What these cave giants are going to do is not close to Hua Yueling and the others, nor are they the people they are looking for, so Hua Yueling and the others are only observing these giants from the top of the mountain.Watching them walking outside, without intersecting them, Hua Yueling and the others had no need to be hostile to them.

Those cavemen walked slowly step by step in this way, perhaps because of their huge body, so they walked very slowly, and the slowness was incredible.In Hua Yueling's eyes, those people seemed to have been shown in slow motion.

The cavemen didn't know why the speed was so slow, Hua Yueling and the others observed it for a while and then stopped looking at it. He looked at other places.

"Since there are giants in this place, it is very likely that there will be no goblins."

Hua Yueling whispered to the people beside her, the existence of the giant on top of the mountain was a big obstacle to the survival of the goblins.Even a group of goblins is not necessarily the opponent of a mountain-top giant, let alone so many mountain-top giants here.

In this case, it is idiotic to find a goblin here. If there is no outside, it is even more impossible to have one inside.

Since there is no such place, then Hua Yueling and the others can only give up here, abandon this area and continue searching.Next, I can only go to other places. Hua Yueling took a look. When they came, they couldn’t take this road unless they were willing to be hostile to the cavemen, but that was a scene that Hua Yueling did not want to see. They are not willing to fight if necessary, and there are no villages or towns here, so there is no need to worry that these cavemen are attacking human villages.

Hua Yueling and the others quietly left from the top of the mountain and walked in another direction along the mountain range. They acted according to the prompts on the map.They are going to take a look inside the forest. Goblins may be found in the forest.

No matter what kind of monster it is, it is better than meeting a mountaintop giant here.

The strength of the mountaintop giant is too strong, but it is not something the two little guys can handle.Hua Yueling was also broken for the two little guys.

After avoiding the giant on top of the mountain, Hua Yueling and the others walked all the way from the mountain. They walked directly along the mountain towards the forest. The forest is still a certain distance from here, which takes a while.

On the mountain range, Huayueling and the others also encountered some monsters. The place is usually inaccessible. The more such a place, the easier it is for monsters to live.

The lively little ghosts rushed from the left and right at an extremely fast speed. Their claws were like those of a wolf, waving and grabbing them.

Hua Yueling and the others are naturally not afraid. Such little ghosts are fast, but they can't help fighting. It is actually easier to fight with them.But this is for Hua Yueling and the others, it may be more troublesome for the two little guys, and to some extent it is more troublesome than dealing with goblins.

The little ghost is dark red, and part of his skin is black, which looks a little ugly, anyway, Hua Yueling feels that it does not conform to her own aesthetics.

The three of them didn't go forward to fight, but stepped back a little and gave this place to the two little guys.Huayueling just took the opportunity to see how the two little guys are. Although they can play Wushuang against slimes, there is nothing to see. If you really want to see their strength, you have to do it in this situation. Row.

There are three little ghosts in total, and the number is not too large. There is only one more person than the two little ones. In this case, even if the two little ones fall into the wind, the situation should not be too bad.

Just as Hua Yueling thought, the two little guys had difficulty coping at first, after all, each other had a large number and was very fast.In addition, it is the first time these little ghosts have met, so they don't particularly understand, these are the reasons why they fell in the first place.

However, after being suppressed for a period of time and getting familiar with the fighting methods and skills of the imp, the two little guys gradually regained a little advantage.They take advantage of their own advantages and are not at a disadvantage in terms of speed, and they do better with them than the three little ghosts.

In this case, the two little guys can also carry out some sporadic counterattacks, and will not be led by the nose by the three little guys.

Hua Yueling found that the talents of the two little guys were higher than he thought. These little ghosts are not high in strength, but if ordinary adventurers face them, they will inevitably be in a hurry, and it is not necessarily true. Is the opponent.Don't look at the strength of the little ghosts, but they do have a good hand in group fights.

Especially there are some more powerful little ghosts here, holding a long red fork in his hand, it would not be a joke if he was plugged in.That thing has good attack power, and the most important thing is that the attack distance is very long. In this case, being besieged by three guys is a very troublesome thing, and it is not easy to dodge.

Gradually, the two little guys were able to try to guide the attack of the imp, using agility to deceive them. This approach is a bit dangerous, but it is very effective if it succeeds.

One of the little ghosts saw Lorna rushing towards him, raised his hands high and waved, yelling Huayueling words that they didn't understand, rushed over and waved the weapon in his hand and stabbed Lorna. .

The other two imps were entangled by Teres. They wanted to help their companions to besiege Lorna, but under Teres' attack, they had no way to do this.Teris was so fast that there was no way for them to leave even if they wanted to.

On the other side, Lorna just dealt with a little ghost, so it was relatively easy, almost no effort was spent, that little ghost was not her opponent at all, it can be said that he was easily solved by him.

After solving a little ghost, the battle between the two little guys is much easier, facing the three little ghosts and a little flustered, but when there are only two remaining, their battle will naturally sweep a lot easier.

Those two little ghosts are not their opponents at all. The previous advantage is an advantage when there are more people, but it is not an advantage when there are fewer people, but a disadvantage.

Pole weapons are not suitable for close combat. Someone dragged the two little guys before, and then the others stood at a distance to attack, which disturbed them and saved themselves from danger.This is a better method, but there is no way to continue using this method now.

Under a series of attacks by the two little guys, they had no way to deal with it, they could only barely defend, but this kind of defense was also precarious and could fall apart at any time.

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