"You are here."

Karin was very happy to see them coming, and they hadn't come for a while, so she still missed them.Now I am very happy to see them come over to play with me.

"Sorry, there was something about coming here before, so I didn't have time to come out to find you. Now that we finally have time, we will come to find you. Are you busy here?"

Hua Yueling asked after they greeted her, but Karin shook her head and said she was not busy.

However, although I am not busy, there are many things to do, so I was worried about those things recently, so I didn't go to them.Hua Yueling and the others didn't care about it. Instead, they comforted her and told her that there was nothing, anyway, they could come and play with her if they had time.

"Thank you."

It doesn't seem like Karin said this for the first time, but Hua Yueling and the others are already used to it. Karin will always be like this.She really makes people like her like this.

In fact, Karin is right. She is really not too busy, but she is annoying every day. She herself has long wanted to visit them, or she can go to the tree house for a while, but she has daily learning tasks. But it is very onerous.

Today, she has not finished her homework, but she doesn't want to do it for the time being, she is planning to sneak out and play with Hua Yueling and the others.

The best way is to go straight, and can't stay here, otherwise she won't want to stop studying and do other things.

"Let's go quickly, we won't be able to go later!"

Karin said this, pulling Mu Ningshuang and Terris to leave. This sentence made Hua Yueling and the others stunned. This was something they didn't expect. What's the matter? Someone troubles them?Still, Karin still has something to do, so she can't leave.

This actually made Huayueling and the others hesitate. Seeing this scene, Karin also realized that she had said something wrong and shouldn’t let them know, but it’s okay if you think about it. It's fine, say so much to do.

So no matter what they thought, Karin just grabbed Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong's hands and ran outside with them quickly.Hua Yueling looked at this scene also very helpless, and could only quickly follow up.

This is not something I can stop, I can't fight her with force because of this.

Hua Yueling had nothing to do with this, and left with him. Although he had asked what was going on in the past, Karin didn't want to say anything, she said nothing.

Hua Yueling thought that since she didn’t want to say something, then let it go. Why should she force others to answer herself? Since she is willing to leave with her and wait for others, she must have her own thoughts, so she should not say anything. Up.

The group of people quickly left the Elf Kingdom, but they did not encounter any obstacles on the road, which Karin hadn't expected.Originally, she thought that she would definitely be prevented from coming out, but it seemed that she was thinking too much, and no one came to stop her.

Karin was surprised, but this was naturally the best for her. She didn't want it, but now it seems that her luck is quite good. If someone really stops her, it will be more troublesome. Up.

The four people ran out of the Elven City without any risk. After hearing what Karin said, they thought that they had something to do, but it seemed that luck was on their side.

After leaving the Elf City, Karin was like a bird that was released, but she didn't think about where she was going, just thinking about walking around with Hua Yueling and the others.

The same was true for Hua Yueling and the others, they decided to walk around in this forest and let Karin lead them.As an elf princess, she is naturally very familiar with the homeland where she was born and raised, and she can take them to many places they have never been before.

Regardless of such a forest, there are really many interesting places, and those places are quite interesting.What surprised Hua Yueling and the others most was that there was still a lake in the forest, which was completely different from the lake they had seen in the Elven City.

The lake didn't look big, but the water was exceptionally clear, Hua Yueling had never seen such clear water.

Naturally, there are no fish in the water, nothing. You can see the mud and sand under the lake, but there is nothing else.

It was the first time they saw such a clear and clean lake, such a lake with nothing.

"Awesome, right? This lake existed a long time ago. It seems to exist here naturally. I like to stay here whenever I have something. I will be very happy when I look at the clear water, and I feel unconscious. It will relax, and it is really an incredible place."

"Then this is really a good place, you can come here when you have a bad mood, and the bad mood will disappear compared to that."

Hua Yueling also said with a smile, even though he said that he hasn't felt anything yet, when he stared at the lake, his heart was really calm, and there was no such uneasy feeling at all.

It's a nice place, don't do anything else, just stay here is also nice.

This lake is relatively secretive, and it took them a lot of time to get here.There is a place to sit nearby, I don’t know if it was made by Karin, but it doesn’t look like it.

Generally speaking, elves have a good relationship with natural plants, so they will not easily damage the natural environment.However, Hua Yueling suddenly thought that the elves were living in the tree house. If she thought about this, her thoughts seemed to be wrong.

Maybe, but their usual relationship with Karin made them know Karin better, she belongs to the kind of person who likes and is willing to protect nature.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a place to sit here."

"These were all I had when I got here, they should have been a long time ago."

"This is a good place, and I feel calm after I feel here."

Hua Yueling and the others also liked this place. It was indeed a very good place, and it was amazing.Hua Yueling and the others hadn't seen such a place before, so they felt more and more happy.

Just looking at the calm lake will feel the inner peace. This is not so easy, but you can do it here, and you can easily feel the calm mood.

Hua Yueling liked this feeling very much, so he didn't want to leave, and wanted to stay here for a while.

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