Hua Yueling and the others were very happy watching it, especially Hua Yueling, who felt that their teaching was still useful.The progress of the two little guys is very obvious. Before they did not have the thinking and skills in combat at all, but now they can be regarded as a beginner's path.

Very good, their progress is very fast, if there is more detailed guidance, I believe their progress will only get faster and faster, and will not slow down.

Hua Yueling felt that his efforts were not in vain. This was also the scene he wanted to see. Although it might be a bit early for the two little guys, it was actually not too early.

The biggest problem for Lorna and Triss is that they are studying late, they are already relatively old, in this respect they have a disadvantage.But fortunately, they are talented in this area, which can fill up some of the disadvantages of age.

After a battle with the kid, the two little guys are a bit tired, but they are still very happy.

The two little guys ran back happily, kept Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong's waist, did not speak, raised their heads and looked at them with a smile.Hua Yueling was able to appreciate their happy emotions, gently stroking the little head of Lorna who was holding her, feeling happy for them.

It's not that Huayueling praised them, but they did a good job.In the battle, he was calm enough to come up with a strategy to deal with the enemy in time. Not to mention them, even ordinary adventurers would not be able to be so calm when facing such an enemy for the first time.

From this performance, we can see their talents in combat. This is not a joke, but a real talent.

Hua Yueling knew that she didn't actually have any talents. The reason why he was able to reach this kind of Chengdu was only with the help of Xiaoxue and the system. Without these golden fingers, he would not have reached this level anyway. .But these two little guys are different, as long as they are well trained, they are absolutely limitless.

Even though Hua Yueling and the others met the little ghost here, it was really difficult to find them. After climbing a mountain, they came to the edge of the mountain, ready to find where the woods were.

"It's over there, we will be there soon after we go down."

Hua Yueling stood on the sloping hillside and looked into the distance. It would not be far to walk along this mountain range as the woods. You might be able to find the goblin in the woods.But speaking of them, since they have already fought the imp, is it necessary to go to the goblins?

Hua Yueling felt the need to look for it. All kinds of monsters had to let the two little guys try this battle, so that they could learn more about the fighting methods of different monsters, which was good for them.

Walking along the mountain range, Hua Yueling and the others came to the forest area.It was also a large area, where there was a smell of monsters, and it was very strong, indicating that there must be monsters there, but the difference between what kind of monsters can be found there.

Along the hillside all the way down, Hua Yueling and the others reached the bottom, and then they reached the edge of the forest.Going further inside should be able to find the monster.

"None of us will help next, you two have to look for it yourself, be careful and pay attention to what's here."

Hua Yueling was next to remind the two little guys that if they helped, he would definitely be able to find the monsters faster, but he just wanted to see if the two little guys could find anything by themselves.

The two little guys are not too strong in reconnaissance ability, but fortunately they are mixed, so in this respect there is something Hua Yueling can't match.Even without probing skills, they can understand more than Hua Yueling.

The two little guys were on high alert when they entered the forest. Although there is nothing here, no matter whether they are there or not, they need to be more cautious to act.

Walking all the way to the deeper part of the forest, Hua Yueling talked and found a few figures without walking too far, and those figures didn't seem to find their existence.Subconsciously looking at the two little guys, Lorna and Teres, Hua Yueling wanted to see if they had spotted those guys, but it seemed that they didn't notice at all.

This is not their problem either, after all, the distance is still a bit far away, and among these people, Hua Yueling has discovered the situation alone.

Those guys are not deeper, but on their right side. They are coming here. I don’t know what purpose they have. Hua Yueling is puzzled by this, but it is certain that those guys are them. Goblin looking hard.

"Well, it came just right, I didn't expect to find it so soon. But if you go inside, you will miss it. You should find a way to change the direction of progress."

Hua Yueling thought for a while, and felt that she couldn't say it too eagerly. That was basically a reminder, which he didn't want to do at present.

Perhaps he can carry out implicit guidance, and unknowingly lead them to the past, this is indeed a way, but how to lead it requires thinking.Hua Yueling knew that he would reveal some information as soon as he opened his mouth, so he had to think of a way to get the best of both worlds. Once he opened his mouth, whether the information was revealed, it was a bit difficult, but there should be a way.

"Let's go here a little bit, there is no need to go deep."

After thinking about it, Hua Yueling felt that there should be no problem with her statement like this. It was just a change of direction, and there was no big problem.

After such a reminder, Hua Yueling also deliberately observed the expressions of other people, and found that there was not much change in their expressions.Didn't take this as a signal.

It was just an ordinary proposal, and everyone didn't have any opinions, so in accordance with what Hua Yueling said, he walked in the direction he pointed.

After walking not far, the two little guys discovered something. They suddenly stopped and looked farther away.The dense forest ahead was dark, and there was nothing to see and no sound, but the two little guys clearly heard something, especially Lorna, her ears moved, staring very seriously. Deep in the dense forest.

Hua Yueling and the others directly stopped and watched the performance of the two little guys.It was impossible for Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang to discover the whereabouts of those goblins. After they found out, they immediately looked at Hua Yueling and understood why he had done that before. It turned out that they had already discovered those goblins. forest.

"There seems to be some amount."

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