Approaching the past cautiously, Hua Yueling hadn't seen the monster's figure, but the sound should be not far away.Not too far away, you can hear it.

But Hua Yueling was still very careful. He couldn't be careless. Even if he was injured, if he was too careless and thought he would win, then the result would definitely not be too good.Although it is unlikely that he will lose, who knows if other things will happen, this is what worries him.

All the way to the deepest point, this cave did not know whether it was excavated by the other party or existed originally.At least Hua Yueling, the sheltering person outside, found it quite strange. If the other party did this, then the other party was quite wise.

Be careful when facing wise creatures. Such creatures are not in the majority.Generally speaking, only those who have enough power have wisdom.

This has always been the case, but this guy is not necessarily like this, the chances are still higher.

Hua Yueling didn't care much about these, he just used this method to remind himself that he must be careful and never careless.

Coming to the deepest part of the cave, Hua Yueling saw a figure in the shadows. It was a huge beast whose body was covered by shadows.With Hua Yueling's eyesight, there was no way to see exactly what it was.

It looks huge, but by the standards of this world, there is no biological resemblance.It's not that it's so huge, but it's bigger than it, but it doesn't live on land, and there are some smaller than it, but it's really rare to see a body like it.

Hua Yueling didn't rush in to attack, but secretly observed, he wanted to see how the opponent's ability was.Don't look at it even though it was injured and looked dying, but it's hard to say in the fight. Hua Yueling is confident that it can defeat it, but whether it can be solved here is hard to say.

Such monsters are not that simple to kill, they have terrible power.Hua Yueling doesn't know much about this monster, so the best way is to fight for a one-shot kill, which is somewhat difficult.

The monster is now facing the entrance, obviously just guarding against someone coming in outside. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for Hua Yueling to approach the past silently.

"Try it in stealth, if it doesn't work, just attack directly. There should be a great chance."

After observing for a while, Hua Yueling saw that there was no chance to embed it, and decided to use stealth to act.If you grasp it well, you should still have a good chance.

After Hua Yueling became invisible, she still moved silently. The monster remained motionless, but Hua Yueling would not relax her vigilance because of this.The more you have to be very careful at this time.

After walking a few steps, Hua Yueling also took a look at the monster's reaction, but it seemed that the monster still didn't find his figure and didn't react at all.But no matter what Hua Yueling was absolutely certain, the speed was still a little slower, and it didn't go too fast.

Fortunately, the stealth skill time is enough, otherwise it would be difficult for Hua Yueling to slow down all the way.

It seemed that there was hope, Hua Yueling thought secretly in her heart that the distance had reached a similar distance, and if there was no problem walking two steps further, it was time to act.

Up to now, Hua Yueling was trying to figure out the state of the monster, to see if it really didn't find herself or pretended not to find herself.It seems that he really didn't find out. Hua Yueling is still somewhat confident about her invisibility, but not blindly confident, so he doesn't know whether his invisibility skills and his own invisibility count can conceal the opponent. Now It seems pretty good.

"That's it, it should be able to kill with one blow."

Hua Yueling muttered in a low voice, already close enough, he didn't need to continue to hide, using force under his feet, suddenly accelerated the speed of advancement and rushed to the side of the monster.

The moment he did this, the monster also discovered his existence, and suddenly got up to attack.But no matter how it reacted, whether it was attacking herself or dodge, Hua Yueling no longer cared.

Now the victory is in your own hands, not in the hands of the opponent. No matter what the opponent wants to do, it is useless. He is the final winner.

Hua Yueling thought so, the hidden dragon blade pierced like a bolt of lightning, but just when he was about to hit, he closed his hand and did not let his attack hit.Dodge avoiding the opponent's attack, Hua Yueling moved a little away from the opponent.

Not only because he saw the monster protecting a little guy who was much smaller than her, but also because her voice rang in his mind.

It was a very mature and majestic voice, which sounded a little cold.His sneak attack made the other party angry, but Hua Yueling didn't care. If he cared about these, he didn't need to fight, so he didn't want to do anything at all and stayed at home every day.


Although Hua Yueling stepped back a little, he did not completely relax his vigilance because of this. He looked at the other party carefully, and did not regret his choice, although such a choice might put him into a more troublesome situation. in.There was a chance to solve the opponent directly, but when Hua Yueling passed that sentence into his mind, he knew he had to stop no matter what.

The two sides fell into peace, but they still confronted each other. No one spoke, and both sides looked at each other.

Hua Yueling still couldn't see clearly what the other party looked like in the darkness, but he probably understood that the other party was a silver wolf.The snow-like white hair looks very beautiful, and it is hard not to think of it.

"you are……"

It seemed that he could communicate with the other party, so Hua Yueling did not continue to attack, but asked in a deep voice.However, the other party's words were not spoken out, but sounded directly in his mind.

This may be the other party’s special ability, and I don’t know if it’s impossible to speak, but can only communicate in this way.But these are not important, and it doesn't matter how you communicate, as long as you can communicate.

Hua Yueling doesn't beg too much, as long as the two parties can communicate in ordinary ways, it is enough, as for the others, he doesn't care much.If the other party is not malicious, then Hua Yueling feels that there is no need to fight. The two sides can communicate peacefully, which is naturally the best choice.

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