Hua Yueling really felt that it was too much trouble for him for a long time. He hoped that there were some simple ways to solve the problem.

He didn't choose the initial more troublesome routines, but there was no other way.This is true even now.

"In fact, if you want to be simpler, sister, I have a way."

After Aroline came to his home, Hua Yueling and the others talked about finding missing parts and missing power.Don't look at Sister Aroline who usually looks very different from Xiaoxue, but in this regard, she did not hide her personally because of this, and she was still very friendly and wanted to help them solve this problem.

"This needs to have a foothold in every place. If there is no foothold, it can only be worn to a more remote place. But that is certainly not the safest method."

"But in this case..."

Hua Yueling thought for a while, and felt that even this must be a problem.

"There is a lot of money to spend. Although we have some money, it is impossible to buy houses in various places."

"Rent a room, or go directly to a hotel or a small hotel, as long as the speed is fast enough, renting for two days is almost the same."

"But in that case, it would conflict with our original idea, it's not the same."

Originally, what they discussed was that they should be at home, and then they would send it directly when they acted.But if they rent a house outside or go to a hotel, according to Lu Yuetong's words, they must stay there.

Hua Yueling doesn't like staying outside for a long time, and he would rather stay at home if possible.

"It's not that it has to be that way, it's just an idea. We can rent a place and use teleportation to transmit it on both sides. It's similar to the idea of ​​buying a house. Rent it for a few more days and then look for it. Just send it over, and we'll send it back when we find it."

"This is also a way. Transport back and forth, using the hotel as a stronghold, so that it costs less money and it should be safer."

"That's fine, but it's definitely safer than buying a house."

"That is," Hua Yueling smiled bitterly and shook her head. Sister Aroline didn't know what she was thinking. Even if she wanted to solve the problem, she had to look at the actual situation. In the current situation, they simply couldn't do it. What Sister Aroline said, "But I don't know how much it costs to buy a house. We can't afford it, even if we sell it."

"This is not a big problem. My sister can help you. It is a very difficult thing for you, but for me, it is very simple and can be solved."

Aroline said nonchalantly, just listening to her tone.In fact, even if she didn't listen to what she said, Hua Yueling knew that she must have such abilities, but Hua Yueling felt that this was something she was busy with after all, so she would be too dependent on Sister Alorin.

"Have you chosen the direction? Where are you going?"

"Not yet." Hua Yueling shook her head, there are too many places to go, but at this time I don't know how to choose. "But I don't think it should be too long, maybe the idea will emerge by itself. ."

Hua Yueling feels that it is more reliable to rely on her own luck. Anyway, her luck is quite good. If you rely on this luck, you might have a chance.

Hua Yueling was not in a hurry, and there was no need to be in a hurry, what she was so anxious to do.Take your time, he can understand it. Even if he is anxious, everything he does will not change. It is not because he is anxious, and then things will change. No matter what, it is a joke. .

Hua Yueling lay down, yet she hadn't figured out what to do for the time being. In fact, from a rational point of view, the method Sister Alorin said was better.

"There are still a lot of places to go. It would be great if we could directly investigate the whole world, but the scope is still too small."

"It can be done too, Master."

"It costs gold coins to upgrade again, right?"

Almost no need to think about Hua Yueling to know what Xiaoxue is going to say, he rolled his eyes and said.He didn't know what Xiaoxue thought, but he knew that Xiaoxue especially wanted to spend the gold coins in her hands. This was not once or twice, but a lot of words.

Hua Yueling hasn't calculated how many gold coins she spent in the store, but they are quite a lot. After all, not only him, but also Liweiluo and Aroline have used them.If it weren't for not enough gold coins, they still have something to buy.

Don't look at now that Sister Liweiluo stays in Wu Mercury almost every day, it seems that she has not left from there, but as long as she has the time, she will go out to help Hua Yueling earn gold coins.The number of gold coins she earned was naturally faster than that of Hua Yueling, I don't know how many.

The number of gold coins Hua Yueling can earn is actually relatively small, but it depends on who it is compared to, and Livy Robbie, whoever can get gold coins is quite small.

Hua Yueling naturally hopes that she can possess the same abilities as Sister Aroline and Sister Livio, but it is difficult for him to do this now.

Sister Liweiluo and the others can do this by relying on their strength, but it is almost impossible for Hua Yueling to achieve their strength.In fact, it is not impossible, but it is too difficult.

Hua Yueling felt that she needed to consider more issues, such as how to obtain gold coins faster.Sister Aroline and the others can rely on fighting stronger monsters and getting better equipment and materials to do it, but he certainly can't do this, so they must use some smarter methods.

"In fact, if you want to earn gold coins, the most important thing is to understand the value of various things converted into gold coins. If you don't understand this, Xiaoyueling, it will be difficult to have an accurate assessment."

If you can't make an accurate assessment, there will be no way to find a better way to earn gold coins. This is what Sister Aroline means.In fact, the materials they obtained were handed over to him, and he would complete the exchange, but on the other hand, if he could use these materials to combine them into more valuable items, it would be even better.

Hua Yueling hadn't thought of this before, but now that she changed her mind, what Sister Aroline said was not wrong, she was indeed somewhat limited by her original thinking.I just thought about how to make money faster in the same way, but didn't think about whether there is any other better way.

Hua Yueling now has some changes in her thinking. This change is a good thing for him, allowing him to have more choices.

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