can.The two girls think so, to make a better impression on Hua Yun.

It was quiet in the library. There was no other sound except the sound of flipping books. It was quiet.Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were very careful when they walked in this time, and their footsteps were very quiet to avoid breaking the quiet atmosphere.

"Why are you here, Xiao Ling?"

But even if they were more cautious, they were still discovered by Hua Yun. Hua Yun looked over and saw that they were the only two of them. Her brother didn't come with them, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Aling went to rest. He was on vigil last night, so he didn't sleep almost all night."

"Well, what you have to deal with is also very troublesome. Don't you need to rest?"

"We are not tired yet. We took a rest last night. Originally, it was good to be a shift watch. A Ling didn't call us at all, and only woke us up during the day. He watched the night by himself, and we had He said that we must be called."

"He is that temperament, and he can rest anyway, so let him rest his. Are you two reading books?"

"No, we want to help."

"No, just do what you should do. I am not a busy job, I just collect some relevant information, just take it slowly, little by little, no help."

Hua Yun really doesn't need to help, and there is really nothing to help when she wants to do something like this, there is no need for that.

But even though she said so, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang did not leave. Instead, they found a place to sit down and picked up the book to read.The meaning is also obvious, they are also interested in these books here, rather than just want to help.

Since they were also interested in this, Hua Yun naturally couldn't blow them away, and she just said she didn't need their help, and she didn't mean to blow them.Since they were willing to stay, it was their business, and she didn't have to and shouldn't care about it.

There are more people in the library, but there are only three people.In addition, everyone basically didn't speak, mainly because Hua Yun kept silent, so Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were naturally embarrassed to speak. Even if they wanted to say something, they could only communicate with their eyes.

Although this kind of communication method is a bit unreliable, it is indeed a good method without making any noise.

One morning has passed like this. In fact, time passes very quickly, especially when you are addicted to it, and you don’t even go back and notice the passage of time.In this way, when footsteps heard outside, they noticed that they had read the book for so long.

But one of them is an exception, that is Lu Yuetong, who doesn't know what's going on, maybe she is born incompatible with all kinds of books, and she fell asleep just as she read.

When he was awakened, the book that was standing in front of him fell down, drawing the attention of the other two people. Facing this situation, Lu Yuetong was also extremely embarrassed.

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