Such a place has such magical power. Hua Yueling likes such a place very much. He feels that he can come here from time to time in the future, bring books or e-books, and then read quietly here.

The effect of reading here is probably better than at home, Hua Yueling even feels that she will not be so peaceful at home.

"Will there be monsters here?"

Lu Yuetong looked around for a week, the surrounding area of ​​the lake was still quite quiet, there were no monsters in sight, and it didn't look like there were any monsters.But she still asked.

"It shouldn't be there. I have been here many times, but I have never seen a monster here."

Karin replied after thinking about it.At this time, several people also found a good place to sit down, but instead of sitting together, they chose a different place to sit down.

The scenery that you can see when staying in different places is also completely different. The scenery that Hua Yueling can see, Mu Ningshuang, may not be able to see it, and the scenery they see is also not that he can see.

Individuals can see different beauty, even if they are sitting in the same place, it is possible to do so, let alone sitting in different places and looking at different sights.

Hua Yueling and the others rested here for a while, and they relaxed unconsciously. Hua Yueling wanted to lie down for a while, but they couldn't find a place to lie down.

There are only a few places to sit, there is nothing else.That was enough, although he wanted to find a place to lie down for a while.

The area around this lake is exceptionally clean, and Hua Yueling really hasn't spent much time in such a deserted place.And maybe because of the existence of the lake, there is still some coldness here, but this is nothing to Huayueling and the others, they don't feel cold much, even if it is, they can't stand it.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't speak, everyone just stayed like this, just staying like this is fine, no need to think about other things, that's enough.They don't even want to break this tranquility by themselves, such an environment is not suitable for noisy, only suitable for a peaceful atmosphere.

"Okay, let's go, I will take you to other places, there are many interesting places, you don't know."

Regardless of Hua Yueling, they have lived here for a long time, but their understanding of this forest is definitely far worse than Karin.After all, Karin is an elf princess, who has lived in this elf forest since childhood. It is estimated that he knows all the corners here very clearly, but unlike them, no matter where they are, they only have a little knowledge.

The place where Huayueling and the others stayed for the longest time was at the tree house of Jieluxi, but even so, they didn't know much about the tree house.Although I must have turned around there, I don't know much about that place.

Karin led them around the bottom of the clear lake, and then re-drilled into the dense forest.Continue on from here.

In fact, by now, Huayueling and the others are about to recognize the direction. Originally, Huayueling's sense of direction was not very good, and he was always confused about the question of direction, let alone now.

I usually don’t even recognize the direction at home, especially in the dense forest. After all, there are so many trees in it. Just looking at these trees makes my head dizzy. How can I recognize things like southeast, northwest, etc. .

Fortunately, Karin is taking them here, otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to figure out where he is now.When the time comes, you can only rely on the help of the portal.

Don't talk about how Hua Yueling is alone, even if you add Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang, all three of them are a little confused. Where is this?

Turning around, in fact, there is no need to turn too much, just walking around like this, they are about to lose the concept of direction.

It was a little uncomfortable, but it seemed that Karin hadn't been affected in any way. She left her without hesitation or confusion at all, and she seemed to know where she was right now.

Hua Yueling and the others still admire this. Hua Yueling also hopes that he can have this ability to discern directions, but he has no hope of this, and it is estimated that it will still be the same no matter how long it passes.

He found it difficult to distinguish the direction with the naked eye and memory. It would be great if he had props that could help distinguish the direction.In that case, you don't have to think about which direction, just use the props.

Of course the compass is ok, and the electronic map is also possible, but this is a different world after all. It is estimated that the compass can still be used, so don't expect the electronic map.

Before they knew it, they had already gone quite a long distance, Hua Yueling was a little at a loss now, where was she?It is a pity that no one but Karin can answer his question.

But now Karin is doing a good job of confidentiality and will not answer his questions.After she takes them to the place, she tells them what kind of place they are going to.

According to her, the place is also very interesting, they will love it.

Hua Yueling is still quite curious about this, but since Karin doesn't say anything, there is nothing to do with him, she can only wait and see, anyway, she will know when she gets to the place.

Hua Yueling and the others arrived at the destination without going too far. There was a relatively small wooden house, which seemed to have been built a long time ago.Hua Yueling was still thinking about why he came to such a place. Is there anything interesting about it?

"How is this place?"

Karin stopped at the door and asked them.Hua Yueling tilted his head without answering. He looked at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, wanting to see how they both answered.

"Not bad. This wooden house looks like it was built a long time ago, right?"

"Well, it's like the place where Sister Ze Lucy lives. This was originally the place where the magician who came to us lived. This wooden house was built by himself. There was originally a magic tower, but it didn't I know why it collapsed."

"Magic Tower, are there any ruins now? If so, we would like to see it."

"Later, that is also one of the destinations we are going to this time. I want to take you here first. You will definitely like it here."

Karin said this and walked into the cabin first, Hua Yueling and the others looked at each other and ran after them.

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