"Would you like to go to the nearby bookstore?"

Hua Yueling and the others got up very early the next day, mainly because they slept very early last night, so they got up so early.But even so, Sister Yun had already gone to work at this time. It seemed that there was something important today. After getting up, she hurriedly ate breakfast and left.

At that time, Hua Yueling was still in a daze. Listening to her sister in the living room outside, she was answering the phone, as if there was something urgent for her to rush over.Sister Yun's tone also sounded somewhat urgent.

Soon after answering the phone, Sister Yun spoke to him in the living room, and then left quickly.Hua Yueling was a little sleepy back then, so she just responded.

"Well, I want to go to the police station. Let's go there first. Sister Yun answered the phone in the morning. It sounded anxious. I don't know if what happened, I'm a little worried.

"Then go to the police station first, and then go to the library if you have time."

In fact, even if you don’t go to the library to buy books, you have an e-book reader and a mobile phone. You can buy e-books directly in the software. You don’t need to buy paper books.

However, Hua Yueling still prefers paper books, perhaps because of the ideas in her mind. Hua Yueling prefers paper books to e-books.

Paper books may have many disadvantages, but compared to e-books, it also has its own advantages.

Paper books are more sensational to read. Of course, reading is not for this kind of reading feeling, but to draw nourishment from the book, but for Hua Yueling, this is also a point that attracts him.

The three people got together for breakfast and set off. It was still early, and the sky outside was a bit gloomy, and it seemed that it might rain.

But when Hua Yueling and the others were about to set off, a figure suddenly appeared beside them. Although this appearance was quite sudden, Hua Yueling and the others didn't feel any experience at all.

I have had this experience many times, so even if Sister Aroline suddenly appeared without knowing it, they would no longer be scared.

"Sister Aroline, you are so fascinating every time you appear. If we weren't used to it, we must be scared by you."

Lu Yuetong patted her chest, looked at Aroline helplessly and said.But this time it was not only Aroline herself, but also Lorna and Terris.

They were very happy when they came here, and when they saw Huayueling, they immediately rushed over and hugged them, shouting "big brother" and "big sister".

Hua Yueling and the others were also very happy to see the two little guys. Shui Neng didn't like being with such cute two little guys. Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others would not dislike it.

"Sister Aroline, why are you here?"

Hua Yueling asked with some curiosity, she couldn't bring the two little guys over for no reason, since she brought them over, there must be her purpose.It's impossible to let them help take care of the two little guys. After all, there are so many people in another world, it is impossible to need them to take care of the two little guys.

What's more, the two little guys have grown up, it doesn't matter if they are themselves, they can take care of themselves.

"The two of them want to find you to play, I will help as soon as I take them over to find you."

"That's right, it doesn't matter, we just want to go out, so let's take them together."

"Okay, you will take care of the two of them. Sister, I still have very important things to do, so I won't stay any more, let's go."

What is the important thing for Aroline Huayueling is very clear to them, besides studying that kind of power, is there anything else?But this is a very important thing for Aroline and the others, although Hua Yueling and the others feel a bit too addicted to it.

Although they didn't go back to the other world to see what happened in the past two days, they had learned something from Sister Aroline's performance and words.Anyway, the research hasn't made much progress yet, and it cannot be said that there is no progress at all, but the progress is very small.

There is still very little understanding of that power. It is an incredible power that cannot be integrated with other powers.

According to Aroline, they have tried to use their own power to explore that kind of power, but that kind of power has incredible defensive power, and it is unrealistic to explore it only by relying on power.Now they are thinking about other strategies and also trying other solutions, but so far they have not thought of a better way.

Hua Yueling was able to understand their eagerness, and it would certainly be the case if she had done so, but he couldn't help much.

"Xiao Yueling, if you have time, you should also go there. Sister, I think you might be able to help."

Before the figure was about to dissipate, Sister Aroline said so suddenly, Hua Yueling was slightly stunned, but she still agreed.

"What does it mean to call me in the past, is there any use?"

Hua Yueling thought strangely, what can she do for something that Sister Elivilo and Sister Jelousy can't do.

"Perhaps because the system still has Xiaoxue. Sister Aroline thinks the system or Xiaoxue can provide some help."

"It's also very possible," Hua Yueling nodded and agreed. In his thoughts, this should be the closest possible to the truth. "But Xiaoxue has never reacted to that. I don't know if she knows something."

"It is very possible to know something. Xiaoxue knows a lot more than we know. Even if she doesn't know what it is and what kind of power does that kind of power have, it will definitely give us some analytical ideas. ."

"Indeed, well, I will find time to check it out later, hoping to be of some help."

Hua Yueling shrugged and said, I don't know if he can help, but Xiaoxue might really be able to help.

Let's talk about it when the time comes, Hua Yueling doesn't know when she will transfer it, anyway, the past is quite simple, you can go anytime.

If the two little guys want to go out, they definitely can't go out as they were. They must change their image. This is a must.

Hua Yueling purchased two props to change the image in the mall.That kind of props are not expensive, in fact, they are not very useful, and they are not very useful if you are facing a strong person.But it is enough for ordinary people.

Taking into account their preferences, Hua Yueling asked about their own thoughts. The two little guys felt that everything was fine, without special requirements.

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