Hua Yueling wasn't that she hadn't learned magic, and it was also taught by Jie Lucy herself, basically with Mu Ningshuang.But in this respect Hua Yueling had to admit that there was no way to compare the talents of herself and Ningshuang.

It's not that Huayueling grows the ambition of others to destroy her own prestige, even if this other person is her own girlfriend.This is the fact. The gap in this area is not a joke, but a fact.

The facts cannot be refuted, and Hua Yueling didn't mean to refute, he himself agreed with this.Originally, he thought that perhaps his talent in magic could be compared with Mu Ningshuang, or not too much difference, but after training together, Hua Yueling became very clear that the two sides are not that bad, but bad. It's a bit too much.

It can even be said that the gap is visible to the naked eye, as long as you are not blind or are looking for something to see, Hua Yueling has no way to compare with Mu Ningshuang in this respect.In other words, there is no need for comparison, and they cannot be compared.

The two little guys are said to have no talent in this area. This is what Sister Jelucy had said to them by chance before, and couldn't understand why they changed their minds now.But in fact, you can’t say that. Sister Jeluoxi didn’t say before that she would not teach them magic.

I don't know what Lorna and Terris would be like learning magic, whether they would be the same as themselves, that would be quite interesting.But if it is possible, Huayueling naturally hopes that they can make achievements in magic.

The two little guys don’t need to ask at all, they are also full of yearning for magic, but no one would teach them magic before, not to mention what kind of situation they were in before, even in ordinary circumstances, they would not How many magicians are willing to teach them magic.

This is a real problem, and it is difficult to solve.

Now that Sister Gelucci is willing to teach them magic, it doesn't matter whether they have enough talent or not.The most important thing now is that someone teaches them magic.

The two little guys can't wait to learn from Zelucy right away, but this kind of thing is definitely not anxious, and Jelucy said the same, just tell them for the time being, the specific learning will have to wait until later before specific arrangements .

After getting Jelucy's answer, the two little guys were somewhat disappointed. According to their thoughts, they immediately wanted to learn, but now it seems impossible.Can only wait until later.

It still depends on what Jie Lucy thinks, specifically how she wants to teach them, this is a problem.If there is no good way, there is no way to teach the two little guys.

In fact, to be honest, Hua Yueling felt that the talents of the two little guys in magic might not even be as good as her own.According to Sister Jeruxi, her talent for magic is bad enough. Although it is better than many ordinary people, it is not much stronger.

If you think about it this way, the talents of the two little guys are probably at the level of ordinary people.I don’t know what Jelousy Sister is thinking, why do I have to say such things at this time? Isn’t this distracting the two little guys?

There is no way for Hua Yueling to read the streets of Jelly Xi, she must have her own plan, and this plan must be good for the two little guys.

Hua Yueling believed a little, so since Jieluxi said so, let's do it, there is nothing to question..Even if the two little guys can't learn too complicated magic, just ordinary magic is useful.

The two little guys were very happy after a meal, and they were about to laugh out of their faces, enough to show how happy they were.Magic is a high-level symbol in their eyes, and it is their dream and pride to be able to learn magic.

Such an idea Hua Yueling is actually understandable, because it is also true for him.However, unlike the two little guys, magic was a dream for him, but not much difference.

In fact, it's not just him. In a world where there is no magic, I don't want to be able to learn and use magic. In short, it can be summed up in one sentence. It is a man's dream.That's pretty much it.

You can achieve your dream after learning magic. It can probably be said, but in Huayueling's opinion, this is not the case.Just learning magic is not enough, how can one not become a great magician, that is not enough.

It's definitely not enough to just learn some basic magic. Although it can be regarded as a dream, it is linguistically correct.But it was definitely not complete, at least it was definitely not enough when Hua Yueling wanted to come.

Fur is not enough, Hua Yueling hopes that she not only learns fur, but also masters the essence of magic.This is true in all aspects, Hua Yueling is such a person who strives for perfection, but in some respects, he has a little too high requirements for himself.

In this way, there are good things and bad things, and the bad things are that you have such a high demand and you don’t know when you can achieve it.Moreover, he casts too many nets, coupled with this attitude of excellence, is likely to cause chaos, but at that time he will not be able to take into account any aspect, which is also a big problem.

But Hua Yueling didn't think about it now. He was just thinking about Jieluxi's thoughts. To be honest, he didn't quite understand Jieluxi's thoughts.

After dinner, you can see that Lorna and Teres are both very happy and anxious. The joy is that they can learn magic, and they are taught by such a powerful wizard as Elder Sister Jelucy.The anxiety lies in the fact that until now, Big Sister Jelucy has not said anything to teach them, which makes them worry about whether everything will be a dream.

The two little guys had completely forgotten what Jelucy had said before and had to prepare, and they were worried about gains and losses.In fact, even if they weren’t taught by Jelucy, it’s okay to leave them to others. For example, Mu Ningshuang, but in terms of magical strength, Mu Ningshuang is definitely not as good as Jielucy, and the teaching effect is naturally very good. It may be inferior to her.

After dinner, the two little guys secretly looked at Zelucci with some doubts, wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, fearing that their questions would make Sister Zelucci angry.Naturally, Jelucy also noticed their behavior, looked at them, and then immediately turned away when seeing their little heads, she didn't dare to look at her at all.

The two little guys are like two little animals, watching secretly, but they are courageous and pitiful.

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