The bandit leader was still backing, he was watching while backing, looking for props that he could use.The weapon in his hand cannot be thrown away, and the situation can only be more dangerous.

He touched something in his hand, and regardless of what it was in his hand, he threw it directly toward the front.He didn't even care about whether this attack was aimed at the target.

That's not important, as long as it can make the other party's hands and feet rushed is enough, the other is not important.

But what he thought was quite good. Lorna and Terris just dodged as they did before, and then continued to catch up. The aggressive attitude made the bandit leader out of breath.

But he still had some chance to breathe more or less. Without this attack, he wouldn't even have such a chance to breathe.

The situation is so critical, but the bandit leader thinks he can handle it.She was about to sit down on the ground, such a heavy equipment and weapons made him breathless. He had had this experience in the past, but it was not as dangerous as this time.

It is precisely because he has experienced so little, or even rarely experienced such a dangerous situation, that he has fallen into such a situation.If he has experienced more of these situations, he will definitely have a better way to cope.

"No, you can't pester them anymore!"

He hurried around the table, then he suddenly turned around without thinking, raised his foot and kicked it.He kicked the table directly, and hit the two people chasing behind.

The two little guys had anticipated what each other would do, but their reaction was still a little slower. They dodged when the other attacked and dodged to the sides.Although the reaction was very happy, it was still delayed for a while, which also gave the bandit leader some time.

He took the opportunity to quickly ran to the road leading to the outside. This road was not short, and it took a lot of time to run out.

"It would be nice if there are traps here."

For this reason, the bandit leader is a little uncomfortable. If there is a trap, he will be safe. You can lure them to the trap. Even if there is no way to destroy them directly, you can consume their physical strength. In that case, you might be able to reverse the situation directly. , Regain the upper hand.

But this can only be thought of. After all, there are no traps on that road for safety reasons. There is no way to do it. And if there are traps on this escape road, he is so panicked when he escapes. It is very possible to forget these, when the trap is not left to others, it is very likely to be triggered by yourself.

This is not the time to think about these things. The most important thing now is to avoid them. The farther you can escape, the better. Everything else is imaginary.As long as you can escape.

Although the kicked out table slowed the movement of Lorna and Teres for a while, it was only for a while. Soon they caught up again, and their speed was still very fast.

The bandit leader didn't want to be chased all the time. He thought of another way. Using this method might be able to regain some advantages.However, the difficulty of this approach is that you must grasp the opportunity well. If you don't grasp the opportunity well, it is very likely that you will fall into a more difficult situation because of this.

However, the bandit leader was able to get to this step by courage. Without the courage, he would not be able to get this step, so he decided to fight it now. Perhaps this was his only chance.

No matter what, he must try it.Always pay attention to how far Lorna and Teres are between them, as long as this distance reaches a certain distance.

"No, the distance is not enough, it must be closer."

The reach of his weapon is limited, so it must be within the range of the weapon's attack.Only relying on the tip of the weapon can cause enough damage.

So he must make a good judgment. He is very nervous. This is the only chance. If he has not done well this time, it will be a fatal blow to himself.

Calculate the timing and calculate it at their current speed. It will not take long, it only takes a dozen seconds.When he heard the voice and felt that the time had come, he turned around abruptly, and the weapon in his hand smashed past with an unstoppable momentum.

This attack was very fierce, and it felt very oppressive, but he still made a mistake. Although Lorna and Teres were anxious to knock him down, they still maintained their rationality and did not say that they could catch up quickly. .So when the other party makes an action, they are basically able to react.

The sledgehammer with both hands hit the ground heavily, and the dust was flying, but there was something wrong with the feedback in the hands. This is definitely not the feedback that you should have when you hit the target.

The bandit leader understood that he had misspelled this time and had failed.

Lorna and Terris attacked from two directions, and he couldn't react so quickly after dropping the hammer.Therefore, he had no choice but to raise his weapon as much as possible to block their attack.

However, the two little guys still hit him relying on their agile walking, but they didn't hit the key point, just hit the armor.Their weapons are still somewhat inferior. If this is really a good weapon, it will definitely cause enough damage.

However, the strength of the sprint on the weapon still made him unsteady, and staggered back. She didn't dare to wait until she stood still, and another hammer swung over.In such a small place, he still has some advantages, although the attack range of the weapon he uses is still too large, and some cannot be used.

This time the sweeping weapon hit the wall heavily, and a lot of dust fell off at once, and the two little guys had long since disappeared.One of them stepped back to avoid the other's attack, and the other one was already behind the bandit leader.

When the bandit leader attacked, she kicked the bandit leader directly from behind. The bandit leader didn't expect such a situation, and she fell too much.

With a sound of "touch!" he fell to the ground and groaned in pain. This was a heavy fall, and the injury would have been even worse if he hadn't had armor on his body.But the armor also helped him withstand a lot of damage, so I can't say that.

But the moment he fell to the ground, he realized that he might be finished, and there was no way to struggle anymore.

The robber leader himself definitely wanted to resist, but he had no way to resist, and he couldn't get up.He wanted to get up, but it was basically impossible to get up after being suppressed by the two little guys.

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