The four girls just huddled together like that, all seemed to sleep soundly, and no one wanted to get up again.Hua Yueling looked at them and felt that it was better not to be a villain.

Although she said that she was not going to do anything bad, but just wanted to wake them up to replace her to watch the night, but now Hua Yueling still felt that that was a bit bad.He didn't want to disturb the girls' rest. In this case, it's better to come alone, so don't disturb them.

Thinking like this, Hua Yueling retracted her hand and walked out again. He did not wake up the girls.

"I'll come alone, don't call them."

The girls didn't notice that someone came in and then went out. After all, Hua Yueling didn't make any noise, just to not wake them up.

Coming silently and leaving silently, Hua Yueling felt that she was about to become a ghost.Fortunately, he is not a ghost.

After sitting down, Hua Yueling looked around. He was really hungry after guarding for so long and wanted to eat barbecue.He has always seen the barbecues eaten by the characters in the game, and he also wants to try it. Unfortunately, he does not have the peculiar ability of the characters in the game.

"I don't know how to barbecue."

I don't know if I can bake only wolf meat. There is basically no difference in the game, but in reality it is not necessarily true.

Wolf meat is still edible, and I have eaten it, and the taste is not bad.In other words, as long as the meat has been eaten, it seemed to Hua Yueling to be the same.

But he still thinks the roasted meat should taste pretty good, and he wants to try it.

"It's too tired for breakfast."

Thinking about it this way, but he still felt that if he could make some delicious roasted wolf meat, then the girls would definitely be very happy.

But the question now is what to do. Although Hua Yueling has this idea, there is a big problem in his opinion.

If you don’t have any seasoning in your hands, will roast meat without seasoning be delicious?You must know that even people in another world know that barbecues need seasonings. Although the seasonings they use here may be inferior to those he uses in modern society, they also have seasonings.

It's a pity that I don't even have the spices in this world, let alone those in modern society.

"I considered everything else, but I didn't even consider the issue of eating."

It's not that I haven't considered it, but that I haven't considered the issue of barbecue. Although Hua Yueling is very yearning for this matter, she has never thought about really going to try it.Quite troublesome, this is the biggest obstacle to Hua Yueling, he is a lazy person.

But now there is nothing else. He has been playing the game for too long and needs to rest.This is also his own thoughts, and his own thoughts are often the most important, rather than being forced by others.

Hua Yueling thought it was very interesting, but fortunately, the wolf meat was still kept, instead of handing it to Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.In fact, they don't want to keep it, otherwise they would have held it long ago, and it would be impossible to just stay outside.

The wolf meat was originally to be thrown away, and at most it would be recycled by Hua Yueling, but recycling was actually not worth a lot of money, at least Hua Yueling didn't have that idea.

Hua Yueling wanted to find a wooden stick nearby to use for barbecue, but unfortunately he looked for it and found that there was nothing to use.This is a plain, not in the forest. If it is easier to find in the forest, it is really difficult to find a useful stick on the plain.

"Is there nothing else useful?"

Hua Yueling looked for it in her inventory, but unfortunately there was nothing available in his inventory.Less space means the preciousness of space, and no one can use so little space to install useless things and waste space in vain.

This requires him to look for it, but now he can't find it.The firewood was not actually collected by them, but Lu Yuetong carried in the space bag, which was also prepared for adventure.It can only be said that their preparation is still not enough.

Even if it is enough, it is actually a problem. Now that the two girls are sleeping, it is impossible for Hua Yueling to wake them up just because of this. In that case, there will be no distinction between the end and the end.

"Is there no better way?"

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, she didn't know what to do.If there is no props, there is no way to bake it.Can't let him hold it in his own hand to bake it, in that case, what is the difference between baking it with his own hands.

Hua Yueling was not so arrogant that he felt that there was nothing wrong with his hands being roasted by fire. It was impossible. His fire attribute resistance was not that strong at all.In fact, it can basically be said that there is no. If there is such equipment, it would be better to say something.

However, this kind of problem is not completely insoluble, it just needs to think about it.

Hua Yueling remembered that there were still some things in the tent. Those things were not prepared by herself, they were all packed by Lu Yuetong.I don't know what it is, maybe I can look for it.

Back in the tent, Hua Yueling immediately searched for it. After searching, she found that there was nothing useful, so she had to give up her original idea.

"Would you like to be a flower wolf?"

Naturally, the inspiration came from the beckoning chicken. It was a bit of plagiarism, but this was not the most worthy of his attention. After all, he was not for selling money, but for his own food.But he didn't have any seasoning in his hand, and he didn't have anything to use to make a chicken.

Just like making roasted wolves, there is no way to make them without something.

Unless he just threw the wolf meat directly on the fire to roast, but he obviously couldn't do that.The roasted wolf meat he made is to be eaten by himself, not for feeding animals.

Thinking about going to Hua Yueling, she felt that she couldn't realize her idea. Unless she was fully prepared, no one could cook barbecue.Now he understands this matter, everything must be fully prepared.

Today, it seems that you don't think about what you can do, Hua Yueling sighed in her heart, this is also nothing.After giving up making barbecue, Hua Yueling picked up the game console again, and now she can only do this.

Now, in his opinion, playing games is still the best way to kill time, and there are restrictions. The game sounds cannot be made too loud, otherwise it should wake people up.

"It's all this time..."

Lu Yuetong couldn't help sighing when she got up in the morning. She wanted to go out and trouble Hua Yueling, but she just thought about it and didn't really do that.

"You really killed people."

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