This is not so much an ordinary area, it looks more like a herbal plantation to Hua Yueling.Otherwise, the area of ​​this herb is unbelievable.

Hua Yueling has never seen such a wide range of herbs, and there are still many types.

However, although there are some exciting things in this regard, there are also unhappy things.The expressions of the two little guys were a little unpleasant after a round here.Don't look at the many herbs here, but they need less than they thought.

Otherwise, they can receive so many tasks of this type.After coming here, they thought they could gather all the herbs they needed at once.

Looking at it now, otherwise there are so many such tasks, and the characters are paid well, because although there are many herbs here, there are only a part of the herbs here.

Other herbs can only be collected elsewhere, and it will take some time.

"No, there are only these?"

"We have searched them all, we have searched them all, but there are only these kinds. The task we received requires several kinds of herbs, and we can only find them elsewhere."

The two little guys nodded their heads. They reviewed the medicinal-collecting tasks they had received and picked out all the medicinal herbs they needed to collect.After having all kinds of information, they realized what a troublesome character they received.

For this they have to go to several places, and it is almost impossible to complete it in one day.Of course, that is in the absence of transmission.Now that they can use teleportation to solve problems, it should be simpler and save time.

The next action basically has nothing to say, it can be said to be easy, but it can also be said to be very troublesome.The main thing is that they have to be teleported several times, and each time they are teleported to the vicinity of that place, they have to find a place where the herbs grow.

Just going back and forth like this, it's very troublesome anyway.

"The collection is over, thank you elder brother and sister!"

After collecting the last herb needed, the two little guys expressed their gratitude to Hua Yueling and the others.They have given too much help. Without their help, I don't know how long it will take.

With their help, they were able to complete these collection tasks so quickly.But even so, it took almost a day.

This is already very fast, and if it is handed over to others, I am afraid that there has been no progress at all.

However, after completing these tasks, they were not prepared to go to the city now, but to find a place outside to rest for one night and go back tomorrow.

This is also to prevent the consequences of being suspected by others when you go back too quickly, although it is nothing even if you are really suspected.

In fact, the main reason for staying outside for one night is to let the two little guys experience more of how adventurers usually live.If you are a real adventurer, living outside is a commonplace.

Where adventurers are like Hua Yueling and others, they can say where they want to go, and they don't live outside at all. If they want to go home, they go home. Adventurers are not so comfortable career.

It is a common meal to sleep in the wind, where is it like them, life is so enjoyable.

But don't look at Hua Yueling and the others as normal adventurers, and they have a very complete set of things for adventure.Take the tent, for example, and what they prepared was a pretty good tent with magical defense capabilities.

This kind of tent deployment is also very simple, as long as the use of magic to stimulate it can be directly deployed, and then find a place to put it down.

It's a pity that there are not many tents in hand, only two, and a lot of people can live in one tent. Because the tent is quite big, it can accommodate up to six or seven people.

This is obvious. One of the tents is for Huayueling, and the other is for the girls.

As for what to eat at night, they also brought a lot of things anyway, and just take out some as food.

But there is one more thing they need to do before eating food, and that is to collect the materials on the wolves' carcasses.

The most important thing is skinning. Hua Yueling has learned this skill, and the most important thing is to exchange gold coins.Think about my craftsmanship when I was a beginner, but it is not the same as before.

The little guys have no experience in this area, after all, they have never learned the skills in this area.They can only watch how Hua Yueling does it, and then come to learn.

"Do you want to try?"

After peeling a few wolves, Hua Yueling looked at the two little guys and asked.The two little guys looked at each other and shook their heads. They were not interested in this.

If Hua Yueling forced them to study, they would definitely not refuse, but since Hua Yueling didn't force them, but just asked, the two little guys were naturally unwilling.

After the dissection, Hua Yueling and the others helped to hold the materials, mainly because the two little guys don't have a space bag or something, so they can only do this.If the two of them were allowed to hold such things, it would be too difficult.

However, there was no way to put so many things in Hua Yueling's inventory, so he could only give this task to Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong and the others.They helped to hold those herbs, and her inventory was limited, so she couldn't help with so many things.

There is no need to worry about the space bag, as long as there is enough space, you can put things in it, but the inventory will not work.The number of each is too small. Although they can be stacked, they can only be stacked with items. The stacking rules are also a bit strange.

In any case, there are only a few things that can be placed in the inventory. If it is more accurate, there are some types of items that can be placed.The number of items is a different matter.

It is precisely for this reason that Hua Yueling can't hold all the things collected this time, so in some respects, the inventory must be better than the space bag.But in other respects, the inventory is not as good as the space bag.

It's hard to say whether the inventory is better or the space bag is better, and it doesn't have to be higher.Of course, there is another shortcoming of the inventory to say, that is, does everyone have it, except for people like Hua Yueling, it is estimated that no one else will.

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