There is no difference between the bookstore and the previous few visits, it still looks like a monk.There was no one, the boss inside was sitting behind the counter, playing with his cell phone boringly.

Seeing Hua Yueling and the others came in, he didn't mean to greet them, just let them read the book by themselves.

Hua Yueling patted the little heads of the two little guys. It is estimated that this is meaningless to them.The two little guys don't like reading, whether it's Terris or Lorna, and don't know why.

In order to prevent them from being too bored, Hua Yueling gave them his mobile phone, as did Lu Yuetong, so that at least they could spend this possibly boring time more happily.

The two little guys weren't in a hurry, and went around in the bookstore with them, but the books here were a fantasy for them.It seems that none of them can be understood by myself, which is very boring.

For them, reading books is a very boring thing, and it is even more so here. Those books don't have words that they can understand.

Soon the two little guys lost their energy. If they didn't have a mobile phone to play with, they probably wouldn't know what to do.But in fact, they did not fully focus on the phone. They still followed Hua Yueling and the others. Although they said they couldn’t understand, they were also very happy to be there when Hua Yueling and the others picked up the book to read. .

Hua Yueling didn't even pay attention to these, his attention was on those books.He directly found books related to programming. In fact, there are not many books of every type in such a small bookstore, but fortunately, there are always some interesting books, and there are some new books. This is Huayue Ling is most interested.

Hua Yueling's first concern is those with beautiful covers, or those that attract people's attention.A good book must first have a good cover, or at least attract attention.At least Hua Yueling thought so.

But the most important thing about a book is the content after all, and the cover is just a minor aspect.After all, you need to look at the book when you buy a book, not the cover. The cover is at most for viewing, and there is no good use in other aspects.

Before she knew it, Hua Yueling had already selected several books, but he didn't say that he would buy that many, but just took a look and wrote it down.Unless it is those that are particularly important, otherwise he likes to buy online.

I took out my phone to compare it and searched it on the Internet. Except that some books are sold in different places, the prices of others are about the same as those sold here.But Hua Yueling never buys books at the original price. He thinks that is too expensive, and usually waits until there are events.

Another disadvantage of offline purchases is the price. Although there are promotional activities, they always feel inferior to online ones.In fact, the promotion efforts on the Internet are not that big, but there are ways to make you feel that the promotion is very strong.

Although that is the case, Hua Yueling generally feels really fragrant.

The same goes for other people. They have picked some pretty good books, but they just browsed through them and didn't say to buy them here.In contrast, it is more expensive to buy here.

Hua Yueling and the others stayed here for more than half an hour. In fact, the three of them didn't make a few books. Hua Yueling bought the most, but he only bought three books.These three books are relatively cheap, and he thinks they are quite useful to him.

"It's almost there, that's it."

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong had chosen before, but they saw that Hua Yueling hadn't finished the selection yet, and they were still entangled in which one to choose, so they didn't come to bother him, and continued to spin around randomly. Looking for other interesting books.

Hua Yueling was the slowest one to choose, and he himself knew that he had difficulty in choosing, but this symptom could not be overcome by trying to overcome it.Anyway, Hua Yueling had no hope up to now.

Choosing to choose three books, Hua Yueling was so hesitant because of the price, otherwise he would have been able to choose which one he wanted.

After paying the money, Hua Yueling and the others carried their bags and went out with them. Lorna and Teres were both relieved.

"It's an escape," Terris whispered, but Lorna didn't respond, even though she thought that way.

"Sorry for making you wait so long. To compensate you, let's talk about where you want to go, we will take you there."

Hua Yueling also knew that she had kept the two little guys waiting for too long, so she said to them apologetically.

"where to?"

Teres tilted her head, looking confused.They know too little about the world, and what they like the most is the game.

"Play games!"

"Isn't it okay to play games anytime."

Hua Yueling was a little bit dumbfounded, what kind of wishes these two little guys called, there is no need to come here to play games, right? You can play in another world.

The two little guys thought the same as they didn't say, they still had to help Hua Yueling and the others to make a decision, but Hua Yueling and the others didn't think about where they were going.I have also taken two little guys to the amusement park before, although it wasn't a special fun that time.

"You can go to the amusement park again, what do you think?"

"We listen to Big Brother!"

The two little guys didn't have any opinions, they listened to what Hua Yueling said.The two little guys have always been so cute, making people like them more and more.

I asked Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong again, and the two of them didn't have any opinions, although they said they would rather go with him alone if they could.

But it is impossible to say such a thing now, no one will say it.Lu Yuetong just thought about it, she subconsciously glanced at Mu Ningshuang beside her, but Mu Ningshuang didn't have any expression on her face.

The three people rode on their bicycles again, putting a few books in plastic bags and Hua Yueling put them in their baskets.There are not many people coming to the amusement park. After all, it is not a weekend, but it is still a bit more than usual. How can I say that it is still in the summer vacation.

Hua Yueling asked the two little guys what kind of project they wanted to play. The two little guys also played some projects last time, but it was not too clear which Hua Yueling they liked.

"Haunted house, I want to go to the haunted house," Teres jumped up and said cheerfully, "Lorna, you?"


Lorna didn't ask for anything.

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