Lorna and Terris are still too immature after all, regardless of their combat level, but there are still many shortcomings in the real adventure.

Hua Yueling could see a lot from their first action. Although their minds were all on the task, they didn't take the preparations in mind.In other words, it cannot be said that they don't care about it, but that they don't have such thoughts at all.

There is a difference between these two statements, which represents the difference above this idea.It's not that they don't take it seriously, but they don't know what to do.

Up to now, they only think about taking action and completing tasks, but they have never thought about how to better complete tasks.The unimportant aspects were taken care of by them, but the really important aspects were ignored.

In fact, this is understandable. Anyone who is a fledgling person will make such mistakes. The key is how to make them remember the mistakes they have made and not make them again in the future.

Huayueling must be experienced in this regard, and they have made the same mistakes as the little guys before.But they believe that only by letting the two little guys make mistakes and then reminding them can they remember them more deeply.

In the future actions, they will regard their teaching as the criterion of action, so that they can be regarded as successful education.

After acting for a long time, Lorna and Teres felt a little more emotional, and they could clearly see their frustration.They thought they would be able to complete these simple tasks soon, and then were praised by their big brothers and sisters, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult to complete.

There was no figure in the open plain, no wolves, and no plants they were looking for, which was very uncomfortable.They can be said to be looking aimlessly. They really don't know which direction to go better, so they can only act like this.

"These two little guys are still too tender. They are not ready for anything. They don't know anything except fight."

"It's not your fault, Aling." Lu Yuetong, who was next to him, didn't think it was the fault of Lorna and Triss, but instead thought that Hua Yueling was doing something wrong.

Hua Yueling still wanted to refute at first, he felt that he had done nothing wrong, but after thinking about it, Lu Yuetong said that he hadn't taught them this beforehand, and that's why it caused this situation.

There is nothing wrong with thinking this way, as she said, this is her own mistake.But it wasn't that she was defending herself. There was really no time to talk about this before. Time was spent training the strength of the two little guys, and he didn't even think about teaching the others.

Today’s action was a bit sudden, although it was my own thought, but I still have to say it.

"There is really nothing wrong in saying that. The most important thing is my fault. I haven't reminded them of some things that need to be paid attention to before this. This time it is also my fault. It was too hurried."

Hua Yueling was seriously reflecting on his mistakes, he should have thought of these earlier.But it's not too late, I just have to think about how to save it.

"Or I will go back first, collect some information and then come back."

"No, we have already collected the information, and we know where and what is there. Although this information may not be particularly accurate, it is still useful, at least it doesn't need to spin around like a headless fly."

"Are you ready already?"

Hua Yueling remembered that they had been together all the time, during the lunch break.Wouldn't they go out to find it during the lunch break?

"It was after the lunch break that Ningshuang and I went out to look for it. We remembered the tasks that the two little guys accepted, and then we went to find some materials related to these tasks. These materials are relatively new, and they are actually for adventurers. The guild will be able to find it, and if it doesn’t work, go to the bar and collect a lot of useful things.”

The two little guys were called over, and in their doubtful eyes, Lu Yuetong handed them the information and taught them some knowledge about adventure.

"You two must remember that doing tasks is not just enough to act, understand?"

After saying that, Lu Yuetong told them what to do.

"Look, this is the data collected by the big sister, and these data are very useful to you."

After receiving the materials sponsored by Lu Yuetong's friendship, the two little guys immediately understood the purpose of the materials.

"Thank you big sister!"

"Not to let you thank me, but to let you know what to do before taking the risk, do you remember?"


The two little guys nodded vigorously, indicating that they remembered.But whether they really remembered Lu Yuetong was not sure.But they are quite obedient when you think about it, so it shouldn't be the case that they are perfunctory.

Lorna and Teresi quickly flipped through the information in their hands like a treasure.The information is not much, it can even be said that it is very little, but it happens to be about the same level for the two little guys.

If there is too much, they may not even want to watch it, and if there is too little, it will be meaningless.They need complete content, but this complete content must go through some trade-offs and pick out the most important ones.

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang didn't have much time, but it was enough for them to do these tasks.

But it was enough to just cut some, and the two little guys quickly found what they were looking for.

"Big sister, where are we now?"

It's a pity that even with this, it's not that useful. The two little guys have not been able to determine where they are currently, so there is no way to determine which direction to go.

"Where are we..."

Lu Yuetong hadn't seen this before, and didn't standardize anything on it, so he still had to look at it.

After a glance, I remembered how they came along the way.

"It's not wrong, we should be in this direction, and didn't go too far."

Unfortunately, the map did not indicate how the distance was converted, otherwise she would be able to find out where they were more accurately.It is impossible to say that it is completely accurate, but it is still possible to find an approximate location, but it is no longer possible. I can only roughly estimate the possible location. As for the deviation, it is not easy to say.

But this is enough, at least for the two little guys.Without Lu Yuetong's help, they would have no goal at all, even with a map.Now they are a little confused.

"According to the above content, we are probably here now."

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