After watching the taxi go away, Hua Yueling withdrew his gaze, and his gaze fell not far away. According to the news he received using the skill yesterday, it should be nearby.

Where is it near here?Now he can use skills, but the number of times he can use skills is limited. Although it is no problem to rely on the remaining times to solve the problem, he can't use all the times here.

"Let's look for it first. You can't always rely on skills. It won't be good if you keep doing this."

Huayueling has thought about it, and now I look for it carefully around here. Since I know it is here, I use my exploration skills to find it bit by bit. Maybe my time is not wireless, but it is impossible to spend a day on it. .

Anyway, according to his idea, about half an hour is enough.

I hope I don't live up to my expectations. Hua Yueling thinks that half an hour should be about the same, but it's hard to say whether it's the case.After all, this kind of thing is beyond his control.

Look for it, as long as you start searching, you will make progress, and waiting for it will definitely make no progress.

After enabling the exploration skills, Hua Yueling carefully searched for a small area near him.But nothing was found, so he had to go further, but he hadn't figured out where to go.

I looked at the map in my hand, and based on this, I can roughly judge the direction of my next action, but this direction is not very accurate.

"There should be nothing wrong here."

Don't underestimate the role of the atlas. If there is no atlas, letting Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang go out alone will have no effect at all.

The content marked on the map book is naturally not so accurate, but it is somewhat useful.The location Hua Yueling determined based on her skills was only a rough idea, but the difference should not be big, it was just a matter of accuracy.

In fact, the accuracy of the skill itself is very good, there is no problem, the problem lies in the map in Huayueling's hands, this map is not so accurate, which caused the less accurate record.

If the map itself could be more accurate, Hua Yueling's actions would be easier, but all that was just a dream.Unless you use an electronic map, of course, a local map is also possible, but Hua Yueling did not find it.

Coupled with the fact that I don't have a special understanding of the neighborhood, I don't know how much time it will take. I can only do it step by step.

"According to the records on the map, it is almost here, but it will take some time to look for it."

I thought to myself that the exploration skills were also fully used, and there was no corner in this area that he let go.

"Here or here?"

Hua Yueling is not sure, the distance on the map has been reduced after all, there are many differences, it is impossible to completely show the style of a place.

Then you can only rely on yourself to find it, find it slowly, spend some time and spend some time.

Obviously, it should be almost the same according to the marks on the map, there is not much distance, but Hua Yueling's exploration skills still haven't found it.One possibility is that it is not here at all, the scope of the exploration skills is not enough, and it does not cover the place where the thing is, and there is another possibility that the exploration skills cannot detect it.

But that possibility is still relatively small, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, the most likely thing is that she still hasn't found it.

Hua Yueling found that there were not many people on the road and there were not many cars. It was quite quiet, but such an environment was more suitable for her to find.It may be more troublesome if there are more lively places.

"But the place where the thing fell should be relatively hidden, otherwise it won't be here until now."

If it was obtained by someone or taken away by some animal, it would feel a little different.Hua Yueling feels this way, but that's not necessarily true. I still need to check it out again.

Hua Yueling walked in the direction she had determined, and walked a distance. It didn't take much time. After a few minutes passed, Hua Yueling had a reaction in her mind, and she found something unusual with her exploration skills.

"It should be that there is nothing wrong."

Hua Yueling thought to herself, and walked quickly in that direction.As long as you find this, you can go to the next place, but these are not the most important, the most important is whether you find the parts that are useful to you.

However, after getting closer, Hua Yueling shook his head, only based on the feedback obtained from the exploration skills, that it is definitely not a system component, and the system component does not feel like that.

"It seems that luck this time is not particularly good, Xiaoxue, your luck will be pretty good when it comes."

"That's not necessarily true. Those who are not strong enough to stuff their teeth."

"No matter how small the mosquito meat is, it is also meat. Although it is meaningless to say this sentence, it is still useful. At least it is useful. It is also a waste to stay here. It is even more troublesome if it is given by someone or animal. It’s better than we took it back, which saved a lot of things."

"They didn't say no, what the master thought of them."

"I didn't think about anything, I just talked about things."

Hua Yueling shrugged her shoulders, he didn't mean anything special.

"The master still likes to bully people so much."

Xiaoxue curled her lips and said.

"This is not called bullying, it's called reasoning."

"People feel that the master is not reasonable at all."

"No? Well, Xiaoxue, tell me why I'm unreasonable?"

"Isn't this the proof that the master is unreasonable? It is clear that it is reasonable, but it threatens people so much."


Hua Yueling looked at Xiaoxue speechlessly. This kind of words was really bad for her to say. Is this a threat?No matter in terms of language or tone, I have no such meaning.

But since Xiaoxue feels that this is a threat, then it is a threat, and she has no choice.

Hua Yueling didn't plan to continue entangled with this matter, and it would be useless to entangle like this. It's better to find things quickly and leave here quickly.

With these in mind, Hua Yueling accelerated her pace.He found the hidden power in a relatively hidden place. It seemed that the lost power seemed to be hidden, but Hua Yueling believed that it just fell here.

Just get that and go to other places.In that piece of grass, Hua Yueling found the lost power.

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