After Hua Yueling and the others had rested for a night, they got up early the next morning. Before breakfast, the two little guys, Lorna and Terris, were already clamoring that they were going to fight with Goblins.

The two little guys are very energetic, and they don't have the thought of eating breakfast at all, they are particularly anxious.The fight with the slime yesterday greatly enhanced their confidence, so they are so anxious today. They always feel boring to fight with the slimes, so they want to try to fight the goblins.

However, the two little guys were a little too anxious, so Lu Yuetong persuaded them to let them not be so anxious.

"Don't worry, you can go to fight anytime, but you must have a full stomach before fighting, otherwise you won't be able to fight."

After the two little guys listened, they stopped arguing and anxiously went to fight with the goblins. They were so obedient, even if they were anxious, they didn't show it.

After breakfast, the two little guys approached Hua Yueling and the others, saying nothing, just staring at them with big eyes.This is pretty good, there is no need to say anything at all, just the performance lets them know what they want to say.

With a wry smile and shook his head, these two little guys are really cute enough.

Some are too anxious, but their anxiety is quite interesting, at least Hua Yueling thinks so.

Hua Yueling and the others teleported directly to the destination through the teleportation array. The teleportation array has only one approximate target. It is random where they are teleported to. It does not mean that they can be teleported to where they want to go. It also takes some luck.

If you are lucky, you will be able to send it once, but if you are not lucky, you can only go there by yourself.

Hua Yueling and the others belonged to the kind with better luck. This time they were really lucky, and they were directly teleported to the place where the goblins might survive in that area.

This is the junction of the plain and the mountains. Going further ahead is the area of ​​the mountains. Generally speaking, goblins live in the mountains or in the forest.However, according to Hua Yueling's ideas, he felt that the probability of goblins living in groups in the forest was higher.

However, there may be some in the mountains. There is a question of luck. It depends on their luck.

Other monsters may also be encountered in the mountains or in the woods. This is all possible. Who knows what they will encounter.

Hua Yueling and the others heard the sound of flapping wings above their heads, and couldn't help but lift their heads to look up. They saw an eagle flying above their heads, and in a blink of an eye they plunged into the mountains from behind them.

The gaze moved with the eagle until the eagle's figure fell into the mountains, and Hua Yueling and the others retracted their gaze.It was also a monster, but it didn't seem to be hostile to them.

Obviously, the eagle spotted them when flying into the mountains, but the eagle did not dive down and pounce, but just flew away as if not seeing them.

This is good, and it saves some trouble. Although Hua Yueling and the others are not afraid of this eagle, it is not bad to avoid conflict.

Walking out of the plain and crossing the boundary between the plain and the mountains, Hua Yueling and the others came to the mountains. This mountain range was huge, and one by one.But now they are walking on a path between the two mountains. I don’t know if there is some kind of monster living in the deeper part of the path, whether there will be goblins, Hua Yueling doesn’t have much hope. , But since it has been sent here, it is natural to look for it, not in vain.

Even if it is not a goblin, there is no problem, anyway, it is good to find some weaker monsters, it is better than not to photograph anything.

All the way to the depths of the mountains, Hua Yueling and the others took a road that was not easy to walk. This road was not trimmed and not smooth at all, so it can be said that it is difficult to walk.But they didn’t care about it. They have traveled too much. The roads in other worlds are basically the same. Unlike the modern world, the roads they take are basically paved and paved. Most of the roads are concrete.

Such a road is comfortable for people to walk on and can be opened to traffic. Such a basically uninhabited place in another world cannot have that kind of conditions.

"The first time I found out that finding a monster was so troublesome."

Hua Yueling said this sentence with a smile, like a joke.He really said it with a joking mind, and it's better not to let the two little guys hear this kind of thing, otherwise it is likely to make the two little guys think more.

"We basically haven't done this before."

Lu Yuetong also spoke softly, and the two little guys followed behind, but they were also quiet enough to be able to hear them.

"If we really have a mission to find a monster, we probably won't be able to complete the mission."

"Haha, I don't think so. Even if I complain, I still have to do what I should do. It is impossible to really not do it because I don't want to do it, right?"

Huayueling is quite lazy, but he will not refuse to do what he should do, but unless it is something that is more important, otherwise it is not necessary for him to do it, can he still not do it, this It's the idea of ​​lazy people.

After walking a few steps, I heard the sound of footsteps coming out of the mountain. The sound of footsteps was heavy, and it didn't sound like the sound of a goblin.The three of them looked at each other. Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong were protecting a little guy. The three of them stopped walking along the road, but rushed to the mountain.

They came to the top of the mountain in one breath and hid behind the slope. After Hua Yueling and the others poked their heads and carefully observed the corner of the road they had just walked through, there were several figures walking slowly.

The huge body is as tall as a mountain. This is just a description. In fact, when you observe them on the top of the mountain, they are naturally smaller. If they stand in front of Hua Yueling and others, they can fully show how tall they are. coming.

These guys are monsters similar to ogres, but they are still different from ogres.They are called "cave giants". In fact, these guys are called little giants at most. They are only a little taller than humans, and the height is only about two meters at most. It is difficult to see taller guys.

But this is just a name, because they are indeed higher than humans, although they are not enough to be called giants.

These guys don't know what they are going to do, but they are really powerful, mainly because they are taller, otherwise they won't feel like this.

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