Some numbers are some numbers, but for Hua Yueling and others, the number of goblins is not many, or even small enough.Such a little goblin is not enough to "stuff your teeth".

This is just a metaphor, but it also tells the truth.

But it's less for them, and more for Lorna and Teres.The two of them are not necessarily rivals.I have fought with three little ghosts before, and have not rested after the fight. I came here all the way to fight with the goblins.

They may not have enough physical strength, but if the number is smaller, it should not be a big problem to deal with them, as long as they are all ordinary goblins, there are no higher-level goblins.

Ordinary goblins are relatively easy to deal with. If you encounter advanced goblins, it is not easy to deal with. The two little guys are not necessarily opponents.Various monsters have similar classifications, but they can't be regarded as the classifications assigned to them by humans. In fact, they also have various classifications themselves.

The most common are those goblins with tattered weapons. Their strength is the weakest among all goblins. They are the weakest in all aspects. No one is more powerful than other levels of goblins. Strong.

Such goblins are naturally the best to deal with. They are not much different from the most common imps. They are slower than imps, and only stronger in terms of power.Such a guy is relatively easy to deal with.

Goblins with higher levels are not easy to handle. You must know that the difference between high-level goblins and low-level goblins is not a little bit different, not to mention their own strength. The gap means that the weapons used are also completely different.

For example, the weakest goblins use some eliminated weapons, such as wooden sticks or broken swords, but the stronger goblins use weapons such as new swords and even magic wands.The difference in injury is not a little bit.

In addition, some high-level goblins can even use magic, and some have some skills similar to combat skills. Compared with goblins who do not know these, they are not a race.

Now they are all ordinary goblins, and their strength should not be very good.

There were a total of six goblins that came, and the number was quite large. The two little guys, Lorna and Teres, were still very difficult to deal with. The main reason was that there was a big gap in the number of goblins.

"There are a lot of goblins. I'll clean them up. It's enough to leave them three or four. If there are too many, they will definitely not be able to cope."

At least with the current strength, it is definitely impossible to cope. The strength of the six goblins is not strong, but when the number reaches a certain level, the situation is different.Ants often kill elephants. This is not a joke, but it can be done.

"Please, Yuetong."

Hua Yueling didn't take any action by herself, but was observing from the side, leaving the task of cleaning up the goblins to Lu Yuetong.Lu Yuetong’s strength is unquestionable. It can be said that it is more than enough to deal with these few goblins. She alone is enough. If it were not for the two little guys to keep a few, she would have treated these brothers. Brin was dealt with.

Suddenly, the two little guys hadn’t seen anything clearly yet. There were already a few goblins knocked to the ground, and there was no response. There were only three remaining, and the problem was not too big for them to deal with. .

The three goblins were taken aback. They didn't expect that when they had just arrived here, some of their companions were killed. They stared at each other blankly and immediately wanted to escape.But how could Hua Yueling and the others give them a chance to escape and immediately blocked their escape route,

Those goblins were scared back by the aura radiating from them, and couldn't escape when they flee. The only place where they had a chance to break through was Lorna and Teres.Other places are surrounded, only the two of them are weaker, and there is no such aura that makes them fear.

So these goblins rushed towards the two little guys, there were only three, and wanted to rush out a way directly from the two little guys, but it was very difficult.

Although there are only two people in the two little guys, it is easier to stop them. Although they may not have the upper hand in terms of strength, they are definitely stronger in spirit.

It must be difficult for two people to intercept three goblins, especially when the goblins are bent on running away. This difficulty is obvious.But Lorna and Teres were not frightened by this difficulty, they were more calm.

Teres intercepted the two goblins in one breath, and let it fight Lorna one-on-one with the remaining one. The two of them had already negotiated this way of fighting.It's the same way of fighting like this when dealing with the little ghosts before.

Teres is not necessarily stronger than Lorna, but she has a spirit that Lorna doesn’t have in her body. She really has a sense of desperation when she really fights together. Not only did the two goblins fail to gain the upper hand, On the contrary, she was a little confused by the beat.This is the ability of Teres, she is indeed quite talented in this regard.

A great power burst out in a short time, which is not something ordinary can do.Sometimes anger can burst out of power, but usually it is extremely difficult for you to burst out of that kind of power, and Terris doesn't need it. She can burst out of her own power anytime and anywhere, but it can last for a short time.

Such ability is very useful, Lorna does not have such ability, but she has her advantage.Lorna quickly came to the side of the remaining goblin, completely entangled it.

Lorna's speed was very fast, and the goblin couldn't keep up with her speed at all, and was turned around by the way she attacked.

Goblin was entangled by her and had no way. Although he wanted to take the initiative, under Lorna's mysterious attack, it basically had no way.Lorna's figure flashed out beside the goblin from time to time. The goblin just wanted to attack, Lorna's figure disappeared again, and she came to another place in a blink of an eye.

This fighting method can also be said to have learned from Hua Yueling, who sometimes likes to use this fighting method.

Lorna also knew that she could not delay the battle for too long, otherwise it would not be beneficial to her. After all, although Teres could entangle two goblins over there, she could not always rely on it. She came alone, on her own side, and had to speed up to get rid of the goblins.

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