After the bandit leader fell to the ground, facing a series of blows from Lorna and Teres, there was nothing to do.He fell face-to-face, and he had to turn around to defend himself. He tried to do this, but he didn't have this chance.

Lorna and Terris attacked directly, and the dagger pierced the place on his body that was not protected by armor.When the dagger really pierced into the most vulnerable part of his body, the pain was beyond words.He has endured such pain, but it was a long time ago.

After becoming the leader, he didn't have many chances to fight like this, he just had to start whatever he had, and they basically robbed the weaker guys.Being able to survive means that he is a smart man. The most important thing for a smart man is not how strong he is, but whether he can see the situation.

In many cases, strength is important, but it is also important to see the situation clearly.

But this time he lost. He was a bit irrational and felt that he had a chance to win, but he was too confident to say so.This is the consequence and end.

Self-confidence hurts himself, and he muttered silently in his heart, so there was no sound.

After Hua Yueling and the others searched the last room, all the things that could be exchanged were exchanged, and they were not in a hurry or slow to chase them.When they caught up with the bandit leader, the bandit leader had been dealt with, and the two little guys showed tiredness at this time. They were leaning against the wall, panting slightly.

My face is a little ruddy, and I can see the sweat coming out.This battle fought stronger than any previous one, took more time, and consumed a lot of physical energy, which was really exhausting.

They wanted to sit down and rest for a while, and they had no intention of continuing to explore.

Seeing the fatigue of the two little guys, Hua Yueling glanced at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong and motioned for them to take the two little guys to rest for a while.He has to go around here.

The two little guys were taken to the place where the bandit leader was before, where they were allowed to sit in chairs and rest for a while.Although this place is definitely incomparable to Jeruxie's tree house, it would be nice to have a resting place outside, and there is no need to be so picky.

The two little guys sat down and wanted to go to the table, but after looking at them, they rejected the idea, so let's do it for a while.It was really the first time they had experienced such a tiring battle. In fact, it seemed nothing when they fought the bandit leader, but it was just because they didn't show it.

The bandit leader didn't see this, mainly because he didn't have time to observe it carefully, coupled with lack of experience, otherwise he should have been able to see it.

In this regard, Lorna and Terris had more experience than the bandit leader, and the difficulties were somewhat difficult, but they persisted and did not reveal many flaws.If there is a big flaw, it will be seen long ago, and it is impossible to hide it until the end of the battle.

In fact, if you really want to make it clear, this approach does not have any good results, but if it is done well, it can still damage some of the opponent's confidence, this is the only effect of this trick.Fortunately, the effect is still coming out. If there is no way to come out, then they will be busy for a long time.

The only good thing is that even if the desired effect is not achieved, it will not produce much consumption.

"It's a leader anyway, there's just such a thing on his body, not even a decent one. There is a box over there, so let's go back and look for it later, I hope there is some useful guy inside."

The bandit leader was still in the short road leading to the outside by him, but Hua Yueling still buried some for him before returning. It is true that he is not very visible in his current appearance, especially for the two For the little guy.Hua Yueling didn't want them to see such a scene, so she could only do more work on her own, and this was for their good.

After finishing everything up, Hua Yueling returned to the last empty space.When he came back, he saw the two little guys sitting and resting. They looked very tired. After resting for a while, they haven't been able to rest.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were on the sidelines, watching everywhere without any goals.There is actually nothing particularly noteworthy about this place.Hua Yueling swept around and found that there was still a way farther from here. He didn't know where it led to. In order to gain more, he decided to go and see for himself.

He did not say with Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong that he walked over by himself, but his actions naturally did not hide from others.When Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang saw him walking there, they followed him, wanting to see what was there.

The three people got there, and they came inside without walking a few steps along the path. There is a small space inside, which is similar to a single room in the modern world. The furniture inside is quite complete, but everything is complete. It's wooden, and it's both old and new, but most of them are old.

After a glance, Hua Yueling's gaze stuck to one of the big boxes as if stuck. The box looked very luxurious.Looking at that treasure chest, Hua Yueling's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up. Looking at the treasure chest, she felt that there must be treasures in it.

But then I think about it, the robbers here are so weak, how could they have treasures, unless they are lucky, but can they really have that kind of luck?Hua Yueling expressed doubts about this, he didn't think there was such a possibility, or that such a possibility was too small.

With a sound, Hua Yueling opened the big treasure chest, revealing the lineup inside the treasure chest, and he could see the things inside.


Hua Yueling took out the contents one by one and looked at it one by one. From the first look, there is actually nothing very good inside.

The most noticeable thing was the huge weapon placed outside. It was a two-handed axe. This axe was almost half a person tall. Hua Yueling held the weapon tightly in his hand and stared at it.

"This is an enchanted weapon, but I don't know what it is."

The ability of enchanting is not something that can be seen at a glance, it needs some special abilities to be able to do it.So half of the time after getting an enchanted weapon, he will try to use it, and then determine what kind of enchantment the weapon is.

This method is a bit unreliable and requires you to have enough experience, or there is another method, that is, to find specialized people to help.

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