The dazzling tasks made the two little guys a little bit overwhelmed, their eyes wandering across the task board, looking for a task that suits them.

But suitable tasks are not easy to find. Although there are many characters here, there are not many that are really difficult.After all, the strength of the adventurers here is relatively low, coupled with the fact that there are few powerful monsters nearby, this has led to this situation.

The other thing to say is, don't look at the many tasks on the task board, but there are also a lot of primary tasks, which are extremely basic, and basically do not need any strength to follow the tasks.

For example, tasks such as picking herbs, and then looking for what kind of items, anyway, are all kinds of tasks of this type.

The two little guys looked around, and there was nothing particularly attractive to them.And the task pay here is also low.

The two little guys are a little disgusted, let alone Hua Yueling and the others, just glance at it and lose interest.Since there is nothing here that interests them, then go to the other side.

The tasks in the task boards on both sides are different. One side is the task issued by people in this city, and the other side is the task passed from the adventurer's guild in other cities. Those tasks are available nearby. Finished.

However, the missions that are transmitted from other cities are more difficult. In this type of mission, unless it is the kind of herbs that can't be found elsewhere, it will not be transmitted. .

The tasks here are relatively more to their tastes, and the price is good, at least it's worth going out.

The two little guys asked Hua Yueling what kind of task they would choose at first, but Hua Yueling and the others said it was their own business, and they shouldn't always be in charge.

The two little guys felt that it would be okay to let them help, but since Hua Yueling and the others insisted on it, the two little guys still had to make their own choices.

Their eyes are constantly searching between those tasks, and there are many tasks that feel good, but they not only choose based on this.The most important thing is to look at the rewards given, if the rewards are not attractive enough, it won’t work.

After looking at it, I picked a few tasks that seemed to be good.

"Big brother and big sister, how about these few? It's not too difficult and the reward is good."

"Since you have all decided, let's do this. We will find a place to rest, have a meal, and wait until the afternoon to act. The harvest of this action is your own. This is your first time. Income."

Hua Yueling gently stroked the heads of the two little guys, and the group went to look for the girl at the counter. After receiving the task, a few people left.

Hua Yueling and the others found a hotel. After all, they still need a rest. Although a hotel is fine, it is definitely not as good as a hotel.

They found a hotel, Hua Yueling and the others ordered some specialties of this area there, and they were going to have a taste of the specialties here.

"It looks good, come, you guys have a taste."

Hua Yueling didn't rush to eat herself, but first gave the two little guys some special dishes, and then gave Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong some dishes.Otherwise, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong wouldn't say anything, but by looking at their expressions, you can tell that they are somewhat dissatisfied.

The lunch was pretty good, don’t look at the simple food here, but the taste is good.In many cases, this is the case. It is not that the richer the meal is, the better. In many cases, it is simply better.

Hua Yueling felt that the meal was pretty good. Although the meat is also very ordinary meat from another world, it is not too good, but the taste is still passable.

After eating, Hua Yueling and the others went upstairs to rest. Five of them, one of them, bit three rooms.Although it may be a little bit crowded, the girls think this is enough.

Although they have some money in their hands, the money is not drawn like this.

After saying goodbye to the girls, Hua Yueling entered her room. Just like the food here, the room was simple.Sweeping around, Hua Yueling came to the window and lay on the window and looked out.

He likes this very much. He has a special feeling lying on the window and looking out, which is very relaxed and comfortable.But this is definitely not as comfortable here as the tree house, where there is greenery everywhere, just listen to other comforts.

There is some ancient aura here, but that kind of natural aura is hard to feel.Trees are rare in the city, and you can't see the outside of the city from here, only the mountains in the distance come into view, giving some sustenance.

After a while, Hua Yueling looked back, turned and walked to the bed.

There is still a lot of time to rest at noon, but I have to get busy in the afternoon.To be honest, the two little guys are still busy. In fact, they have nothing to do, just follow the two little guys around.

He also watched the next tasks. They were ordinary tasks, nothing difficult, and the most difficult ones were just wolf skins.There are a lot more, it is not easy to get together, it takes some time, and some simple things such as collecting herbs, they need to find the place where the herbs grow.

The two little guys only took on two simple tasks like that, and the rest were tasks like combat.

If you are lucky, you may be able to solve it in half a day, if you are not lucky, it will take at least several days.However, the stronger the strength, the easier it is to do these tasks.

The battle is relatively simple, but the difficult place is mainly to find, unless you can know some of those creatures or the gathering place of herbs, otherwise it will be more troublesome and waste time to find.

Hua Yueling and the others still just followed, and did nothing other than follow.As for those characters, the two little guys do it themselves.

In Hua Yueling's opinion, since it was the task that the little guys had accepted by themselves, and this was their first adventure, it was better for them to do everything by themselves, and it would be better for others not to make trouble.

Leave everything to them and see to what extent they can do. Hua Yueling believes that there is definitely no problem for them to complete those tasks. The problem is how much time it takes.

It must take more time, without any hints and information.

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