Although the two little guys were tired after the battle, they were also very happy. Through such a battle, they understood their strength and knew more clearly what they could do.

At the same time, they are also aware of some of their own shortcomings, but they are not aware of such shortcomings.After all, the enemies in this battle are relatively weak, and it is almost impossible to learn from them.

It's just a mess, whether it's a goblin or an imp, it feels like this to them.The kid also pays attention to some cooperation, but it is only a little bit. Goblins are different.Goblins basically don't see any good cooperation, they just fight according to the most basic combat common sense, and there is no sense of cooperation at all.

So many goblins just knew that they would come up and attack together, and there was no cooperation at all.In this respect, Lorna and Terris had the upper hand, and their cooperation was quite tacit. Even if nothing else, just using their tacit cooperation would be enough to solve the few goblins.

Goblins are basically not a threat to them. They all realize this after the battle. If they want to make themselves stronger, they must face stronger monsters, otherwise it will be nothing more than that.

Hua Yueling understands this, it's hard to say whether the two little guys understand this, but it's not that important whether they understand it or not, as long as Hua Yueling understands this point.Anyway, the training of the two little guys will be rounded up by them, and they will be responsible for everything.

"The new game production is not at all impressive. Well, my advantage over other game producers is that I have really been to another world, and what others know about different worlds. It's definitely not as good as mine. They can only create by imagination, but I am different. I can just copy it."

Hua Yueling thought of her own advantages. In this regard, she did have an advantage, but this advantage was actually not that big.But it’s better to have realistic materials than you want. Think about those who write excellent novels. Don’t many of them rely on the materials they’ve read or their own experiences to write? Very few people Will dream.

Utopianism is useful, but not so useful.

"But if I want to unload it, I still need to record it. Otherwise, I can't record so much content with my memory."

Hua Yueling originally thought that she had a good memory, but gradually she realized that she couldn't remember so many things.Notebooks are still very useful, so he prepared several notebooks, which basically recorded a lot of content at present, but these recorded content is also various, not only about the world.

Recording so much content is not necessarily useful, but at that time it is impossible to determine whether the content will be useful in the future. As long as it is something that you think is not bad, you should record it, wait for a period of time and then take it out for a look. Know whether the recorded things are really useful.

Turning over, Hua Yueling took out the notebook and put it on the tree stump, and then began to record the "swish".

While thinking about it while recording, it quickly recorded a whole page.While recording the record, he also did not forget to mark which ones are more important and which ones are not so important.

After finishing the recording, he turned over again, yawned, and rubbed his eyes vigorously, which somehow hurt.It's time for me to take a rest, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

Resting with her eyes closed, Hua Yueling temporarily put all her thoughts aside, rested intently, completely forgetting everything else.

Time passed without knowing it, and Hua Yueling was about to fall asleep.No one came to bother him. Except for the blowing wind, the dense foliage above his head covered everything, and the greenery made people feel particularly comfortable.

The day passed like this, Hua Yueling did nothing in the afternoon, just lying and enjoying the quiet life of being alone.He still likes this way of life, but it also depends on where it is. Huayueling definitely likes it here, but it would be different if he moved to another place.

Hua Yueling didn't wake up from sleep until someone came down and asked him to eat. He slept very soundly. If no one called him, I don't know when to sleep.

Maybe it was because she slept for a long time, so Hua Yueling felt a little uncomfortable and rubbed her eyes vigorously.Looking around, you can probably tell when it appeared from the light in the environment. It should be almost at night now. The light is a little darker, much darker than the day, and you can see it by looking at it.

"Is it time for dinner?"

It was Lorna and Terris who came to call him. The two little guys ran all the way downstairs, so they were still a little out of breath when they got here. The two little guys were too anxious, in fact, there was no need for that.

Pulling Hua Yueling's hand to go to the tree house, it seems that the two little guys should be very hungry, otherwise they wouldn't be so anxious.This made Hua Yueling a little touched. Even under such circumstances, the two little guys wanted to call themselves, instead of staying on it and eating first. From this point of view, they are still very respected or very popular. The little ones are welcome.

Followed them all the way to the upper floors of the tree house. When Hua Yueling came to the dining room, it was already overcrowded. It was lively. Everyone didn't know what they were talking about. Everyone got here.

Hua Yueling saw Sister Yun, Ningshuang and Yuetong at a glance, they were sitting at the table where they usually sit for dinner.Seeing them here, Hua Yueling walked directly over and sat down beside her sister.

There is still an empty seat beside Sister Yun, which should be reserved for him.The two little guys originally wanted to sit next to him, but in the two places beside Hua Yueling, Huayun is on the left, and Mu Ningshuang is on the other. There is no place for them. The two little guys just Can find another place to sit down.

After everyone was done, they started the meal. The food was already on the table, and it was still steaming, just waiting for them to come over for dinner.If Huayueling doesn't come, the others will just wait for him to come over, and don't worry about eating.

"Want to learn magic?"

I don't know which muscle Jeluxi made the mistake, she suddenly remembered to ask this question. When the two little guys were asked, they both looked surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect the inscription to come up.

"miss you!"

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