Huayueling only has the ability to detect, not the ability to judge enchantment.It is said that such skills are related to your enchanting ability. The higher the level of enchanting skills, the better you can judge what an enchanted weapon is.

It's a pity that none of the three of Huayueling have the ability to do this, so they can only watch with eagerness.

"Yuetong, look at this weapon. Is there the one you use now?"

Hua Yueling handed the weapon to Lu Yuetong, and Lu Yuetong took it in his hand and looked at it, then walked a little further away and waved it for a while.This weapon is OK, but it's a little heavier, and it doesn't fit well.

"Forget it, I'm used to using that weapon, and now I'm not used to using this one."

After trying, Lu Yuetong shook his head and said.

"That's okay. Try to use it first. If it doesn't work, don't use it. The main thing is to see how the weapon is enchanted. If the enchantment is good enough, it's worth using."

"Go back and talk about it, then ask Sister Zeluoxi, she should know what this enchantment is."

Lu Yuetong put away the weapon as she said so, and then Hua Yueling didn't pay attention to it anymore, and in a blink of an eye she continued to look inside the box.There are still some things in the treasure chest, but most of them are of no use.

There are also two books among them. Hua Yueling took out those two books. They were two novels, which belonged to stories.Hua Yueling flipped through it at random, and had no interest.

"Exchange it directly into gold coins."

There was nothing to read about those two books, but Lu Yuetong was a little interested, and when he saw that he didn't seem interested, he reached out and asked for it from him.

"Aling, show me it."


Hua Yueling handed over the two books, and then continued to search for them in the box. There was not much in the box.Then there are some potions and jewelry.

Jewelry is not enchanted, and they are relatively ordinary jewelry, which is not very valuable.The potion is also the most common potion, and there are not many bottles.

Basically, there is such a small amount of things in such a big box with a half-person height.

In such a large box, even half or even a quarter of the contents are not enough. I really don't know where the robbers got this box.

You must know that in Hua Yueling's opinion, the value of such a box is not much different from the contents of the box.I believe that such a box should be needed, at least Hua Yueling thinks it would be nice to have such a box.

But this is just an idea. Hua Yueling looked at the box, and the box occupies a lot of space.

"Let's put it away," Hua Yueling glanced at her inventory, and there was no problem putting down such a box. "Yuetong, Ningshuang, who can help me, put this away too. Let's take away the boxes directly."

The box was put into his own space bag by Mu Ningshuang, and he was taken away directly.There is nothing more, Hua Yueling turned around, and the only thing worth noting in this room was the box, except for the box, everything was worthless.

After leaving the room, Hua Yueling saw that the two little guys had stood up. They seemed to have some energy, not as weak as they were before.

"Have you recovered? If you are still tired, let's go back and let you go back and rest."

Hua Yueling looked at the two little guys, they seemed to be in good spirits.But for now, even if you don't go back, there is nowhere to go. Hua Yueling thought about it, but she can take the two little guys to the city to have a look, and it would be nice to buy them something as a gift.

"This time you did a good job. We have also seen your battles. It is indeed a big improvement. So we are going to play in the city. How about it? Do you want to be together?"

"of course yes!"

After he asked, the two little guys immediately waved their little hands and said, very energetic.Hua Yueling nodded, this can be regarded as a reward for them. Speaking of being rescued by them, the life of the two little guys is actually quite boring, or they just stay in the tree house, or occasionally There is a chance to follow them to the modern world, and the number of visits is pitiful.

They have never been to a few cities in another world, so Hua Yueling thought that she could take them to several more cities, so as to let them know more about different places in this world, but also to make them happy.

The two little guys cheered and sang and danced around them, and they couldn't tell that they were still so tired.But Hua Yueling was very happy to see them like this. Two little guys were happy when they were happy. It was such a simple thing.

So happy for yourself, and the two little guys are also happy, why not do it.

Stroking their little heads, Hua Yueling looked at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong. The question now lies in what cities are nearby and how to get there.

The former problem can be solved from the map, but the latter problem is not so easy to solve.How to get there is a difficult question to say. If you can’t use teleportation to directly transmit it, you can only teleport to a nearby place.

They did the same in other places before. This is the only way.But that is a place I haven't been to, I don't know if it can be directly transmitted to it.

However, according to Mu Ningshuang, there was no problem, it was just a matter of spending some time, and it was not a big deal.For them now, the most indispensable thing is actually time, and everything else is lacking.

This is somewhat joking, but it is true.

Hua Yueling and his party left the cave and came outside again, seeing the light that belongs to nature again, and Hua Yueling felt refreshed both physically and mentally.

It is uncomfortable to stay in that kind of cave for a long time. The air inside is not as fresh as the outside. It is somewhat muddy. Breathing such air will make people feel unbearable. The longer the time, the more so.

It's hard to imagine those robbers can live in such a place forever, in this respect they are quite powerful.

Hua Yueling believes that she definitely can't do it. Although he also likes to stay in the house, or read a book or play on the computer, he really doesn't like this place.

If you don't like it, it's impossible to stay here for as long as Hua Yueling can stay in it for half an hour.

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