"It's a troublesome thing. She was interested. But this is what those people hope. It is a little troublesome and needs her help. Those people are a little weaker."

Sister Liweiluo didn't explain too much, but Hua Yueling and the others generally understood it through this explanation.Although I still don't know what happened.

"Why are you looking for her in a hurry?"

Liweiluo looked at Hua Yueling and asked, if nothing happened, they wouldn't come at this time.Fortunately, the teleportation formation that can be directly teleported here has only recently been built, otherwise, even if they want to come over, there is no way.

"Yes, we only discovered this not long ago."

Hua Yueling said that she took out the parts she had brought over, and then went forward and handed it to Sister Livio.Livello frowned, then reached out and took the thing he had passed over, and looked at it.

Focusing on the zero device, Hua Yueling used the exploration skills to understand the state of the zero device. Fortunately, the power of the will of the world still remained, and it did not disappear because of leaving the other world.

"This is... how did you discover it?"

Liweiluo's expression has changed a bit. Even if she doesn't speak loudly and doesn't react too much, she thinks it doesn't matter to her, but it's actually not like this.

"We discovered that its existence is actually somewhat unexpected."

In fact, it goes without saying that it is weird and nonsense to say that there is no accident. It is basically impossible.

Livello did not speak, but waited for them to continue.

"Actually, it was quite accidental, and it was considered that we were lucky. At first, I thought of changing the computer time, and then when I tried to change it, I found that there was a change in the computer. The computer there is not much the same as I usually use. There has been a change."

Hua Yueling explained the causes and consequences of her discovery of changes in the computer. Livio listened and stared at the components in her hands. Hua Yueling could also perceive some power coming from her hands. Into the zero device.

But even though Livio did this, it did not change the power of the world will possessed by the component itself.

This is very important. In any case, the power of the will of the world is best preserved, and it is best not to get rid of it easily, because the gains outweigh the losses.

Of course Livio understood this better than them, so she just looked at it this way and didn't do anything else.

Listening to Hua Yueling's explanation while busy living, I probably understood what happened to them.These things are actually not interesting, but the results obtained are indeed very good.

"Very good, you are lucky. It is impossible to discover the existence of this kind of power if it is changed to other people."

"It's really good luck. If it weren't for us to talk about time, I wouldn't have thought of changing the time. Without changing the time, it would be impossible to find this."

Hua Yueling also admitted this, if it wasn't because of his luck, even he himself would not believe it.Since luck guided him to discover this, it must be useful to them, not to mention great use, but it is also useful.

However, it's hard to say what kind of use it is for the time being. Anyway, judging from the characteristics of this force, it still has a certain relationship with strength.

However, there are other possibilities. Thinking of what Jeruxi once said, Hua Yueling felt that her guess was not necessarily correct.It may have a certain relationship with power, but this is not the whole story. Perhaps a new way of using magic or other ways of using power can be studied from this power to gain items.

And this method is different from enchanting. Enchanting is permanent and must be done by professionals. The way of this power is different, so it doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

However, we don't know whether we can achieve the desired result by studying this, we still need to look at the situation.Hua Yueling felt that Sister Liweiluo and Sister Aroline must be able to research something.

"Sister Livello, have you ever seen such a power?"

Hua Yueling was still very curious about this, so he asked in a probing tone.

"I have seen it several times, but the will of the world is an inexplicable existence. Even if I have seen it show its power, it is almost impossible to find its own existence."

"If you say that, Livio, has you already studied the power of world will like this?"

What she said seems to have been researched, not to say that she has been researched, she must have seen powers similar to this, and I don't know the difference in power displayed by different world wills.

Hua Yueling had only seen such one, so she couldn't give a good answer.

Liweiluo studied for a long time before she returned her gaze, but she didn't hand it to Hua Yueling and the others, but still held it herself.She couldn't thoroughly study this thing in such a short period of time.

"I still need to spend more time researching this thing. There is no way to research too much in a while."

"We know, but Sister Jelucy said she would like to study with you and Sister Aroline, so I must call the two sisters over. She has many questions to ask."

"Alright, I'll go over. You can go to Aroline, she is at the new base. When you go there, be careful not to be found."

Sister Livello didn't have much to say, but listening to what she said was really troublesome. I don't know what they will encounter this time.

After speaking, Livello set off, and her figure disappeared in an instant.After she left, Hua Yueling and the others went to the teleportation formation hidden in the room.

The teleportation array directly teleported them to the new hidden base of the rebel army, but they were discovered when they teleported past, and looked at them with extremely guarded eyes.

However, after seeing that they were coming, these people relaxed, saluted them, and then gave them a way to leave here.

Hua Yueling also nodded to them, as if to say hello to them, they left soon, and did not ask them where Sister Alorin was, and went directly to the place where she should be the most.

However, they didn't let them spend much time. Hua Yueling and the others quickly ran into sister Aroline on the road. Not only she was alone, but there were others.

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