There was a sound of pushing the door, and two little guys, Lorna and Teres, came in. It was quite pleasant to see the little guys Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang.But it is estimated that Zelucy told them to come here to be quiet, so even so, there was no sound.

"Sister Yun," the two little guys approached Hua Yun first and called her, "Sister Yun, it's time for lunch."

"Is this time?"

Huayun replied and raised her head to take a look at the time. When she was studying in the past few days, she had seriously overdone her head. It was so long before she knew it, which surprised her.

After he clipped the bookmark, he closed it and put it on the table. Hua Yun also called Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang to eat together.

"Let me call Aling, he shouldn't wake up yet."

"Is the big brother here?" The two little guys couldn't help asking when they heard Lu Yuetong say that. They were quite concerned.

"Well, but he is resting."

"Lorna and I will go call the big brother together!" The little guy volunteered to say so, and the one who took the initiative had to take over this "hard" task.

Lu Yuetong told them the room where Hua Yueling was resting. The two little guys didn't know where he was resting, or where his room was.If you know, you don't have to ask at all, you can find it directly.

After learning about it, Lorna and Teres left immediately. After saying goodbye to them, they ran away quickly, looking more anxious than them.

After they left, Hua Yun, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang also left directly.One morning passed, there was no response from the village, and there was no Sister Zeluxi here.

After saying goodbye to the two little guys, the three of them walked directly into the dining room, and the two little guys ran like crazy after they separated. They were all happy, it was like a Chinese New Year. The same.

When they came to the room where Hua Yueling was resting, they cautiously opened the door and saw that Hua Yueling was lying on the bed asleep.The vigil last night was really exhausted. Now that he had the opportunity to rest, he naturally took a good rest.

The two little guys were not in a hurry to wake him up. They went over to the bed and bent over to watch Hua Yueling's sleeping figure, which seemed quite interesting.Hua Yueling was asleep too deeply, she didn't even notice it at all.

Although he slept for several hours at a stretch, he didn’t sleep for almost one night last night. Naturally, he couldn’t make up his energy for such a small amount of time. Otherwise, he would have been "noisy" by the arrival of the two little guys. Woke up.

But the two little guys just stared at him for a while, and then they pushed him with their little hands and called him.

"Big brother, big brother, it's time to get up for dinner."

The two little guys didn't have loud voices and didn't move too much, but Hua Yueling was still awakened by their actions.

"Well, it's you two."

"Big brother, get up and eat with us soon, I'm leaving you, big brother."

"When is it now?"

Hua Yueling looked out of the window with some doubts, but couldn't see the sky, the outside scenery and light didn't change much.

"Is it noon? Or night?"

"Big brother isn't sleepy, right?"

"Fuzzy, big brother, I'm not confused, I just slept for so long and don't know when it is." Hua Yueling shook her head, she is not so awake now, but it's fine to sit up and stay for a while. .Recovered quickly.

Mainly still can’t see the sky, but according to the changes in the outside light, although the change does not look big, it is because of this that he can judge that it should not be night now, otherwise the outside light should be no matter what. It's darker, it's impossible to be so bright.

According to this, it is actually a good judgment, even if there is a magic lamp.I didn't expect that I had slept for so long, and now it was 11 or 12 o'clock in the calculation of the time. Three or four disappeared after I slept.


After a long exhalation, he stretched again, which is considered to have some energy, stood up and patted the little heads of the two little guys.

"You two must be hungry, hurry up and eat with me."


Hua Yueling also didn't ask what the two little guys did in the morning, eating is the most important thing at the moment, and everything else has to be ranked behind, so there is no need to worry.

The two little guys followed him step by step, and the three of them walked happily to the restaurant.

The restaurant area in the tree house is very large. There is no doubt that if it is not so, there is no way for these people here to share lunch in the same room with such a large area.Every lunch is like everyone is in a party, even if no one dares to speak, it is very lively.

With such a large number of people, this is also normal.However, this is still in the context of a substantial reduction in the number of people. You have to know that there were hundreds of people here before, and more than half of them were sent home. The rest are either those who don’t want to go home or the homeless. .

Except here, no place would almost support them like this, basically letting them eat and drink for nothing.But they also knew that it couldn't be that way. Not to mention whether Jelusy would be willing, they also felt sorry for themselves, let alone whether Jelusy had so much money to support them so many people.

But let's not say that Jay Lucy is really rich. As a magician, she has an amazing amount of money.Feeding so many people for so long has no problem, and there is no sign of being stretched.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't know where Jielucy's money came from, and they had never asked or cared about it. In fact, they had never thought about this issue.This is actually their negligence.I caused trouble to Jelucy, a big problem, but there was no help at all.

But even if Hua Yueling and the others tried to help solve it, in the end there was nothing to do.This is not an easy problem to solve. After all, so many people need a lot of money for food every day, let alone other things.

It is impossible for Hua Yueling and the others to make so much money in one day unless they start a big company or have a higher status here, such as becoming a nobleman.

But this is very difficult, let alone nobles, now Hua Yueling and the others have no reputation even as adventurers.It's actually very difficult for adventurers to make money, and it's not as simple as you think.

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