Haunted houses are not so terrible when there are many people, let alone Hua Yueling and the others are powerful, even if they encounter real ghosts, they don’t necessarily feel afraid, let alone the ghosts played by such people. Up.

But the two little guys were very happy walking in front. Some "ghosts" popped out. They all pretended to be frightened. Then they couldn't pretend to be anymore. They ran around the ghosts and jumped and jumped. All the "equipment" on them must be pulled off directly.

Soon the ghosts were chased by two little guys, and the two little guys became ghosts, and the person who played the ghost became the person who entered the haunted house.

"These two little guys, what is this called?"

Lu Yuetong looked at the two little guys in the distance amused, and shook his head amused.They have spent money to become people who come to work, but people who make money have become people who enjoy the adventures of haunted houses.

The two little guys ran back quickly. Fortunately, the haunted house was dark enough. Otherwise, the things the two little guys did would have to be seen by other "ghosts", but they didn't know if those ghosts dared to come out. .

But no matter what, as long as the two little guys are having fun, Hua Yueling didn't ask for anything else, anyway, they brought these two little guys to play.Since the two little guys like to run around like this, let them go, there is no need to worry about them.

Hua Yueling and the others just followed behind and walked slowly, looking at the cute and lively appearance of the little guys, but Hua Yueling couldn't remember how she was when she was a child.Hua Yueling was never as lively as the little guys when he was a child, but he was much quieter.

But now looking at the performance of the two little guys, Hua Yueling also likes it. Although she is very different from them, Hua Yueling still likes their character very much.

Many times Hua Yueling also hopes that she has the same personality as them, but how to put it, different people have different ideas.There are many times when Hua Yueling feels that she is fine now.

People are very entangled, especially Hua Yueling, he is constantly entangled, but most of the time he doesn't even know what he is entangled with.

This is just a waste of time, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart.The eyes fell on the two little guys. They didn't seem to have entered a haunted house at all. On the contrary, they seemed to have entered a happy paradise, jumping and jumping everywhere, really full of vitality.

The whole haunted house was quickly changed into another look, where is still a haunted house, it has become another place.Fortunately, there are no other people here, otherwise it is estimated that the two little guys will have to be convicted of influencing other people's play.

It does affect other people, but Hua Yueling and the others naturally have no problem.

When the group of people came out of the haunted house, the two little guys still had some ideas. They were playing very happily. Both of them were smiling and very happy.

"Go somewhere else in a while."

Hua Yueling bought them snacks and drinks, and the two little guys nodded vigorously as they ate. This time they played more happily than last time.Lorna and Teres are also completely let go. Last time they were somewhat worried that they would be found different in themselves, but this time they don't have to worry at all.

I took them to various places to play. Although Hua Yueling and the others only accompany these two little guys to play, their play is pretty good.

Hua Yueling has never been to an amusement park a few times, since he was little to most of them, he himself has no interest in this place, and his parents have never said to bring him here.So he really doesn't know much about the projects in the amusement park.

Lu Yuetong is the one who knows the amusement park best among the three of them.Mu Ningshuang couldn't be compared, and Mu Ningshuang hadn't been here a few times, and he didn't know much about it.

Hua Yueling feels that there are very few people like herself and Mu Ningshuang. In his impression, most people, mainly children, are still very interested in amusement park projects.

Hua Yueling didn't dare not be interested at all, he was still a little interested, it was just a matter of whether he came.He doesn't like to go out if there is nothing special, let alone come to play in such a place.

It's fine to go for a walk in the park in the morning, but he doesn't think it is necessary to come to the amusement park specifically.This is a question of ideas.

The two little guys were having fun, but Huayueling and the others still had to go home and leave at noon.They went back a little earlier, mainly thinking about cooking at noon. Sister Yun had been busy all morning and couldn't wait for her to come back to cook again, it would be too late.

I spent a few hours in the amusement park in the morning, and they played all the items that they could try in Hua Yueling.But once or twice is enough, the two little guys want to go back sooner later, they want to play games.

"The time is almost the same, we should go back."

Hua Yueling glanced at the time, and the time spent playing here was long enough.In fact, if you don't need to go back to prepare lunch, it's okay to continue to pretend to have fun, but because of this, he has to go back earlier, time is limited, so he has to prepare lunch before Sister Yun comes back.

After Hua Yueling said that he wanted to go back, the two little guys were the first to agree. They raised their little hands, and all cheered.It seems that playing here for a long time is a bit boring, and I want to go back and change my mind.

There was basically nothing to say on the way back. Hua Yueling and the others rode their bicycles for about half an hour before they returned home.

"Ningshuang, do you want to stay here for lunch?"

Hua Yueling asked them, she still had to ask, the two girls seemed to want to go home.

"We won't stay here and come back in the afternoon. It can be considered as if we haven't eaten at home for several days, the family will also say."

In fact, the two girls still want to stay, but think about it recently because they stayed in another world, so they did not stay at home for dinner.They still decided to go home for lunch at noon, anyway, they can come back in the afternoon, and it's not that they won't be able to come back.

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

Hua Yueling had bought all the vegetables. Since the two girls were going back, Hua Yueling still said to give them away.But it was stopped by two girls, and both girls said that he didn't need to send it.

Hua Yueling watched them leave by bike. When they disappeared, Hua Yueling took the two little guys home.

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