Hua Yueling has always felt that finding things like this is a troublesome thing, but no matter how troublesome he has to do, he can't just wait.Waiting naturally has the benefits of waiting, but the benefits also vary from person to person.

The clues Hua Yueling possessed here are actually very few, almost only a specious mark.But fortunately, there are many things that can be done with exploration skills, otherwise he will be even more troubled.

The exploration skills have many uses. For example, now, Hua Yueling only used the exploration skills once to get a full view of all the concepts of this house.Now Hua Yueling can almost say that he knows it as much as the people involved in this house.

"It's true. If it doesn't, it looks like you can only jump over the window."

This was the best method Hua Yueling thought of, but it was not used anymore. There were stairs for him to walk straight up all the way.In any case, this is definitely easier than turning the window, and it is not that risky.

Hua Yueling came to the stairs leading to the upper level all the way, through this level of stairs, Hua Yueling came to the roof.But just as she was about to go on the roof, Hua Yueling found that the road leading to the roof was locked.

"It's not easy now, the key is not easy to find..."

I looked around and saw that no one else was here, Hua Yueling decided to try using a lock picking tool.Then lock it when you leave, you will definitely not be found.

Hua Yueling immediately took out the lock picking tool, which was purchased a long time ago, and has never been used since.Now I have it, but then I didn't use it, so Hua Yueling was somewhat unfamiliar with it at first.

"This should be almost done."

After trying the feel, Hua Yueling gradually recovered the previous feel. This lock was not so easy to pry open, and it took him a lot of effort.

After picking the lock, Hua Yueling quickly pushed the baffle away in front of him. If he was not worried about being discovered, he could even destroy this thing directly.However, it was precisely because of fear of being discovered that Hua Yueling did not destroy it, but kept it, just using a lock picking tool to open it.

After pushing off the baffle, Hua Yueling came to the top of the building, but it was regarded as a place, he immediately walked in the direction of the target he had found.The thing fell close to the edge and was easy to find.

In fact, if birds usually pass by here, they may gain or eat the lost power.However, Hua Yueling and the others were lucky, this lost power still exists until now, and has not been eaten.

This is the best news. Hua Yueling handed it to Xiaoxue after grasping the lost power, and then he was non-stop and couldn’t wait to take action. He returned to the room below and then blocked the baffle again. On, and lock it with a lock.

"There is no problem then."

After confirming that everything was back to its original condition, Hua Yueling quickly left from here. After he got out of the room, he went to the factory building, and it was relatively easy to leave the industrial park along the way.

After climbing over the fence, Hua Yueling returned to the secret place where she was invisible.Using exploration skills to reconfirm the nearby situation, after confirming that no one else was there, Hua Yueling lifted his invisibility and then walked out from here.

It was another lost power. Hua Yueling found that she had been to so many places, but what she got was still the same. Finding so many things by herself was always a lost power.Are there no missing parts?

Hua Yueling hopes that Mu Ningshuang and the others will have better luck than her, at least not to find some lost power like her.

No matter how you can find a spare part, it stands to reason that there are so many things scattered here, so roughly speaking, there should be some.

Hua Yueling was already comforting herself a bit, the marker on the map could be crossed out, and he did just that.

"It takes more time than I thought, but there is still time."

Hua Yueling and the others agreed that they would gather somewhere in the afternoon, taking the direction of the three people as the midpoint.In fact, if it is possible, everyone hopes that it will not be so troublesome, but if those lost powers cannot be held by them after they are obtained, they need to be handed over to Xiaoxue to reintegrate them, so they must merge as soon as possible.

This was also the conclusion reached after discussing with Xiaoxue. Hua Yueling glanced at the map and decided to go to a place closer to the meeting point.

One morning passed quickly. As she couldn't go home at noon, Hua Yueling called her sister.Actually it should have been said in the morning, but Hua Yueling hadn't figured out whether she would go home at noon.

Now it seems that it is impossible to think about it.Not to mention the question of time, so I don’t know how much time it will take to go back and forth, and there is also the issue of fare.

It also costs a lot of money to take a taxi back and forth like this, especially since they all have to go farther away.All things considered, in the end, I decided to find a restaurant outside to have a meal. There was no need to be too particular about it. It was almost enough, Hua Yueling and the others had no requirements.

Hua Yueling went to another place and found a lost power again. Hua Yueling was no longer disappointed. It was really speechless, and her luck was too bad.

But there is no way, whoever lets his luck be like this, what he finds is useless to him.On the contrary, Xiaoxue's luck was extremely good, although the lost powers found were relatively weak, for her.

Hua Yueling couldn't feel this, anyway, he felt that as long as he found it, no matter it was more or less, as long as there was it anyway.

It's better than finding nothing like him, and there has been no way to find what you want, which is quite disappointing.

Hua Yueling and the others finally assembled in a small restaurant, where Hua Yueling was the first to arrive, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong had not yet come.Hua Yueling took out her phone to check the time. It was late, but she didn't know where they were now.

Some were worried about their situation, so Hua Yueling called them and asked them about their situation.

Mu Ningshuang replied that it was pretty good, luckily, and found several.She is coming here by car now, and it will take about ten minutes.

Lu Yuetong also responded similarly, but the time was shorter, a few minutes was enough, and it was almost there.

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