The inside of the room is very tidy, and it seems that someone has taken care of it for a long time, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.After Karin came here, she was familiar with the road. I definitely don't know how many times she has been here.

Hua Yueling and the others followed closely behind and went in together. Don't see if no one lives here, but there are still a lot of things.There were even a lot of things that Hua Yueling had never seen before, and those should be related to magic experiments.

It’s just placed here, it seems that someone has used it recently.

"These things are very dangerous, so they are all placed in such places, but more are placed in other places. It is very dangerous to do magic experiments in the forest. If there is an accident, the entire forest may be affected. Serious injury."

Hua Yueling and the others gathered around to take a look. Only Mu Ningshuang knew about the equipment for the magic experiment. Hua Yueling and the others didn't understand what those things were for.However, she had seen those devices from Zelucy, so she took her gaze back after just two glances.

"That magician used to live here. Where did he get his food?"

"Some of them are bought from us, and others are hunted in the woods. We have many animals here, and there are also many more dangerous animals. He gets what he needs from those animals."

Hua Yueling and the others didn't stay here long before they left and went to the next place.The next place is the magic tower that Karin mentioned before. The tower was originally destroyed, it was not done by the elves, and it broke without knowing what happened.

However, it was rebuilt by the elves later, and it was even better than the original.

Hua Yueling and the others quickly arrived at the place where the mage tower was located. Since it was originally built by that mage, the distance would not be too far. This kind of back and forth is very fast, and it does not take much time.

In about a quarter of an hour, Hua Yueling and the others arrived at their destination. In fact, the educated youth should be able to see the Mage Tower, but because the branches and leaves above their heads blocked their sight.

After walking for a while, they came to the place where the magic tower was. A small part of the space was cleared near the magic tower. The space here was not large, or even small.

Hua Yueling and the others walked into this space to see the magic tower. Hua Yueling found that this magic tower was not too high, probably just not higher than the trees next to it.

"Well, although it's just a little higher, why haven't I found it in the tree house at this height?"

Hua Yueling thought very strangely, and also asked this question, but Karin's answer surprised him a little.It turned out that this place was protected by a kind of enchantment magic, so if you hadn't reached a nearby place and had been allowed, there would be no way to discover its existence.

Hua Yueling and the others stood at the door for a while, mainly looking at this magic tower, which is worthy of being a high tower in another world, completely different from the high towers he had seen before.This magic tower is full of the smell of magic, it looks very good, the style that belongs to the other world.

There are things similar to night spar on it, and there are various things that seem to be gems, which look pretty good.But Hua Yueling and the others entered the magic tower without staying outside for a while.

The inside of the magic tower is better, better than that small wooden house, I don't know how much.There are a lot of things inside, and Hua Yueling is dazzled by all kinds of things.

There are not only various equipment used for magic experiments, but also many magic materials.These materials should all be used for experiments, but unfortunately Hua Yueling didn't know much about it.

Mu Ningshuang knew these things, but she didn't seem to be interested in them. The main thing was that she had more magic materials available to Zelucy than this.

There are different things on each floor, and there are even books on magic and the corpses of some monsters at higher levels.Karin took them around here and told them what they were for.

Anyway, the four people are just walking around with nothing to do. After holding back for a long time, it is quite interesting and interesting to come out and go around.

Don't think about anything else, just walk around like this.With other people and friends, it's not too interesting.

After playing in the Magic Tower, Hua Yueling and the others even watched how Xiamu Ningshuang did magic experiments here. It was quite interesting, but Hua Yueling didn't particularly understand it.

Karin can understand a little bit, after all, she is an elf, and has natural advantages for all types of magic, but even so, Karin has no interest in this.

She was interested in learning magic, but doing magic experiments seemed to her to be meaningless.

After just moving here for a while, Hua Yueling and the others have no interest. Since it is not interesting, just leave directly, there is no need to stay here all the time.

Besides, there is nothing particularly interesting here, at least for them.Although Hua Yueling likes magic very much, it is only limited to magic, and things other than magic are not so interesting.

Magic experiments are naturally related to magic, but they are not within the scope of his attention.Even though this Fairy Forest is full of trees, it seems that there is nothing else, but it is not the case. Hua Yueling and the others discovered the interesting place after going around with Karin. But it's a lot.They had been around in this forest before, but they had never really understood this place.

Of course, even if they know more about it, this kind of understanding is definitely not as good as Karin.Karin's understanding of this place is not something they can compare. This is for sure, no one can deny it.

Hua Yueling and the others followed Karin to see many places in the forest that they didn't know before, and only then did they discover that there are still many interesting places here.This forest is almost like a treasure house, and the treasures hidden in it can be said to be "valuable".

This statement is somewhat watery to some extent, but in fact it is not much wrong.

Hua Yueling and the others even found a cave here, but they didn't find the cave themselves, but the place they found under the guidance of Karin.The cave is very interesting, there are several elven soldiers guarding at the entrance.

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