Stepping on the ice and snow, and finally reaching the highest point along the way, the man was tired and almost unable to stand up.She knelt on the ground, panting quickly.

The body was frozen almost into ice cubes, and he couldn't do strenuous activities at all.He can't stand up straight now, the power on his legs is almost exhausted, and there is no surplus. His hands stretched forward slowly but firmly, using the weapons in his hands to climb forward.

The weapon in his hand was inserted into the snow, into the cold and hard ground, there was no way to break the ground.At least with the power he currently possesses, it can't be done.

It might be possible if it were earlier, but it may be very small now.He even climbed forward by relying on willpower, relying on his firm belief, not relying on his own strength, strength is no longer enough to help him move forward.

Just like this, he moved forward, slower and slower, forcing himself to lift his head and look forward to the building with all his strength.He was very happy to be able to see the building getting closer and closer, but it was not enough for him. He had to get there, and it was not enough to get there, he had to recover.

He needs a rest, and there is such a sound in his mind that he needs a rest.This is true, no matter what kind of person it is, especially after such a long walk, a human being is not an iron man, even if he has enough strength, he is still a person, he is very tired.

But he can't rest here. He clearly understands that resting here is looking for death. Even if she doesn't rest here, she feels that she is about to freeze to death.

Not to mention what it will be like if you stop and stop your activities.There is absolutely no way for me to survive in this environment, if I really fall asleep in this environment.He is very clear about this.

So he can't fall asleep here anyway, falling asleep here is equivalent to death.But even if he doesn't fall asleep, he is not far from death now, but he is still holding on, he still believes that he can live.

In fact, it does not lie in whether he believes that he will survive, the most important thing for him is to achieve his goals.

As long as the goal can be achieved, nothing else matters.

Hua Yueling watched him climbing forward like that, and he also had some respect for him, he really could.Until now, I still insisted on not giving up, even if he was about to lose his vitality, his body was about to be frozen into ice.

Hua Yueling watched him all the way like this, although it was quite boring, she could only follow and wait like this, but there was no other way.If there is any other way, Huayueling will leave long ago.

In this way, he watched him slowly climb to the temple on the top of the mountain and climbed onto the stairs, his body squirming, just lying on the stairs.He had no reaction, even Hua Yueling couldn't even feel his breathing, as if he was already dead.

Hua Yueling carefully observed his appearance and found that he hadn't really died. In fact, he was just tired, unable to move in fatigue, and didn't want to move at all.Lying down and resting, Hua Yueling could hear his faint breathing. The breathing was so weak that he couldn't even hear it if he didn't listen carefully.

It is estimated that now he himself does not know whether he is still alive, he may think that he is dying, but in his heart he would never hope so.He hopes that he is still alive, and it is also telling himself that he is still alive and has not died, nor can he die!

The man is still insisting, he firmly believes that he can live, he can definitely live.It is absolutely impossible to die here, nor can it die here.

After lying down for about five or six minutes, the man had a reaction. He turned over with great difficulty, then grabbed forward with his hands, grabbed the white steps, and continued to climb up.It's almost there, he tells himself that, it's almost there.

Seeing to reach the goal, as long as you pass the steps you can reach the temple, which is only a few steps long at most.If he didn't think it was anything in the past, he would be able to reach the destination easily.

But now he is not in his usual state. He has no possibility to reach the target location as soon as possible, and can only pass in this extremely slow way.No one can help him, no one can help him.

Hua Yueling watched him climb to the entrance, climbed the entire stairs, and reached the destination. He really admired him. He really worked hard enough to do this kind of Chengdu quite well.

But even after arriving at the temple, Hua Yueling still didn't know what kind of use she had here.He didn't find anything worthy of his attention here.This is a very ordinary place, at least so far.

Nothing special here is worth noting, it feels like an ordinary temple.

"No, no, I think something is too simple."

Hua Yueling held that thought for a few minutes before suddenly realizing how naive her thoughts were.Is he affected, or is he a bit too arrogant?

Perhaps they have both, Hua Yueling quickly reminded herself to pay attention to her own thoughts, and not to be underestimated.Everyone knows this, but knowing is one thing, whether it can be done is another thing.

Many times people speak the same way, know a lot and say a lot, but not much can be done.This is the fact, Hua Yueling also knows this, but he also knows that it is more difficult for him to do this.

But he is also working hard, reminding himself constantly, to do this by himself.

Just like the person in front of them, they are working hard, even knowing that their efforts may be in vain and may not reach the final result, but no matter what, they are working hard.As long as you work hard, you have the possibility of reaching your goal, but if you don’t work hard, you should never want to succeed. The fact is like this. This is almost the law of the world.

Maybe Hua Yueling is not qualified to say these things now, but he thinks that is generally the case, don't think that this is a joke.It is almost impossible to see a person who has never worked hard succeed, no matter how lucky that person is, many novels are written in novels after all.

Hua Yueling watched this person climb to the top of the steps, and watched him fall there, really no longer reacting, and stopped there and no longer made any movements.

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