Hua Yueling has a lot of ideas and a lot of things to do.This is the case in modern society. He needs to find one or work for himself. Making money is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as finding himself an identity and finding a job to talk about.

At present, Huayueling has a job that can be discussed, but there is not much progress in this job.If Hua Yueling wants to make this aspect their own work, they need to work harder.

Hua Yueling has always worked hard for this, but he has always felt that his abilities are not enough and need to work harder.

Lie down and rested, Hua Yueling didn't go to play with Mu Ningshuang and the others for the time being, mainly because she was too tired to rest without rest.

Hua Yueling hopes that she can play with them for a while, but it seems that they have more energy than herself.I don't know why, I am even more tired than them. Is this my problem?

It should be my own problem, otherwise it won't be like this.Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, it was her own problem, but she didn't know what kind of problem it was.

Thinking about what he did in the afternoon, what made him most suspicious was his getting along with the silver wolf and some small conflicts with the silver wolf.

Is it related to these? Hua Yueling is not sure, but he thinks it is possible.

There is no way to figure out exactly how Huayueling is. He can only guess a rough idea. As for whether this is probably correct, there is no way to be sure.


No matter what, let’s rest. When you’re rested, there will be nothing left. If you think about so much, the more you think about it, the more tired you will get.If you keep thinking like this, you will only get tired and tired.

I was a little sleepy. At this time, Hua Yueling didn't know how to make games, but he thought of something interesting.

"If we make a series of popular games, we might be able to create value for those things from another world."

"In this way?"

"Don't you think this is a very interesting method?"

"It's really interesting, but well, in that case, the value might not be so high. Speaking of it, let's talk about our main purpose."

Hua Yueling thought about it again, it was almost the same, unless it was a hand-made kind, otherwise how could ordinary things be valuable.What's more, no matter how valuable it is, it is certainly not as good as an antique to make money.

This is a bad idea, and it's not a very bad idea.

Of course, things in a different world are strictly unqualified as antiques in the modern world, and things that belong exclusively to a different world, such as magic books and magic scrolls, must not be brought into this world. , So Hua Yueling thinks about it, it's better not to think too much.

It is a little unreliable to think about how to make money by this, very unreliable.

"I have some other ways, but I can buy skills. It costs gold coins to buy advanced skills."

"So in the end it's still the same. We talked for a long time and actually didn't talk about anything."


Hua Yueling had nothing to say, she didn't know what to say, it was probably like this, she talked about it and went back.

After doing it for a long time, there is no difference between what she said and what she didn't say, Hua Yueling thought helplessly, what is the use of these.Things in another world are definitely rare things in this world, but it's hard to say whether those things are so valuable, and taking that kind of things over may reveal something.

Hua Yueling didn't want to be discovered by others, and didn't want to leave any clues, so he just thought about it, but didn't really have any ideas for practice.

In his opinion, there are many ways to make money, but he doesn't know how much.You can look for it slowly, but don't worry about it now anyway.

Turning over on the bed, Hua Yueling yawned and squinted, feeling that she was about to fall asleep before she knew it.At the end of the day, I was really busy to the extreme. I went everywhere and searched, and gave the things I found to Xiaoxue for her to merge.

In the morning and in the afternoon, I have to find out how many missing forces I don’t know. Even if it doesn’t reach ten, there must be seven, eight, or nine.

Xiaoxue was beautiful, but his idea was not realized at all.Almost all of them are about to be searched here, and if you want to search, you have to look farther away.I don't know how much time it will take to act again next, and how far it needs to go, Hua Yueling feels that he doesn't want to continue acting.It's a bit boring to think about it. Going around, and then you find it, is really fast travel.

He thought to himself, but he just thought about it. Action is still necessary, but it will be more troublesome next.

Hua Yueling must go to other places, and then use one of them as the center point to explore all the places nearby.This is true everywhere, so even if you don’t have to look for it, you still need to go around in order to find out where there are things you need.

As Xiaoxue said, after purchasing the skills, it must be much easier to find those things, or not to mention a lot, only some of them are definitely there.If they were asked to search everywhere without any prompts like headless flies, that would be hell-level difficulty.

It seems that I don’t have enough time. If I continue at the current rate, I will not be able to find what I am looking for when the school starts.

After all, for now, the three of them only looked for some areas near the house, and these areas have spent a lot of energy and time.

Think about it if you have to go farther in the future, if you count back and forth, the time spent can be said to have doubled.This is not a joke, but a fact.

Therefore, after searching, Hua Yueling felt that she had to find a better way.Taking a taxi was a good way at the beginning, but now it is obviously not good enough to keep up with the "time".

It is better to change the method and do these things in a more practical way.For example, the teleportation array that Ningshuang can use, this is one way.However, the biggest problem with the teleportation array is how to hide it. Up to now, Hua Yueling has not figured out how to do it.

But in fact, he doesn't need to think so much about this aspect, maybe he can ask people like Mu Ningshuang who are very accomplished in magic.

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