"Is there any progress in your situation?"

After eating lunch, Sister Jelucy called them over and asked them about their progress.The answer they got was Hua Yueling and the others shaking their heads. Several people gave the same answer, and there was not much progress.

"What kind of characteristics does that person have? You chased him yesterday, didn't you find anything?"

This is what Jelucci asked Hua Yueling. Hua Yueling recalled it carefully, but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't think of anything useful.He paid special attention to the opponent's appearance, but even his probing skills did not make it clear about the opponent's appearance.

"No, if I find something, I will tell Ningshuang directly. I have also observed him specially, but he seems to have hidden his appearance specially, and his face is hidden in the darkness."

"Then talk about how those ogres are controlled by him?"

"?" At first, Hua Yueling couldn't understand what Jie Lucy was asking. How did he know how those ogres were controlled, but after thinking about it, he would understand. I guess Jie Lucy The question was how the guy controlled the ogre to escape.

It is a pity that Hua Yueling is not an expert in this area, so it is very difficult for him to answer one reason, he can only try to describe it.

He didn't know what kind of control it was, but he could roughly describe it.And after hearing his description, Jelucy seemed to think of something and frowned.

"Those ogres listened to him very much, and immediately turned their heads to look at him after he appeared, seeming to be waiting for his solution. Then he directly ordered two of them to come over and drag me, and I used a few magic to slow me down, and then the other ogres ran away with him quickly under his orders."

This is almost the complete narrative of Hua Yueling. Of course, there must be more content in fact. These are almost the most important part of the content.

In addition, there is no important content, there is nothing to say, but these content seems to be very important to Ze Lucy.She kept urging Hua Yueling to continue to talk more about that person and want to know the other person better, but Hua Yueling didn’t know much here, and she was able to provide it through her own observations. Not much help.

However, these are useful to Jelucy, and she also hopes that Hua Yueling can provide more clues, but now this situation is not bad.

"Any other useful information?"

"No more, only these."

Hua Yueling thought about it again, and finally shook his head and said, this is indeed all he can think of, and there will be no more.

"From your words, I can be sure of some things, but this is not enough. You need to know more. The next time he reappears is an opportunity."

"We try our best, but we may not be able to do it."

"I will also go with you. If that person comes again, don't forget to remind me."

"This is easy to handle."

Although it is not considered to have received the help of Jeruxie, it is very difficult to just let her go. She didn't want to go before, and now it has changed very well.

The next step is to wait for that person to come over before they can make progress.When the time comes, Sister Zelussi will go there to gain more information, not to help them. This is the most important point.

In the end, the village, or those village problems, were the ones who solved the problem, not Sister Zelucy.

However, it would be nice if she could follow along, which could help them a lot, at least let them put their minds on fighting and not worry about other things.

Waited for a whole day, but nothing happened on that day, which made Hua Yueling and the others somewhat surprised. They thought it was impossible for the other party to wait for a day, but on the contrary, the other party did not come out for a day.

If there are no defensive measures, it will be difficult for them to lose weight, but fortunately, they have done a good job of protection, so there is no need to worry too much about this.You can rest comfortably at night, and you don’t need to sleep for it.

After one night, nothing happened, which made Hua Yueling and the others very strange.This is really strange. They didn't figure it out. Did the other party know that they had left?Still, I have seen through their strategy.

Huayue Ling thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of anything after thinking about it for a long time. It was useless to think about it, so Hua Yueling didn't think about it anymore, and left the matter behind temporarily.As long as there is no such incident, let's wait until Mu Ningshuang has news.

Lying on the bed, Hua Yueling tossed and turned, worried about things over there, so she couldn't sleep.But when I thought about it, I fell asleep unconsciously.

After a nap, the three of Hua Yueling and the others had eaten breakfast and were ready to go to the village to see the situation.But when they were about to leave, the two little guys had to follow them. Hua Yueling was afraid that they would be dangerous if they followed, so she was still hesitating.

Lu Yuetong spoke better than Hua Yueling, and she immediately agreed. At this time, Hua Yueling hadn't decided whether or not to agree.

"Let them follow? If that guy happens to come over, if we can't protect them, it will be troublesome to get them injured."

Naturally, Hua Yueling didn't want the little guys to get hurt, not only him, but Mu Ningshuang and the others too, but Lu Yuetong was still confident and felt that they would definitely have no problem.

"Well, if you have such confidence in Yuetong, then take them there."

"And we might not run into that guy."

"Forget it, I don't want to do that much. I think so much as if we are afraid of him. What is so scary about him. The three of us are not afraid of them together."

Originally it was not about being afraid or not, but when they were talking, they came to this aspect, and they didn't realize it themselves.The three people agreed that they would follow, and a few of them went directly to the village through the teleportation formation.

The village was very peaceful, and Hua Yueling used exploration skills to find out about the surrounding situation. The neighborhood was very peaceful and there was nothing unusual.

There is nothing worth saying, and if there is nothing unusual, they have nothing to do for the time being.It's better to go back, don't show up here for now, let others know that they can come here anytime.

"Let's either stop going out."

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