Hua Yueling, Mu Ningshuang, and Lu Yuetong were still a little bit reluctant when they broke up. It was definitely more comfortable to be able to act with two beautiful women than to act alone.

But he also knows what he has to do and what he should do. Don't think too much about enjoying those kinds of things. Now is not the time to think about those things.The most important thing now is to recover the lost things as soon as possible.

Hua Yueling also thought of some new questions, that is, why the system she obtained had so many parts.Moreover, there are still so many lost, it is a bit strange how to think.

"Xiaoxue, our system has too many parts, right?"

Hua Yueling asked her doubts as she moved forward. This was the strangest thing he felt. He didn't know why, there were so many parts.

If there are only one, two, or even a few, it's okay to say something, but the number is really incredible.

"There is no way, the system is not made by others, they are just helping."

After hearing what Xiaoxue said, Hua Yueling thought deeply. What Xiaoxue's words meant was that she was not originally integrated with the system.This sounds like important news, but Hua Yueling had already learned a bit before this, although Xiaoxue had never said that.

"There is no solution to the problem of too many system components, unless the owner is unwilling to use other system functions, otherwise it must be collected."


Hua Yueling thought so too. He nodded and agreed with Xiaoxue's words.

It is impossible not to use it, but the most important thing is that he does not know what kind of system components he will find. If he can know it, he will naturally be able to distinguish, which one can use and which one does not. Used, then judge and collect system components based on these.

It's a pity that Hua Yueling can't do this at all. This doesn't mean that he can do it if he wants to do it, even if he wants to do it, he can't do it at all.The system components are unknown until they are recovered. Only when the system components return to the system can an accurate answer be obtained.

Another thing to talk about is the power that Xiaoxue himself lost, which is a larger group than system components.In fact, this is even more terrifying and can bring them more dangerous things.

If those powers are accidentally obtained and merged by someone or a certain creature, they will suffer.

The opponent is definitely inferior to them in terms of strength, but it is unknown what kind of power the opponent has obtained, not to mention that they cannot start a battle casually.It's hard to say if they win after the battle is over, the other party may be fine and light, and everything will be concentrated on them.

Unless it is a place that will not be discovered, it is better to act with caution.Before the separation, Hua Yueling also reminded others that everyone agreed. In fact, Mu Ningshuang is still trustworthy in this regard, and only Lu Yuetong needs to pay attention.

Fortunately, Lu Yuetong agreed to him, and Lu Yuetong is also a trustworthy person.

Since Lu Yuetong agreed, it must be the case, Hua Yueling naturally believed her.I believe she will control herself well.

In this regard, Hua Yueling is quite confident, and Lu Yuetong's previous performance made him dare to believe her, and he can also believe her.Anyway, if this matter is said to be complicated, it is not complicated, as long as there is nothing special, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Going to the distance again, Hua Yueling was already convinced.Here they have no means to move quickly, the best way is to take a taxi.

This is still within a range near his home, if it is to go further.

You can only go farther away by car, at least so far there is no better way.The teleportation array is naturally a very simple and effective method, but in modern society, if you don't use such tricks, don't use it, unless you can use it in concealment, you will never be discovered.

But even the user of Mu Ningshuang, the teleportation magic, can't guarantee that he won't be discovered. In this case, it's better not to take risks.

Hua Yueling is also considered an adventurous person, but the adventure depends on what kind of adventure it is, not that it must be taken.For example, in the current situation, don’t do it when it’s not necessary. Otherwise, I don’t know what to do with them.

Being adventurous does not mean that you like trouble. To some extent, risk and trouble may be synonymous, but it does not mean that it is the same all the time.

Hua Yueling likes to take risks, but he hates trouble. He hates trouble. He definitely doesn't want to get into trouble for no reason. That would be bad.

After taking a taxi, Hua Yueling was already familiar with such actions, even though he had only done it once.

After taking a taxi, move directly towards the destination. This will definitely take time, and the time spent is not short.But at the moment there is no better way for Hua Yueling, this is the most time-saving way for him, and there is no other good way.

Hua Yueling didn't speak much after getting in the taxi, and remained silent along the way.In fact, he is thinking about things, and there are many things he has to consider.

On the road, the taxi driver would occasionally talk to him, but when he saw that he didn't want to talk much, after trying to chat with him, the taxi driver stopped talking.

The atmosphere is somewhat awkward, Hua Yueling wants to say something to find some topics, but this is really not his style.Hua Yueling's style is not about chatting with others at all. His style is actually quite silent, although it has changed recently.

There is nothing to talk about and I just stopped talking. Although the time spent on the road must be long, it is not completely out of things to do.

Hua Yueling held the phone in her hand and looked down at the content on the screen, but no one knew what he was thinking.On the road, the taxi driver looked at him from time to time, and seemed to be curious about him, but the other party had nothing to say after the initial embarrassment, so the two of them went to the destination without a word.

After about half an hour passed, Hua Yueling could be regarded as reaching the destination. After he gave the driver the money, he went directly to the destination.There is actually some distance to the destination. It is a farmyard with no people and it is quite quiet.

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