Hua Yueling and the others ran over without waving their arms to greet them.After all, I still don’t know what happened, so it’s better to understand what happened.

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling and the others had already reached Aroline and the others.In fact, even if they didn't say hello, Aroline and the others had already noticed their arrival.

This is a very simple thing, in terms of their strength.

"Why are you here?"

Aroline was still a little surprised to see them coming. She didn't expect them to come to find herself, which seemed strange to her.

"I'm looking for you and Sister Livello for something. We have already called Sister Livello. She said you are here, so we came."

"Oh? I have something, but I have to wait and see. I have something to do here, which is a bit troublesome. I may not have time for it for the time being."

"what happened?"

"A strange guy has sneaked in."

"Strange guy?"

Hua Yueling felt a little weird when she heard that, what kind of weird Sister Aroline needed to do it herself.Is it an incredible guy?

Hua Yueling and the others didn't ask too much, and they also knew that it would be useless to ask more now, so it's better to go and have a look together.

The three people also joined the team. They don’t seem to be afraid of being discovered. Although they don’t know why, it’s Sister Aroline’s judgment that they only need to follow along with them. Don’t ask more about the others, just follow the situation. enough.

It seems that they have no special purpose, just walking along the road casually like this.A few of them are still quite noticeable. From time to time, some people on both sides will stop and look at them, focusing on them.

Sister Aroline and the others didn't seem to take this seriously, and maybe they were treated like this, so they didn't care, Hua Yueling didn't know which side it was.But he was still curious about it.

What made him most curious was what Sister Aroline and the others were going to do. He wanted to know, but now he still needs to wait and see.Now that they have come out, it means that they are already going to take action, and they shouldn't be allowed to wait too long.

It stands to reason that since we already know that there is a strange guy lurking here, then maybe we can hide the past and look for it, there is no need for such an open past.In this case, it is possible to attract the attention of the other party, but now they are ready to act like this, act honestly, and have no other ideas.

A few people just walked along the road in this way. This road was newly built, and it didn't take much time. According to Hua Yueling's calculations, it was estimated that it didn't even last for five days.I don't know how they did it. After all, they are not ordinary people. They must use methods that ordinary people can't think of.

Just walking forward like this, I don’t know how long I have been walking, Aroline suddenly stopped, Hua Yueling thought she had noticed that strange guy coming, but when she looked at her, she found that she was looking up and looking up. .

There is a thick layer of soil on top of the head, and there are many long wooden strips supporting it.To say that there is nothing to see at all, in Hua Yueling's view, Sister Aroline must be a drunkard who does not want to drink. The reason for this is probably to attract the attention of that strange guy.

Hua Yueling believed that the person should be nearby, but he did nothing, but learned from Sister Aroline looking up. He naturally didn't want his actions to arouse that person's suspicion.

I don't know who that person is for the time being, but I don't know whether Sister Aroline knows this now.Does he know who the other party is? That's why he pretends that he hasn't found it in this way.

Hua Yueling couldn't find that person quickly. If there are not many people here, there are actually many people, but if there are too many people, there are not so many people.

But trying to find the strange person from these people is a bit difficult, Hua Yueling didn't dare to look too blatantly. He still didn't know the strength of that strange guy, and worried that the mental power he was looking for would be discovered. , So I only dare to look for it in a small area.

Several people stayed in place for a while, and then continued to move forward. Their speed was not fast, and Hua Yueling and the others felt a little strange.Sister Aroline's actions are a bit strange. If you want to let others relax, shouldn't you act?

Hua Yueling didn't know whether they were waiting or looking for something, but he could never make a move before they made it.Although they didn’t say anything before, they definitely have their own plans. If you can, don’t interrupt their plans. Let them act on their own and just watch them by themselves. Don't do it.

But it was different from what he thought. Sister Aroline just walked forward like this, and she really didn't have any stance to take action. This made him very puzzled and didn't understand what was going on.What is Sister Aroline thinking, now is the best opportunity.

Of course, this is the situation where that guy is around here, and it won't work if he is not there.

Although Hua Yueling was very confused in her heart, he was still very calm and didn't show anything.Just keep walking forward, following them, he wants to see what they have to do.

Fortunately, the other side's affairs are not very anxious, and there is no need to go back so quickly, otherwise he should be anxious.

They were dazzling like the sun along the way, attracting everyone's attention.The people here seem to be full of curiosity about them, mainly Aroline, because she is too mysterious. Although she usually comes here a lot, the people here are not as familiar as the other high-level people in this organization.

Don't think Aroline has been here many times, but there are really not many people who can see her, mainly not on one level.What kind of person Aroline is, not to mention anything else, even among the highest-ranking people in this organization, there is actually no one comparable to her.

Gokala, Rianne, and Rafia are strong here, but even if they add up, they still cannot be Aroline's opponents.From this point, it can be seen that this organization is nothing in her eyes.

So it's basically impossible for ordinary people to know her, but what is Sister Aroline going to do now?Hua Yueling is a little confused, she hasn't made any moves, so it makes people wonder, if she makes a move, there is no doubt.

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