On the tree-shaded stone path, only Hua Yueling was walking here alone, and there were several stalls on the side of the bridge in the distance, that is, on the other side of the industrial park.

Some of them sell pancakes and fruits, as well as cold noodles and fruits, which are generally a bit lively.There are still some pedestrians on the road, but not many, scattered.

Hua Yueling still cares about this, and another thing that makes him care about whether there is a camera nearby.If you want to be invisible, you must find a safe place, but this one is obviously not like that.

In the past, although no one looked over here, who knew if someone would just see this side when he was invisible, and then discovered this.It's not easy to solve this kind of thing once discovered, so it's better to pay more attention to it.

Can't say anything, Hua Yueling can only constantly search for more secret places.There are factories everywhere, there is no place for privacy.

"It won't work, it's even harder to get in without being invisible."

Hua Yueling must be invisible if he wants to go in, otherwise he can go in, from where there is no one, or from the side of the factory.However, the possibility of being discovered is relatively high. If you are invisible, it will be easier to get in. You can get in as you want. There will be no big problem at all.

"Not only do you have to figure out how to get in, you have to figure out where to release your invisibility when you figure it out."

Hua Yueling found that it was becoming more and more difficult for herself to find another system component or missing power.Last time, it was easy to find and get it when you just went to the place, but now you have to come up with a good enough and concealed method of action, otherwise you will be discovered.

"Look again, it will take more time here."

Hua Yueling was the first to search around the industrial zone where he was looking for what he was looking for, but he found that this method did not seem to have such a good effect, and he did not find the kind of place he needed.Not concealed enough.

If there is a small forest or something like a hotel, how can there be such a building in this place?Hua Yueling complained about herself in her heart.

That is an unrealistic idea, it is better to find a more realistic approach.

"It seems to be quieter here." Hua Yueling walked all the way to the end and found a place that was probably considered a dead end. Under the shadow of a tall factory, Hua Yueling hid behind a tree , I can still see trees here, but it’s also a bit of a surprise. "There is also a little block, there is no camera, no one outside."

After confirming that it was still safe, Hua Yueling used her exploration skills to look for it carefully. In any case, it is better to be more careful.

Hua Yueling has always been cautious enough, since he got the system from the very beginning, he has always acted like this.He knows that he possesses a power that most people don't have, but this doesn't mean anything, and he can't be arrogant because of this. The more so, the more careful.

Hua Yueling is deeply cautious about this set of experience, things can not be said to be dripping, but it is not much worse, at least Hua Yueling thinks it should be.

"This should be about the end, quickly find a place to go in."

Hua Yueling found a place. Now that he is invisible, he doesn't have to worry about being discovered by others, but he must be careful in his actions.Looking over the fence, Hua Yueling entered the interior of the industrial park.

With the stealth skill, such activities are relatively simple, Hua Yueling didn't have to spend any time on the phone, and went in easily.

Crossing the fence and entering the inside of the industrial park, Hua Yueling immediately looked for it inside, while recalling the location in her mind.

"It's right here, it should be near one of the factories."

There are heavy machine noises in the industrial park, and people walk by from time to time. There are quite a few people here. Walking around gives people a sense of vitality.Hua Yueling didn't care about those people, just passed by them and quickly went to the destination.

Invisibility is time-limited, so he must speed up and reach the destination as soon as possible.Leave immediately after you get the things, and you can't stay here for long.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and the speed under her feet was getting faster and faster.Fortunately, his concealment strength is quite good, he can hide his footsteps.But in this kind of place, it's not that kind of particularly quiet environment. Even if there are some footsteps, it will be subconsciously ignored. It's improper, let alone other people nearby, and it's not that there are no others.

The reason Hua Yueling did this was just because of her tight-fitting nature, and even so, his speed was not too slow.Soon he arrived at his destination. The outside of the factory building was still quite large, but Hua Yueling's attention was not on it at all. According to what he discovered through his exploration skills, Hua Yueling discovered a more troublesome fact. The missing parts are not below, but on the top of the building.

No wonder the current position has not been found or taken away. If it is found on the ground, it may be thrown away as garbage.

"It looks like it's not easy."

Hua Yueling raised her head and looked up. There was no way to go directly from the outside, and she didn't know if she could go to the top from the inside.

There is still enough time, fortunately he has improved a lot, otherwise the remaining time of invisibility will really worry him.

Hua Yueling speeded up, found the main entrance and rushed in. He came to an aisle, and there were a few people in the aisle who were busy.It's all building materials.

But Hua Yueling didn't care too much about this. He was very fast, and immediately began to look for a way to go after he left here.Mainly to find the stairs.

He didn't know where the stairs were. He had to look for them one by one. It would be nice if he was familiar with this place, but he was really unfamiliar with it.

On the left is a large factory, and soon after Hua Yueling passed by, he found a door leading to a deeper place.Fortunately, the door was open, otherwise he would have to wait until someone passed by, or just take care of it, and be found out if he was found.

After speeding up and rushing in, Hua Yueling immediately entered the room inside.This is not a factory, it's a reception room. Everything is pretty good, and there are people cleaning it.

Hua Yueling slowed down some steps to avoid being spotted by the cleaning staff here.On the right is an upward staircase. Hua Yueling glanced at it and walked up from there.

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