"There are really many shops here, they look very busy."

Hua Yueling has also been to several cities. Naturally, some of those cities are more prosperous than here, but relatively, some are not as good as here.This is the case in a city, where after walking for a long time, there are no shops related to adventurers.

Stores related to adventurers, in another world, can be regarded as an important economic indicator of a city to some extent.

This city can be regarded as an upper-middle city at least from the current situation.

Coming to the city is to be lively, nothing else is important, if it is not lively then it will make people feel unpleasant.When you enter the city, you can't hear people's conversations, messy footsteps, and without such a lively atmosphere, can it be counted as a city?

Hua Yueling thinks so, he doesn't know how other people think, but he has always felt so.


Hua Yueling walked in a hurry, he enjoyed the feeling of wandering in a city in another world.There is a very comfortable feeling, mainly because of the architectural style. In the different world, the architectural style is more biased towards the ancient style, but in ancient times, whether it is China or other countries, there are many different styles. .

The style of the architecture in the different world is not sure what kind of Huayueling, he doesn't know them very well, but he likes this kind of architecture full of ancient style.

Hua Yueling likes ancient styles, which is generally known to everyone he knows.

"I feel that such a city still feels more comfortable for people. But after all, everything needs to be improved, and you can't stay in place forever."

Speaking softly to the girls beside him, the two little guys didn't understand what he said, and they didn't pay attention to it. Their eyes were wandering around the city.Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang each have different ideas, and they are not the same as Hua Yueling's felling.

However, it is normal to have different opinions, and nothing, Hua Yueling scanned the surroundings, not knowing where to go.I haven't figured it out yet, just go around here, he doesn't know if the two little guys want anything.

"Where do you want to go?" Hua Yueling looked at the two little guys and asked them. After all, he brought them to play, so naturally it depends on their thoughts.

Two little guys, look at me and I look at you. No one said anything. In fact, they didn't even think about it. They didn't know where to go.After all, this is the place they came for the first time. They hadn't been here before, so they were not familiar with it, so naturally it was hard to say where they were going.

"do not know."

Terris shook her head vigorously and said.She really didn't know. Although Lorna didn't have any special reaction, her answer was the same, and she didn't know where to go.

It would be great if Hua Yueling and the others had suggestions, but it was the first time that Hua Yueling and the others had come, and their knowledge of the city was basically the same as theirs.

A few people just walked aimlessly like this. They walked along this road. The roads here extend in all directions, and there is basically no possibility of getting lost.

Hua Yueling and the others came all the way to a place similar to the central square, which was very lively, but it could also be seen that this was not a market.

People gather here, but most of them are people from other places, and the locals are a small number.In the center is a fountain-like thing. In the center of the circular cistern is a tall statue. The statue is almost two people high. She holds a sword high in her hand.

It was a person without a face, his face was nothing, covered with light, and it was impossible for people to see his appearance clearly.But Hua Yueling could see what it looked like, that face was blank and there was nothing on it.

Hua Yueling didn't know why the people here wanted to do this, and what was the purpose of doing this, but obviously these were not the answers he wanted to get.It doesn't matter to him whether there is an accurate answer to these questions, even if he doesn't know it, there is no problem.

After all, this statue was not built by myself, nor was it built for myself.

Suddenly there was a change on the pool. Four water columns rushed out from east, west, south, and north, even to a place higher than the statue.After dozens of seconds passed, the water gradually fell back and the pool returned to its calm posture.

"It's pretty good, it's quite technical."

What Hua Yueling said was a bit joking, and they could all feel that the moment the water column gushed out, there was actually a magical effect.That feeling is very clear, and it's all different and you can discover it by exploring.

"But they also make good use of magic power. It's pretty good to do this. And it's very simple."

After staying in this area for a while, it was actually here to go around, but there was nothing new, and there was nothing that Hua Yueling and the others cared about.This is just an ordinary gathering place, as for other things are still lacking.Hua Yueling didn't see any good places.

"Go to other places again."

Although the two little guys said they were used to facing many people in the tree house, their emotions were somewhat wrong when they came to a strange place and faced so many strangers.

Especially Lorna, she seemed to follow Mu Ningshuang very nervously.Teris was better, but she followed Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong closely, observing those people secretly.

There are many adventurers, and everyone seems to be exchanging experiences here. Hua Yueling looked around again, and he saw a place that was more interesting.

"Let's go over there and have a look."

Hua Yueling pointed to the distance, just across from the statue and the pool. He saw a huge house there, resembling a mansion.There are two huge notice boards on the side of that building. There are many things on the notice boards. I don't know what they are.

Huayueling was very curious about this, so she was going to go and take a look.

The group of people just passed by and came to the mansion-like building.Two soldiers in light armor guarded the entrance. It seemed that this place was still a very important place, and it was probably not allowed to enter.

But until now, Huayueling hasn't seen what kind of place to raise this place. Logically speaking, it cannot be an office place. Generally speaking, office places are not located in such a place.

Glancing at the entrance, the two soldiers at the door did not pay attention to them, just chatting idly.

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