On the first day when they returned to modern society, Hua Yueling and the others were already busy, and there were too many things to be busy, if they were not in a hurry, they would have to be busy afterwards.

Hua Yueling slept for one night after returning home, and got up early the next day. Sister Yun had already gone out when he got up.But Hua Yueling looked at the time and found that it was still a bit early. According to the usual calculations, Sister Yun should not go to work, but go out to buy early.

"It's still late."

Hua Yueling sat up, rubbed his eyes, picked up the atlas on the bedside table next to it and looked at it.

There are many marked points on the map book, all of which radiate to the surroundings with the location of his home as the center.

Hua Yueling used skills several times yesterday, and after spreading out, she found a lot of points.Hua Yueling thought that she would search the neighborhood first, and then go to other places after searching the neighborhood.

There are still many places to go around here, and Huayueling Yemei thinks that there are so many places to go in such a place.This is a bit unreasonable, but it is understandable after thinking about it. After all, Xiaoxue and the system fell directly here, so it is quite normal to be around here.

"Xiaoxue, if there are a lot around here, isn't it there anymore in the distance?"

If it is supposed to be like this according to common sense, but after all it has something to do with Xiaoxue and the system, everything can't be estimated based on common sense, so it's definitely not accurate.

"It's not necessarily. It depends on the luck of the master. But I think that with the luck of the master, this is probably the case."

"If that's the case, it's better. But it's not much better."

Hua Yueling shook her head, thinking so in her heart.

In any case, it’s just that you don’t have to go too far, such as to Africa, America, or Europe, but it’s possible in Asia. You can’t go abroad because of this.

Besides, this is not something that can be solved by going abroad. Finding one country by country, even if the total area of ​​a country is small, the time it takes to find all of them is not a joke.

Thinking about it makes people a headache, but Hua Yueling didn't think much about it.

It is useless to be anxious, even if you think so much, everything is useless if you don't act.Thinking of this, he deeply felt that he really had a long way to go. There are still many things that need to be done by himself. It is useless if he always thinks so wildly.

Shaking his head, Hua Yueling put away the atlas and put it in the inventory.After that, he needs to make two more copies and hand them to Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong to use them.

According to the previous discussions, the three of them are not acting together this time, but acting separately.

Separate operations have the benefits of separate operations, but Hua Yueling is still a little worried about safety issues, which always exist.Although the coefficient of danger has dropped relatively low in modern society, it cannot be said that there is no such thing.

Another point is that it’s somewhat boring to act alone, but after all, it’s to complete a task, so if you’re bored, it’s boring.

Not long after waiting at home, I heard the door opening, it was Hua Yun bought back earlier.Hua Yun is still a little uncomfortable with this kind of life. Although she has already adapted well in the past, she has somewhat changed after she has a new lifestyle.

Hua Yun is more adaptable to the kind of life in a different world, but she is a little unaccustomed to returning to modern society.This also lacked some time for adjustment. She didn't come back until the time was up. Naturally, she was in a hurry. She just took a rest last night. It is difficult to rest so quickly.

Hua Yueling also understands Sister Yun, but he can't help much.Fortunately, sister Yun's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the influence in this area is gradually weakening.

After eating breakfast, Hua Yueling went downstairs for a walk. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong said they would come here earlier, but they didn't know when they would come.He just needs to use his probing skills to keep an eye on the situation here, there is no need to stay at home.

Went around outside, around 7:30, Hua Yueling returned home, the two people had not come yet.

"Later than I thought."

Hua Yueling originally thought that they had come back earlier, but didn't expect to see a figure now, but that's nothing, anyway, he is a little accustomed to waiting, and now he is not waiting for it.

He didn't hear the knock on the door until half past eight, and quickly got up and went to watch the door. As expected, he saw two girls standing at the door, among them Lu Yuetong looked at him grinningly.

"You are here."

"Did you wait a long time? I'm sorry, something happened so I was a little late."

"It's okay, it's not too late now."

Hua Yueling shook her head indifferently and said.

"Ningshuang is thinking about coming here earlier, but we can't come here unless things are done, there is no way."

"You don't need to explain to me, it's really nothing. It doesn't make any difference early or late. What's more, we still have to prepare."

Hua Yueling waved her hand and said, now there is no time to discuss these, and there are more important things for them to do.

Hua Yueling took out the map book she had drawn and put it on the table. Next, we needed to discuss the direction of everyone's action.

But now I only have one atlas, which is obviously not enough. I need to get two more, and then one for each of the three.

"A Ling didn't tell us why, if you told us earlier, we would be able to buy it by the way when we came."

"I forgot." Hua Yueling shook his head. "But this is not a big deal. Let's go out in a while. First buy the map book, and then divide the area of ​​action. After drawing the map, we can move. ."

"Then go."

Hua Yueling and the others are not hypocritical people, since the decision is made, let's go.No longer wasting time talking about unnecessary things.Anyway, nothing else is important now, the most important thing is to act.

After the three people left the community, they didn't separate immediately. Hua Yueling asked if they had had breakfast, and the answer was that they had.Think about it, after all, they are also considered late, and it is normal for them to have breakfast.

If breakfast has not been eaten by this time, that would be wrong.

Hua Yueling and the others walked together again, but they didn't go too far, no matter what the next action was to be separated, they were going in different directions, and they could be distinguished from the current direction.It would be a waste of time to follow the same path like this.

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