Hua Yueling could only show a wry smile in the face of Lu Yuetong who was looking for her angrily. Although Lu Yuetong didn’t really say anything to blame him, she knew that she was thinking something by looking at his expression. what.

Not just her, but even Mu Ningshuang was dissatisfied.The two girls stared at him like that, making him helpless.He can only find a way to ask for their forgiveness, although he must have no problem with what he has to say, he himself doesn't think so.

Distrust of others, this is the biggest problem this time, he has already thought about it.

"Surely not next time."

He couldn't say such a thing, and people might not believe it when he said it.


Hua Yueling could only apologize to her, but Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang naturally did not say that they would force him to apologize.

"Okay, okay, it's always like this every time. Even if we are girls, you think we are too delicate and uncomfortable at first. Can't you get used to it after so long? You treat us as children? ."

Hua Yueling's heart was startled by Lu Yuetong's words, this was her own problem.

"I was wrong, and I will definitely not."

Hua Yueling Lulu was as solemn as before, he really wanted to understand that he did not do well in this respect.Said it is for the good of others, or I haven't asked them what they think.

"I used to see you sleeping in Zhengxiang, so I didn't have the heart to call you."

"Aling, you are really too, too easily affected. We sleep soundly and can't wake up. We also know your mind, it's okay, you can find time to make up for it if you sleep less."

Huayueling nodded again and again, and after he agreed, the two girls didn't chase and say anything.Anyway, just let it go, they believe that Hua Yueling will definitely change some thoughts.

After talking about it, I will prepare breakfast. I don’t know what to eat for breakfast. In order not to be so troublesome, I just got some ordinary snacks.But these snacks weren't brought by them, but the snacks that belonged to the world they got from Gelucci.

Food in different places has different local flavors. In this respect, the different world is also the same. It doesn't matter whether it is food from another world. In fact, there are some special foods in different worlds, but there are fewer types of food.

The special ingredients only available in this world are used. Huayueling was really not too used to it when she first ate it. After all, it was the taste of this world, and it was normal for them to be at odds with their own taste.

After that, Huayueling tasted several different kinds of food, and gradually she could understand the deliciousness of some different world food.

Maybe you can't feel it at first, and even feel that the taste is a bit weird, not so delicious, but this is also a process of adaptation.

After packing up on their side, the two little guys also woke up. They were the last to get up among all of them. The little guys were just a little lethargic, which is understandable.

"I'm all up, come and wash your hands and eat."

Hua Yueling heard the sound of footsteps behind her, turned around and waved at them to come over.There was a water basin next to it, which was brought by Lu Yuetong. These items were basically handed over to her, and Mu Ningshuang's storage space was filled with magic-related items.

After learning magic, Mu Ningshuang became more and more obsessed with magic, not enthusiastic, but it was almost the same.It can be seen that she likes magic, and a large part of her mind is on it.

Hua Yueling sometimes even wondered if she had made them crooked because she was a good student who became a magician.

But obviously neither Mu Ningshuang nor Lu Yuetong cares about these, and even likes the current life.No one will have similar thoughts in his mind. It is impossible to say that there is no such thing at all, it is just a more or less problem.

Hua Yueling himself belongs to the kind with more thoughts. He likes the life now and feels more comfortable than before.Although there are more things to do every day and a lot of troubles are encountered, these are nothing.

What Hua Yueling likes is the power she has, and this power is basically impossible for ordinary people to have.There is nothing better than this for him.

After eating breakfast, Hua Yueling and the others are going to go around here again. The incident is still relatively early, and Hua Yueling's view is that there is no need to go back so early.So what to do in a hurry, it's not too late to wait.

Besides, they just went back to hand in the task. It is estimated that they will not come here again after handing in the task, so it is good to take a good look at the scenery around here at the end.

The two little guys can't see the atmosphere of parting at all, but this is also normal. After all, they are not parting with them. They are just leaving the place where they have just arrived. There is no need to give up emotionally. It doesn't make sense.

Around eight or nine o'clock, Hua Yueling and the others returned to the city. The materials were taken out after the Adventurers' Guild, and then they were handed over to the host of the Adventurers' Guild.

The task was completed in this way, and a few people did not want to continue accepting the task. They were ready to leave this place.After such a battle, the two little guys are not detectable. At least for the time being, there is no need for them to fight more. Although fighting can accumulate experience, it is not good to fight too much. To accumulate state of mind.

Hua Yueling had no problems with this aspect, mainly because of the system and the help of Xiaoxue, otherwise his current state of mind would definitely be a big problem.

Other people need to worry about this problem, but he does not need it. This is his special place.Everyone hopes so, but not everyone can be so lucky.

He must be the only one to say what he has to say now, and he has not seen or heard of other people.

The harvest of a few people is pretty good, and the rewards they get after those tasks are given to the two little guys.Hua Yueling didn't want anything,

Don't look at the rewards for those tasks that look good, but it still depends on who it is for. It is true for the two little guys, but it is nothing to them.

Don't look at Hua Yueling and the others basically have nothing to spend in another world, but in fact they are not bad at all.There is no problem even buying advanced equipment.

It's just that the equipment in their hands is too good. In terms of weapons in this world, it is estimated that only artifacts can enter their eyes.

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