If you buy all three skills, it will definitely not work. There are not so many gold coins, so you can only choose one of them, upgrade to a higher level, and then buy the others.This kind of action plan is better.

Hua Yueling searched in the space bag he had. He needed to find out what kind of materials he still had.Buy which skill you have with more materials.

What is needed most for manufacturing is the material. If there is not enough material, it will definitely not work, so you still have to judge based on the materials you have.

Hua Yueling learned about it and found that among all the materials she currently had, the most used to make various equipment, followed by the materials used to make medicines.Although it is impossible to completely clearly determine which aspect is more, it is judged visually.

It was impossible for Hua Yueling to say that he would count all the materials he had. That would not only waste time, but also unnecessary.

Sister Aroline played here for a while, and then left in a hurry. Hua Yueling and the others knew that she wanted to quickly go back and study the power of the will of the world.

Don't say it, the attraction of that thing to them is not a boast, the attraction is really strong enough.After the discovery, I didn't think about it all the time.

I don't know how far they have studied now, but Hua Yueling doesn't particularly understand these.In order to relax themselves, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang started playing games while sitting in front of the computer.

Discussing these matters is also quite a lot of brain cells, they feel quite tired.

But for the time being, it's over. You can take a good rest and think about how much you have done today.From looking for things everywhere to researching ways to earn gold coins, in a blink of an eye the time has already reached dusk, time flies very, very fast, but Hua Yueling and the others also feel very fulfilling.

Such a day is not bad, it is busy but fulfilling, not a waste of time doing useless things.

During the evening meal, Hua Yun also asked about their activities today. Hua Yueling briefly talked about it, and others also introduced it.However, Hua Yueling mainly talked about the encounter with Silver Wolf.

What happened to the silver wolf gave them some other thoughts. Since the silver wolf happened, it is very likely that other creatures will be sent over without knowing why.This is all possible. If something like that happens, the world is likely to have some turmoil, and...

"I haven't found anything else yet, and I haven't seen it on the news. It's fine for the time being."

"I was about to attack her at the time. Fortunately, she talked to me in time, so I didn't start, otherwise, I would solve it there."

This was not what Hua Yueling hoped, but he had no other choice at the time.It is impossible for him to communicate with each other without confirming whether it is dangerous or safe.

"Our world is changing more and more, but there was no such thing before."

To say that these things happened after Huayueling got the system, so Huayueling sometimes even wondered whether these things had something to do with the system.Because of the system, it is said that these things will happen, but there is no conclusion yet.

"But these have nothing to do with us for the time being. What we are going to do is very simple, as long as we don't get caught, the others are not that important."

Things come a little bit, Hua Yueling and the others can't manage so many things at present, so they can still manage as many things as they can.They can't control it. Although they say they are good, they are just a few people.

After a supper, Hua Yueling was going to send Mu Ningshuang and the others back, but they refused.They plan to stay tonight, play with him for a while, and study with a few others tomorrow.

"Do you think you can make a high-level game with the three of us?"

"In fact, you don't have to make games, you can make software,"

"I think it's even more difficult."

"What software to make."

As Mu Ningshuang said, this is the most important issue. For example, to make a game, what type of game needs to be made.If you don't understand it clearly, it won't work.

The three of Hua Yueling and the others can now be said to have a clear division of labor, but the number is still too small. There are only three people. Three people can be regarded as a team, but only a small team.There must be some shortcomings in making large-scale games, and it takes time to make up for fewer people. In this regard, they have some advantages over others.

"We have to use our own advantages. And our advantage is in terms of time. There are changes in the flow of time in different worlds. We can use this to double the time out of thin air."

"In fact, we can spend the extra time on learning to make games and other aspects of knowledge, and then do other things in the other time."

As long as you have some wisdom, you can definitely do something with this advantage, let alone Hua Yueling them.The three of them are not stupid, and immediately after thinking clearly, they have a general course of action.

It's not that we must define what to do next day, but at least we have to make a plan in general.But the most important thing is actually the time outside of holidays.

They can freely control all the time during holidays, and don’t have to worry about other things, but they can’t do anything else.

So they must think ahead of time how to maximize the time they can control during college.They definitely still need to go to class. They can't think of a good way for this part of the time, and they can't control it.

Unless it is to directly move the classroom to another world, but that is impossible, it is self-destruct.The other methods are nothing they can think of with what they know now.

So with everything you know now, the best way is to put them aside and not think about them, just think about the things they can control.People must be self-knowledge, this is a very important thing, and you cannot forget this.

In the evening, a few of them were very happy to have fun. There are more people and there are more benefits, and there are few people and there are few benefits.There are only a few people like Hua Yueling and the others. They are much quieter, and everyone is having fun.

Hua Yueling hadn't had such a fun time with everyone in a long time, so she could sink her heart to play with Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.Everyone didn't talk much, but they all had smiles on their faces.

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