A force rushed out, and with this force, Hua Yueling took control of the lost force faster than before.But this still couldn't fully help Hua Yueling control the lost power. Obviously, the lost power was resisting him.Both he and Xiaoxue's power were within the range of resistance.

Hua Yueling felt it was difficult to separate it from it, and it was difficult to control it in her hands.But at this time, he also noticed that the strength in his arm was constantly increasing.

However, although the attraction is constantly increasing, the resistance of the lost power is also increasing.Hua Yueling found that there was little change from beginning to end, and the two sides were evenly matched.

If this continues, the lost power may not be fully integrated into that creature's body.But there will definitely be a part of the integration. In that case, I don't know what will happen afterwards. Hua Yueling hopes that these things will not happen and solve the problem in a relatively simple way, but reality tells him this is impossible.

"Xiaoxue, you can't go on like this. If we continue like this, we should be completely delayed here and deadlocked."

"Don't worry, I'm thinking of a way."

Xiaoxue listened calmly, but Hua Yueling hoped she could be more anxious instead.He knew it was useless to be anxious, so he could only wait to see if Xiaoxue could help him solve this problem.

In fact, the problem is not impossible to solve. If they have enough power, the key is that their power is not enough so far to completely break the connection between the lost power and the creature that has been killed by Hua Yueling. .

"If you work harder."

Hua Yueling walked forward, his hand was about to touch the lost power, and the lost power suddenly burst into light. Hua Yueling could only close her eyes subconsciously. Fortunately, Xiaoxue was not affected by anything. Otherwise, this It was enough, and their plan failed.

Hua Yueling naturally didn't want more trouble to find himself, he hoped to solve all the problems now, but the resistance of the lost power was very strong, which made it difficult for him to solve the problem in a short while.

No matter how hard it is, there is no way to directly snatch the lost power back. The lost power does not want to return to the big family, it wants to control its own life.

Hua Yueling can understand it more or less, if she is herself, she will definitely make such a choice, but she can only say that she is not it.Even if she could understand, Hua Yueling would never let it happen.

Responsible to others, or to the lost power, but that was irresponsible to himself and Xiaoxue, which he did not want.

I believe that it is not just him, but also other people. When faced with such a choice, who would make other choices.

The lost power resisted more and more, but the more so, Hua Yueling didn't care much about it, regardless of the strength of its resistance, but the power it possessed was fixed, only so much.

Xiaoxue is different. Xiaoxue has power beyond its reach. In this case, victory is only a matter of time.

Hua Yueling believed this, he was very confident, and he could definitely solve this problem.

Gradually as the strength increased, the lost strength gradually separated from the dead creature. This was the situation Hua Yueling wanted, not bad.As long as we continue...

Hua Yueling felt that it should be almost done, and his hand was about to be touched. Although the real flash gave him a lot of trouble, but fortunately Xiaoxue controlled the situation.

He didn't realize that flash, there was no way to defend it, but that kind of light was nothing to Xiaoxue.Xiaoxue is not afraid of such an attack.

When Xiaoxue controlled it, Hua Yueling also recovered, and it was much easier to act.Huayueling explored her hand, seized the missing power, and took it in her own hands.

The lost power is still struggling crazily, but it's useless.

It was impossible to escape even in his own hands. Under Hua Yueling's control, Xiaoxue quickly controlled this lost power.

"Huh, then there is no problem."

Hua Yueling thought so after Xiaoxue absorbed the lost power, he should also leave, but it took a lot of time here, if it was discovered, it would be a troublesome thing.

Looking at the poor creature again, it was considered to be trapped by the lost power, but Hua Yueling would not pity it.

If it weren't for it, his actions wouldn't be so troublesome. The task would have been completed long ago, and it would not take so long.

After confirming that there was no problem, Hua Yueling left from here like this, and put the used shovel directly into the inventory. This was bought by herself with gold coins, so she couldn't stay here to make others cheaper.

Hua Yueling left here after finishing packing. This time, he also knew more about it, and he needed to be faster.It’s not just that I’m thinking about these things, I’m just one of them, and sometimes unexpected things happen to you. This is not a joke.

Taking a deep breath, Hua Yueling quickened his pace, and had to take a taxi. I don't know how much it would cost to collect these things.

But there is no way, he can't stay still, he has to collect, this is what he must do, and it is his own choice.

Hua Yueling left the village all the way, stopped a taxi on the highway outside the village, and then told the taxi owner where he was going.The next place is in an industrial area, I don't know how it fell there.

The industrial zone is not very quiet. You can hear the movement of various machines. There are not many cars and people on the road.

The car stopped at the entrance of a factory, Hua Yueling got out of the car, stared at the factory gate in front of her, and frowned slightly.It looks like you can get in here, so let's go in and take a look.

Thinking so in her heart, Hua Yueling walked inside.However, it was different from what he thought. When he reached the entrance, he was stopped by someone and asked her what she was doing here.

It was different from what he thought. It was not that people were allowed to enter casually.

"Sorry, I found the wrong place."

Seeing that Hua Yueling would not let herself in, holding on to the idea of ​​not making trouble, Hua Yueling apologized to the other party, then turned around and left here. It seemed that it would be better to enter from another place.

Fortunately, I still have stealth skills, but finding a hidden place to use the skills may be a bit troublesome.

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