Not only is Huayueling guarding the opponent, Yinlang is also guarding Huayueling.The two of them look at me and I look at you. It is still no one talking, but this does not mean that they are not communicating.

It’s just that the two sides are communicating in their minds. Silver Wolf is very experienced in this aspect, mainly because it usually uses this method to communicate, but Huayueling is different, and Huayueling is still somewhat different. Not used to it.

"You are different from the people here, who are you?"

Silver Wolf asked with caution, Hua Yueling didn't feel that there were too many differences in her body, and she was just an ordinary person.Ordinary people who are slightly lucky.

However, he can probably understand what makes Silver Wolf think so, so he is not surprised, and in order to gain the trust of the other party, Hua Yueling explained to some extent why he is different from the others here.

Silver Wolf probably understood a little, after hearing it, it did not suspect that what Hua Yueling said was lying to himself.But it also has something of interest. It asked some things about the places Hua Yueling had been to. It seemed to want to know about those things in other worlds, because according to what she said, she also came from another world.

"I haven't been to many different worlds, and it may not be the place where you came."

Hua Yueling briefly introduced the things he knew about the other world, and didn't say much, but Hua Yueling believed that this was enough for the other party to judge.

Sure enough, Yin Lang shook his head after listening to Hua Yueling's words. It seemed that the two places he had visited, whether it was the place where Jieluxi was or Wu Mercury, were not where she came.

Hua Yueling also stabilized what her hometown was, and she answered seriously, it seemed that the atmosphere between the two sides had improved a lot, and there was no intention to continue fighting.The main reason is that Hua Yueling's previous actions have added points to him, otherwise the two sides would not be so harmonious anyway.

Hua Yueling felt that they seemed to be able to reach some consensus, which was possible, if the Silver Wolf was not too hostile to him and not too hostile to the world.

"How did you get here?"

"I don't know, I was in this place when I woke up. I have never seen a building like this. I don't like those buildings and want to protect her, so I found a safe place to hide. "

"You, if you believe me, later I can ask someone to use teleportation magic to send you to the other world I said, where you should be able to live safely. Our place is very bad, not suitable for you. Biological life."


Hua Yueling said that, but Silver Wolf did not immediately answer. Hua Yueling was not too surprised about this. He could understand the other party's thoughts, and the other party did not trust him that much, that was for sure.

But Hua Yueling believed that she had a chance, and it was hard to say whether she could do it, but there was a big chance.As long as the two parties can establish some trust, they can win the trust of each other.

This is what Hua Yueling wants to do. He understands that it is still less likely to make the other party believe in him, but he will not give up because of it.

If he can solve this problem so simply, he naturally tends to solve the problem simply, rather than saying that he has to fight.

It's better not to fight or not to fight, Hua Yueling didn't want to fight.But he also understood that even if he said so much, the other party still couldn't completely believe in himself like this, it was impossible.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if you come to a random stranger, he will attack you before, and then say that he wants to help you, even you can't believe the other person like that.That's too silly.

However, Hua Yueling now has no good way to make people believe in herself, only relying on words to convince each other, Hua Yueling does not have much confidence, you must know that he has no research in this area, let alone anything. Level up.

But what surprised him was that after thinking about it, Silver Wolf actually tended to believe his statement.

"I believe what you said, that's fine, then I beg you."

Hua Yueling couldn't figure it out, why suddenly she believed in herself.But think about it carefully, maybe it was my first action that worked. I didn't continue to attack after she spoke, but chose to give up the attack. This is where the situation is now, otherwise the two sides would have been endlessly dying. , It is impossible to be as harmonious as it is now.

It's better to make your own choice if you think about it this way, otherwise it won't be like this.But this is good for me, at least it saves me a lot of effort.

"Don't worry, someone should come and pick you up soon. The place I found for you is in the fairy forest, it's safe."


The silver wolf has a very humanized expression on its face. It seems that it comes from another world. It obviously knows what kind of race the elves are.

"Don't worry, they won't bother you. I can assure you. There are other people living there, not just elves."

"Then thank you very much."

Hua Yueling made a phone call to Sister Aroline. After the two parties talked, Hua Yueling didn't need to worry about things here anymore. Then just call Sister Aroline.Don't look at this silver wolf's current strength, but that is when he is injured. If he is not injured, it will definitely not be like this.

Within a few seconds of finishing the call, a teleportation array appeared next to Hua Yueling, and Aroline jumped out of the teleportation array and placed a POSE.

"Sister Aroline, she is the silver wolf that I told you about that was transmitted from another world. She is not suitable for living with us, so I want her to live in another world."

"Yes, but how did you get hurt?"

After Aroline appeared, Silver Wolf suddenly widened his eyes, expressing shock at Aroline's strength.Not to mention her in her hands, even if she was not injured, she would not be an opponent in her heyday.

Silver Wolf also recounted some things that Huayueling didn't know before. It was basically Silver Wolf and an opponent, but actually a group of adventurers fighting, in order to protect their children and then resorted to taboo power.

Relying on this strength, she defeated her opponent, but she was also seriously injured, and then she didn't know what happened. She had already come to this world when she woke up from a coma.

"Being sent here for no reason?"

Aroline didn't believe this statement, but the other party insisted that it was.

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