After cleaning up all the wolves, Hua Yueling and the others washed their hands and then began to eat.A dinner is not actually a sumptuous meal, but the two little guys taste more fragrant than ever.

They also consume a lot on this day, whether it's fighting or picking later is quite troublesome.Tonight they ate more than usual, and their stomachs were full.

They used to like to eat, but they have never been to this level.But when Hua Yueling looked at them, she could understand them, and wondered if she was the same in the beginning.

After eating a meal, Hua Yueling and the others went around at random, as if they were exercising after a meal.Although this kind of exercise is not large, it is also good for the body.

In fact, they don't have much to do at night, and they don't have any special lighting equipment. The only thing they can do is play with the game console they bring.

But they actually only brought one with them, and it was brought by Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling did not play by herself but gave Lu Yuetong and the others, but he also told them not to rest too late, after all, there is no benefit in sleeping too late.

At night, he really had nothing to do. After separating from the girls, he returned to his tent and lay down.In fact, there should be a personal vigil, but it is still early.

"It's really troublesome to take risks outside."

It would be much better if it was inside the city, but it was really outside, but it was also necessary.No one can guarantee that it will be safe outside, it is quite unsafe outside.

It would be great if I could make a protective barrier, but it would definitely be more troublesome, let alone that kind of thing can't be made just by trying to make it.

The moonlight in the sky is beautiful, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, raised her head and lowered it, staring at the burning flame in front of her.

The game console was in his hand now, and Mu Ningshuang gave him it before going to bed, and they knew that what he wanted to say at night was not a good job.

But after all, he is the only man here, so he can only be left to watch the night alone.Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong actually wanted to watch the night with him, and they could be regarded as having a companion, but they were rejected by Hua Yueling.

There is no need to let others accompany the suffering because of themselves, besides, even if they don't accompany themselves, they still have to watch the night, it's just in the middle of the night.

Hua Yueling also played for a while, but with such a person in such a wilderness, to be honest, Hua Yueling was a little unable to play.If he is interested in better places, he can't calm down in such places.

In this black environment, Hua Yueling felt her heart beating fiercely, and there was no way to calm down.What kind of feeling is this, a bit similar to nervousness. When playing games, there is always a thought in my heart that I can't explain clearly.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of the nervous thoughts, but I have to say that this is difficult to do.Maybe it's the function of the environment. It would be better if someone was around, but I was alone, even though I knew there were other people in the tent, I still felt that way very strongly.

Patting her face, Hua Yueling stood up and wandered around the fire and the tent.His steps are very light, even lighter than the breeze.

Even he himself almost couldn't hear his footsteps, but it was nothing, he thought it was just right.He didn't want his footsteps to attract other people's attention. After all, everyone was resting, and only himself was still awake.

Amidst the fire, the sound of "cracking" flames was somewhat similar to the sound of firecrackers, but the sound was definitely much smaller.Although the flame is quite bright, reading in this environment is different.

Hua Yueling tried to read the book, but it was no different from playing a game. She was very nervous and couldn't read it anymore.

Hua Yueling didn't know why she felt this way. It turned out that she had this feeling sometimes, but that was basically when there were too many people, not when there was no one person like now.


Hua Yueling's mentality is still good. Although he doesn't like staying up late and basically never stayed up late, he is still in a good spirit today, and he does not say that he is too sleepy to open his eyes.It's just that now he doesn't know what she should do, she doesn't want to just stay like this, it's meaningless.

It would be fine if it was only a while, but it would take that long to wait. From now to midnight, there are still several hours.

Just waiting for such a long time is meaningless. Although he can wait if he just waits like this, he obviously doesn't want that.

Hua Yueling went around for a long time and didn't think of any good way to kill time, but so far there might be only one real way.

With an unsolvable worry in her heart, Huayueling reluctantly took out the game console, playing games or reading. This is the best way to kill time. Just calm down and it should be fine. Although it is difficult, it takes Yueling thinks that she can try, this is the best way.

At the beginning, she was still a little uncomfortable, and Hua Yueling didn't know why. It was difficult to tell a Zie Chouyin about such a thing.It's not like this when you're at home or in a tree house. It just happens to be like this here, which is really weird.

Shaking his head, Hua Yueling focused on the game. As time passed by, other thoughts were gradually wiped out after putting it in.

It wasn't until the sky changed a little that Hua Yueling came back to her senses, and looked up, it should be almost time.Although the sky was still quite dark, it was already brighter, and after looking at the time, it was indeed almost the end.

"It's time to call them, I also need to rest."

Although it was not necessary to ask them to guard the whole night by themselves, Hua Yueling decided to ask them to go.After all, this is what the two parties have discussed, and there is no need to put too much thought into this aspect.

What's more, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both reminded him before they went to bed. Think about them and they have had experience without credit, even though they were all for the good of each other.

There was no need, Hua Yueling thought so, and then went to the place where Mu Ningshuang and the others rested.The four of them are still sleeping soundly, and haven't woken up yet.But it's normal. After all, it's still early. If it's not for the night watch, you can rest for a long time.

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