The cooperation of the two little guys is still okay, Terris has entangled the bandit leader very well, even if the bandit leader is eager to save his companion, it is impossible to get his life inside.Under Terris' entanglement attack, he had no choice but to keep pushing her back to gain some time.

But this method also takes time, the longer it is, the more disadvantaged it is for him, and he must buy more time.

"There is no need for that."

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that he didn't need to do it anymore.His companion couldn't be saved. Although he struggled for a while, he couldn't hold on for too long when he had fallen into a disadvantage.

In addition, there was no way for him to break free and help out in time, which gave Lorna more time.As long as there is enough time, it is not a problem for her to solve the guy, and it is the other party to worry about, not her.

After a series of continuous attacks, the robber couldn't support it even more, and knocked him to the ground within a few strokes, don't stop him from reacting like this.

On the other side, Teris did a good job. With her thin body, she entangled the bandit leader. Don't think it's easy.

But Teres was still strong. She didn't fight the bandit leader head-on, and she didn't have to do that.That kind of approach has no effect at all for her, but it will make her fall into a disadvantage.

But now it is different. She used her advantage to dodge constantly, and seized the opportunity to carry out sneak attacks.Although it can't cause much trouble to the bandit leader and hurt him, at least it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Terris was also very uncomfortable. She was swept over by the two-handed sledgehammer in the hands of the bandit leader. Even if she knew she could not hit her, she could not help but imagine the tragic sight of being hit in her mind.That gave her a great sense of oppression, and even if she dodges, her movements were a little deformed and soft.

Fortunately, this thought did not last long. After dodge a few times, her mood was a little more relaxed and she became more confident.There is no problem with himself, as long as he dodges well, the guy's weapon can't hit him.

Between flashing and moving, Teres dodged more and more confidently, she did a good job, and would not deliberately put herself in danger of being hit.But the strong wind swept across with the sledgehammer with both hands still made her tremble.

That kind of feeling can't be said to be painful, uncomfortable, and uncomfortable in my heart, but it has to be endured.

The battle was still going on. When it was obvious, Teres and Lorna were clearly the ones who had the upper hand, although they had a tendency to be suppressed at the beginning of the battle.But this trend quickly changed.

Although it is not enough to talk about the two little guys suppressing the bandit leader, they are no longer obviously suppressed by him, to the extent that they can't do well, but they are basically the same.

Gradually, they are no longer dragged away by the bandit leader, but are able to control some initiative and try to change the way the bandit leader fights.It's difficult, but they have to try, they can't sit still.

This is a very good way to exercise. Strength is very important in combat, but when strength is similar or similar, the importance of other aspects becomes more prominent.For example, now, don't look at the two little guys who dare not confront the bandit leader head-on, but in terms of their strength, they are actually not the other.

The battle between the two sides was at a stalemate, and seeing the chaos in such a space destroyed by the battle, this is the nest of robbers, but the robber leader can't care about so much now.As long as I can solve these two guys, I can say anything, I can still make a comeback, but if I can't solve them, then I really finished playing.

The bandit leader understands this very well, so he fights fiercely, almost using all his power to attack in one breath, hoping that his attacks will be effective, but this series of attacks seems to be every It's almost a little bit every time, and it doesn't feel like that when added together.

The bandit leader felt exhausted after a series of powerful attacks. It was not only the inner exhaustion, but the most important thing was the physical exhaustion. This exhaustion was difficult to alleviate, at least there was no way in the battle.Not to mention that there is no such medicine, there is a medicine that can restore physical strength, and now he has no time to take it.

He must find a way, otherwise he can only escape, but it is not so easy to escape. Being stared at by Triss and Lorna made him dare not move.If you turn your back to them, that is the biggest taboo.

As the physical exertion increased, he also began to gasp quickly, his attack speed could only decrease as a last resort.It is not that he wants to do this, but that he has to do it. It is just a dead end for him to carry out a high-intensity attack when he is physically weak.

He thought that the previous powerful attack could bring some good results, but he found that the situation was not as easy as he thought.

Then an attack would be cool, but that's all.What the two enemies should be like or what they are, there is no sign of consumption, let alone injuries.

Nothing at all, nothing happened on their side, as if they hadn't been in battle, but not on their side.The bandit leader felt very tired. He was particularly tired. In this battle, he was defeated from start to finish, and he was unlucky enough.

At the beginning, I was wrong. If I can think more precisely, I might still have a chance, but now there is no chance.There is no chance to escape. A fierce attack looks good, but if it does not work, the consequences will be serious.

Now he is going to admit the counsel and must find a way to ease his breath, but it is also difficult.Seeing one of the little guys rushing towards him, he had no choice but to wave the weapon in his hand to greet him, but before he could make a move, he noticed that there was an attack on the other side.The head can't take care of the tail. It's such a thought to be flanked on both sides. It's uncomfortable, but I can only deal with it as much as possible.

If there is a companion, or he can cope without expending so much energy, but the current situation is somewhat difficult to cope with.I had to block what was in front of me before thinking about how to deal with people attacking from other directions.

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