Somehow she couldn't understand Sister Aroline's thoughts, but Hua Yueling didn't say anything. No matter what she thinks, she just needs to follow her, and leave the rest alone.

Hua Yueling has always maintained this idea since he came here, he doesn't feel that he has to intervene, especially under the current situation.

Anyway, I don't know much about this, so just follow Sister Aroline and see what kind of tricks she can play.Hua Yueling was quite looking forward to it. Sister Aroline hadn't shown this ability before. This time she might be able to see a different Sister Aroline.

With such thoughts in mind, Hua Yueling stopped paying attention to other things and just walked forward like this.Since she doesn't do anything, there is no need to do anything herself, so let's do it.

The group of people are like idols, enjoying the attention of the people here while walking.Now they are not treated as idol stars.

However, Hua Yueling didn't pay attention to this at all. He just looked at Sister Alorin and the others, there was nothing unusual about them, they just walked normally, as if they were inspecting.

Hua Yueling also didn't know what they were inspecting. There was nothing notable about what they were going to say on this road right now.This is true whether it is the road or the houses on both sides, the ordinary cannot be an ordinary place.

Normally they would definitely not come here casually, and now Hua Yueling was very curious about what kind of person the strange guy they were looking for.It is certainly not a simple guy to make Gekara pay such attention.

Hua Yueling scanned the surroundings. At this moment, he didn't worry about being discovered. He believed that as long as he did this normally, there would be no problem.

At least the problem is not too big to be discovered.Only by thinking too much about the unnatural movements can you be discovered that there is a problem. The more you do it, the more troublesome it is. However, even though Hua Yueling only glanced around, she still didn’t find a guy that can make her care more. They are more ordinary people.

To say that they are ordinary is just compared with Hua Yueling and the others. Compared with those real ordinary people, they are not so ordinary, they are all powerful guys.

If you don't find it, you won't look for it again. Repeated searching is likely to be seen as something wrong. That's unnecessary.Hua Yueling knew what she should and should not do.

The actions of a group of people are very ordinary, not only others can't see any intentions, but also Hua Yueling who has been following them.

After going around, Hua Yueling found that they had turned the entire underground base around without realizing it.

The construction here is quite good, and the construction is very fast. Although the quality cannot be said to be perfect, it is still pretty good.At least from the outside.

But when they walked back to the place where Gekara and the others lived, Hua Yueling suddenly realized that something was wrong. Their original purpose was not to find that strange person. How did it become like this?

The three of Hua Yueling and the others were completely confused, couldn't help but look at Aroline and the others, only to find that there was no expression on their faces.

But even if there were more doubts in his heart, Hua Yueling still did not ask, he kept quiet all the time.

Since he kept quiet all the way, so did Aroline and the others, they didn't mean to explain at all.Anyway, the Yixing people act like this, it doesn't matter if Hua Yueling and the others don't understand, as long as they can achieve the task in the end.

There is nothing to recognize around here, at least it is impossible to judge by relying on his own eyes. Hua Yueling did not find anyone else, and it seemed that the strange guy did not follow.

To be honest, Hua Yueling wanted to ask them what was the purpose of doing this, could it be to attract that guy.But why would he come over?

Sister Aroline and the others should have other tricks, if their purpose is really to catch that strange guy.It’s not clear how Huayueling is progressing at present, and she can’t see anything from the faces of Sister Alorin. Anyway, this matter was planned and led by them, and she just followed the excitement, but nothing else. What's your business.

But just when Hua Yueling thought about it, Aroline and the others' movements confuse him even more. They didn't even move on, but instead returned to the castle building.

This made Hua Yueling very incomprehensible, why is it like this? Didn't you go to find someone? Didn't you say that you are going out to find someone? Why is it over now?Let alone people, he didn't even see a single figure, so he really didn't understand what Sister Aroline and the others were thinking. He couldn't understand their thoughts.

Hua Yueling didn’t think so much anyway, just follow the life raft, whatever they want to do,

However, just as he was waiting for someone to enter, Hua Yueling noticed something different, and he felt that there was someone behind him.It wasn't Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, they were also with them, but they felt different, which could be felt.

"Interesting, it was really expected by Sister Aroline and the others. He will follow it. It seems that their method is really not wrong."

Hua Yueling was a little puzzled about this, why they expected the other party to follow, but it was definitely not the time to ask.

Along the way, I could hear Sister Gekara and the others behind Sister Aroline in front of them. It seemed that they were talking about important things and didn't want others to hear them.Although Hua Yueling couldn't hear them behind, after all, they were quite mysterious, but he thought it should not be the case.

It is very possible that they are just acting just to attract the attention of others. This may be one of the strategies they have long thought of. Thinking of this, Hua Yueling feels that she underestimated Sister Aroline and the others.

Looking at her own worry now, it is unnecessary. Hua Yueling is also funny, and she thinks too much, but in fact, there is no need to think so much.

A group of people entered the castle and came to the living room, and Gekara signaled that they could find a place to sit down at will, without much courtesy.

Several people found a place to sit down at random, and then a maid came out to pour hot tea for them, Hua Yueling thanked each other, then took a sip from the teacup, and then quietly watched the others doing it. What, he himself has no other reaction at all.

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