Hua Yueling and the others teleported to a place near a nearby city. Hua Yueling and the others didn't know where they were, only that they were definitely near that city.

How should I judge that I was there? Hua Yueling looked around, he was not familiar with the neighborhood, so he didn't know where he was, let alone judge how to get to the city.

The only way now is to ask Mu Ningshuang, after all, it was transmitted by her, she should know a rough idea.

"Ningshuang, where should we be in that city now?"


Mu Ningshuang pointed in a direction, and said it was probably there.Then she took out the map. It would not be easier to have a map to send, but she could make a general judgment, otherwise it would be difficult to judge.

The only pity is that the location of the teleportation is also not very precise, but with the power that Mu Ningshuang currently possesses, it can be controlled within an approximate range.

After determining the approximate location, Hua Yueling and the others quickly began to act.They walked in that certain direction.

Hua Yueling didn't see the mountains. According to the markers on the map, there were no mountains in the vicinity, so there was no way to stand high and look for them.

"I can't see it yet, it seems there is still some distance. Are you two okay?"

Hua Yueling looked at the two little guys. It seemed that they had no problem, but thought that they had to go through a long battle after a while, and I wonder if they could stand it.

In fact, there is no problem, it is not fighting, just walking, but Hua Yueling still cares about them, so you have to ask clearly.

"No problem, big brother, we are not tired at all!"

With that said, the little guy also raised an arm and made a strong man.

Her cute look made Hua Yueling and the others laugh. They were really cute little guys.In this respect, Lorna is also very cute, but she is still different from her lively cuteness.

Lorna usually speaks very little, but in this respect it is quite similar to Mu Ningshuang.

Looking at Lorna, who was silent, Hua Yueling hoped that she could talk more. It would be better to say that. He didn't like to see her being silent like this. That would not be good, for a little girl.But this was just Hua Yueling's own thoughts, and Lorna herself didn't seem to have changed her mind.

This is related to a person's personality. It doesn't mean that you can change if you want to change. Just like yourself, did you change yourself? Hua Yueling knows that she has actually changed, but her changes are big, not big.

If you can't control your own changes, then don't want to let others listen to you. This is Hua Yueling's own thoughts, and he doesn't think such thoughts are wrong, the facts are like this.

It didn't take long before Hua Yueling and the others walked forward to see a faint shadow from a distance, that was the outline of a city, and that was where they were going.

I didn't expect to see that city so soon, it was really unexpected.But this is also good, it saves them from spending too long outside, but in fact, even so, the road to go is not short.

Such a long distance can be transmitted directly, but they have no need to transmit when they are here.Just walk over, as a relief.And don't look at where it is not a big city, but using teleportation is also dangerous. Random teleportation is likely to be regarded as a suspicious person.

That can be explained clearly, but it will definitely provoke some things. Hua Yueling doesn't want to cause trouble, let alone be targeted by others.

It is better to keep a low profile, this is his idea.

When the two little guys saw the majestic city, even though it was just a silhouette, they were still very excited, pointing to the city and saying something happily.Hua Yueling didn't listen carefully, he responded casually.


However, the two little guys were not affected, they were still talking excitedly, they were very happy.The environment in a big city is definitely not as good as in the forest, let alone compared with the tree house neighborhood, but the feeling of hugeness is incomparable to the tree house.

There are no particularly tall buildings in the city, let alone compared to tree houses.You must know that even if you look outside the tree house, or even from a long distance, you can easily see the natural building that stands tall in the forest.

Towering into the clouds is not a joke.Even the tallest building in the city, even the City Lord’s Mansion cannot be compared with it.I don’t know how many city lord’s mansions are needed to reach the height of the tree house.

It is difficult for Hua Yueling to imagine how to build such a building, such a high building, just looking at it makes people feel dangerous and dizzy.If you think more, you might even worry about what to do if such a tall building falls down.The tree house gave Hua Yueling this feeling.

Lively city, bustling city, familiar feeling, unfamiliar place.Passing through the gate of the city, Hua Yueling and the others walked in step by step. Not only them, but many, many people were coming in and out.

Caravans, teams of adventurers, ordinary people, and other people. These people have different expressions on their faces. Some of them chat with the people around them at random, while others keep silent and say nothing. Say, walk in or go out quietly.

It is a good opportunity to see many people and observe them.What is the difference between people in another world? Hua Yueling didn't see anything for the time being. He felt that there was no such thing. The anti-counterfeiting was the same.

People are busy for survival, almost all for this.

Terris pursed her mouth tightly, it seemed that she was a little nervous, passing by so many people, I wonder if it reminded her of anything.Hua Yueling would definitely be so.She should have remembered the unhappy things in the past, which should be unforgettable to her.

Hua Yueling pulled her over and gently embraced her shoulders, the little guy was stunned, then she turned around and hugged Hua Yueling tightly.The road in the center of the city gate is well built, and the buildings on both sides are a bit inferior in comparison, and it can be said that it is not worthy of such a good road.

The roads should have been newly built, but the houses are works from a long time ago.It's quite old and doesn't match the road very well.These houses are people's residences. At the entrance of the city, Hua Yueling really didn't see any noteworthy shops. There were no shops at all.

But it's just near the entrance, and it's different if you walk inside.

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