The power was still in the grass at will, without any reaction, lying there motionless.

Hua Yueling went forward to hold it in her hand, and then directly handed it to Xiaoxue.This kind of lost power is not something he can use. He doesn't understand the nature of this power, let alone can use it.

Only Xiaoxue can use this power, it is her power.

As Xiaoxue said, this loss of power is actually very weak. It is basically useful to talk about it at the beginning, but no matter how small it is, it is beneficial to her.She needs to increase her strength, and it is not so easy to find the huge lost strength.

Hua Yueling stayed in place after finding the lost power, waiting for Xiaoxue to absorb the lost power.In just two or three minutes, all the lost power is absorbed.

The main reason is that the power is too small, if it is bigger, it will not be enough.

"Where should I go next?"

There are many places to go, but Hua Yueling must make a choice.It's better to say if the distances are different, but there are two places near here that are about the same distance but in opposite directions.It's estimated that it will take half an hour to walk over, speed up a little bit and arrive earlier, but Hua Yueling will definitely not choose this way, and waste time.

"Choose any one you like."

Huayueling's index finger moved back and forth between those places, and finally stopped at one of them.He is on the left side of where he is right now, but it doesn't work if he wants to go straight to him. You still need to walk a distance and then turn.

There seemed to be a village on that side. Hua Yueling stood on the edge of the road and looked far away. He could see a large farmland in front of him, and some low buildings in the distance.

However, compared with the previous villages, these villages are a little different. There are many small buildings in the village.People in the countryside are rich. It was difficult to see such buildings in the villages.

After enjoying the breeze for a while, Hua Yueling turned and walked to the road next to him. He needed to leave.

You need to wait for a taxi here. Don’t look like this place is near a village, there are not many taxis.Although there are wheat fields on both sides of the road, there are many buildings on the other side, such as the farmhouse he visited before.

But before long, Hua Yueling waited for a taxi. He hurriedly started, and the taxi stopped in front of him.But I can leave, and I have to go to many places next, enough to be busy.

It was much easier to get in a taxi. It didn't take long to get to the next place, where Huayueling got off the car and walked away quickly after paying the fare.It was another village. Hua Yueling remembered her previous actions. That time she also went to a village. That time her lost power fell on the roof of a family.

I hope it will be easier this time. Although Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, she also felt that the possibility was too small.If it is not in a place that is difficult to obtain or generally not touched, how can it be undetected and moved for so long.

No matter what, let's see what it is. I hope it will not still be the lost power. He hopes to collect all the missing parts as soon as possible.

"The master won't come out again after the missing parts are collected, right?"

"How is it possible, I haven't said that before, Xiaoxue, you have wronged me by saying that."

"Then the master wants to quickly collect all the missing parts for what to do, and what to collect is not the same."

Xiaoxue asked, in fact, she was a little bit turbulent like this, but Hua Yueling was not angry because of it.

Hua Yueling continued to search, relying on her exploration skills, approaching the location recorded in the atlas. This was still a bit troublesome, and it was not so easy to find.

"It should be here."

Hua Yueling thought so, and it would take a lot of time to continue walking in that direction, at least from the current point of view.

However, Hua Yueling had no choice but to look for it this way. She couldn't go too fast, otherwise she might have missed some aspects. This was definitely something Hua Yueling didn't want to see.

"Well, not at all."

Hua Yueling still met a lot of people along the way, but there was no one he knew, so he basically just took a look and then looked back.

Hua Yueling walked in one of the directions, his walking speed seemed a little slow, but Hua Yueling herself was not in a hurry.Anyway, there is no use worrying about it, so let's do it step by step.

Using a carpet search, according to the label on the map screen, Hua Yueling probably found a location, and that location should be similar.

Hua Yueling repeatedly compared it and felt that there was not much difference.

"It's almost here, there may be some deviations. But it should be on my way forward, there should be no major problems."

While thinking about him this way, he recalled the map that came to his mind when he used the skills last night. Unfortunately, the map was now vague, and he couldn't remember it clearly.

After reminiscing for a while, he had to admit that the remaining memories in his mind were not even clearer than the atlas in his hands.

"Let's watch this."

Hua Yueling can be sure that she draws according to the map that emerged in her mind, and that point will definitely not deviate too much.It's just that the approximate location is really annoying.

At that time, he had a clearer map in his mind, but that map could not be restored on the atlas in front of him unless he painted it himself.In that case, I don't know how much time it will take, unless he doesn't care about other places, it's impossible.

Hua Yueling also knew in her heart that it was useless to be anxious, and gradually he developed such a habit.

"It's almost there."

After walking for a long distance, the exploration skills still didn't give any response. Hua Yueling couldn't help but frowned. She felt that it should be almost the same based on the time she walked, but so far she still found nothing. This is a bit strange.

Hua Yueling couldn't help but wonder if he had deviated from the direction because he hadn't found anything. Fortunately, he could still roughly judge where he was based on the content on the map.

"It should be around here, pretty much."

Take out the mobile phone and use the electronic map to compare. Hua Yueling hopes to transfer the labels on the map book to the electronic map.But a comparison of the two phases shows that this is almost impossible.

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