The repeated "ding-ding-dong-dong" battles made the bandit leader more and more exhausted to deal with, and more and more exhausted.But he has no other way, at least for now, he really can't think of a good way.

The best way it can think of is to solve the two "annoying spirits" in front of them, but this is definitely impossible. If he can do it, there is no need to be so upset.The other method is also very simple, and that is to escape directly, but the possibility of trying to escape from these two fast little guys is not high.

However, although the probability is not high, it does not mean that there is no chance. If a good enough time can be found, it may be possible to escape from their hands.Now the bandit leader is thinking about nothing else, what he wants to do most is to escape, he doesn't want to die here, just like the other men.

How could he not know what the consequences of his own subordinates were, and they were definitely dead in the hands of these two men.

Think about it now that I am a lonely family, but how these two guys have been fighting for so long without expending much physical strength, and coupled with the previous wave of battles, they are still full of energy, and there is no difference at all. Consumed.He didn't quite understand what was going on. The physical strength of these two guys was too good.

The bandit leader yelled angrily, how they are physically better than themselves, this is really incredible.

But at present he has no mind to think about these issues. What he has to do is simple, just find a way to survive.As long as you live, it’s more important than anything else.

I fought with Teres a few more times, but unfortunately he still used his power these few times, but the other party did not accept the move, so that all his power hit the air, yelling angrily in his heart .It doesn't matter how angry he is, Terris just dodges, at least when he is attacking, there is no defensive posture, or the idea of ​​fighting him hard.

This made him feel like he was hitting cotton with all his strength. There was no better way to deal with it. It would be better if his attack speed could be improved, but he was the fastest.This is the case with all his strength, he has no way to continue to increase his attack speed.

Now the situation is more difficult, he is still thinking about what he has to do, but thinking about it seems that there is no better way other than escape.But he didn’t want to run away, especially when faced with two little guys like Lorna and Teres. How old are they, or children, if someone knew that he was beaten by two children and fell into a wasteful place. Flee, what face he will have when the time comes.

It's just that even though he thought so in his heart, he was also a very realistic person, knowing that the most important thing now is not to think about the seven or eight things, but to preserve his strength and save his life.

As long as he does not die, then there is still the possibility of a comeback, but if he wants to die here, there is really no chance.After thinking about it and trying to understand it, he understood that there was only one thing he had to do, which was to live.

"Can't die here, die in their hands, that's an insult to me!"

Unable to accept the fate of being defeated by this young girl, the bandit leader kept retreating, trying to open the distance between the two sides, but it was also very difficult, mainly because the two little guys chased her too tightly. He was not given any chance to escape at all.

No matter how the bandit leader pulled the distance between the two sides, the results were the same. His speed was comparatively slower, and he had to guard against chasing soldiers behind him.This also made him unable to completely get rid of the two little guys, Lorna and Teres.

Although Lorna and Teres couldn't cause him enough damage, he didn't want to escape from their encirclement. This is a proposition that can't be changed.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute. During this period, it cannot be said that the bandit leader did not make any progress at all. In fact, he has made some progress.I saw that he was slowly moving in the other direction. There was a closed door, and there were other hidden behind the door. It was a hidden passage. Through that passage, he could Very easy to get to the entrance.

But how to escape from the hands of the two little guys, he hasn't figured out yet.He only thought of running away, but if he went out through this passage, what would he do if Lorna and Teres were still chasing him?He hasn't thought about this yet, the most important thing is that there is no time for him to think.

As he kept moving, he got closer and closer, leaving some scars on the heavy armor on his body. Fortunately, he was wearing heavy armor.If this is a light armor, I don't know if I will suffer more injuries.Medium armor is better.

The fighting has been going on for a while, but it seems that the two girls still have nothing to consume, but he was panting as he was beaten and hardly had any strength to fight.But he still had to persist, he couldn't give up.

"You must find a way to divert their attention, and you can't let them chase me like this."

The bandit leader was thinking about what he should do. He had to divert the attention of the two little guys, even for a second. Now being attacked by them like this, he has no way to escape.But how can we divert their attention, or hold them back?

It would be easy to handle it if he had a companion, but he would have no good way without a companion.When he moved to the door, his body slammed backward, and the door was knocked open with a loud noise, and he rolled back.

This action was awkward, and the speed was a little slower, but fortunately, the action was made and at least one of their attacks was avoided.

The bandit leader tried to close the door, trying to use this method to delay time, but Lorna and Teres didn't give him the opportunity to do so.Seeing that two people arrived in front of him in an instant, he couldn't help but sigh in secret. He was really embarrassed, and he had never been so embarrassed since he became the leader.

Don't be embarrassed and put aside, he really has no temper at all when he is beaten up like this.And it seems that this situation will continue. Can you really persist and escape from their hands?

Even he himself had doubts about this.

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